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論文 TSV

  1. Francisco Brown, Ivan Jacobo-Herrera, Victor Alvarez-Montaño, Noboru Kimizuka, Keiji Kurashina, Yuichi Michiue, Yoji Matsuo, Shigeo Mori, Naoshi Ikeda, Felipe Medrano. Phase relations in the pseudobinary systems RAO 3 -R 2 Ti 2 O 7 (R: rare earth element and Y, A: Fe, Ga, Al, Cr and Mn) and syntheses of new compounds R(A 1−x Ti x )O 3+x/2 (2/3≤x≤3/4) at elevated temperatures in air. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 251 (2017) 131-142 10.1016/j.jssc.2017.04.001
  1. Jun Kikkawa, Shohei Terada, Akira Gunji, Mitsutaka Haruta, Takuro Nagai, Keiji Kurashima, Koji Kimoto. Understanding Li-K edge structure and interband transitions in LixCoO2by electron energy-loss spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters. 104 [11] (2014) 114105 10.1063/1.4869225
  1. M. Haruta, T. Nagai, N. R. Lugg, M. J. Neish, M. Nagao, K. Kurashima, L. J. Allen, T. Mizoguchi, K. Kimoto. Atomic resolution chemical bond analysis of oxygen in La2CuO4. Journal of Applied Physics. 114 [8] (2013) 083712 10.1063/1.4819397
  2. Masanori Mitome, Shigemi Kohiki, Takuro Nagai, Keiji Kurashima, Koji Kimoto, Yoshio Bando. A Rhombic Dodecahedral Honeycomb Structure with Cation Vacancy Ordering in a γ-Ga2O3 Crystal. Crystal Growth & Design. 13 [8] (2013) 3577-3581 10.1021/cg400542x Open Access
  1. T. Nagai, M. Nagao, K. Kurashima, T. Asaka, W. Zhang, K. Kimoto. Formation of nanoscale magnetic bubbles in ferromagnetic insulating manganite La7/8Sr1/8MnO3. Applied Physics Letters. 101 [16] (2012) 162401 10.1063/1.4760266
  2. Koji Kimoto, Keiji Kurashima, Takuro Nagai, Megumi Ohwada, Kazuo Ishizuka. Assessment of lower-voltage TEM performance using 3D Fourier transform of through-focus series. Ultramicroscopy. 121 (2012) 31-37 10.1016/j.ultramic.2012.06.012
  3. M. Haruta, K. Kurashima, T. Nagai, H. Komatsu, Y. Shimakawa, H. Kurata, K. Kimoto. Visualization of hybridization states with atomic resolution using electron energy loss spectroscopy mapping. Applied Physics Letters. 100 [16] (2012) 163107 10.1063/1.4704558
  4. Santanu Karan, Sadaki Samitsu, Xinsheng Peng, Keiji Kurashima, Izumi Ichinose. Ultrafast Viscous Permeation of Organic Solvents Through Diamond-Like Carbon Nanosheets. Science. 335 [6067] (2012) 444-447 10.1126/science.1212101
  1. 佐藤 仁俊, Noriyuki Furukawa, 冷 永華, 李 継光, 倉嶋 敬次, Hidehiro Kamiya, 石垣 隆正. 針状鉄ナノ粒子の有機溶媒中における分散挙動. Journal of the Society of Powder Technology, Japan. 45 [11] (2008) 773-779 10.4164/sptj.45.773
  2. Tadashi C. Ozawa, Katsutoshi Fukuda, Kosho Akatsuka, Yasuo Ebina, Takayoshi Sasaki, Keiji Kurashima, Kosuke Kosuda. (K1.5Eu0.5)Ta3O10: A Far-red Luminescent Nanosheet Phosphor with the Double Perovskite Structure. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 112 [44] (2008) 17115-17120 10.1021/jp805545u
  3. Kenji Tamura, Hirohisa Yamada, Shingo Yokoyama, Keiji Kurashima. Regularly Interstratified Layered Silicate-Polymer Nanocomposite. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 91 [11] (2008) 3668-3672 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2008.02680.x
  4. TERAO, Takeshi, BANDO, Yoshio, MITOME, Masanori, KURASHIMA, Keiji, ZHI, Chunyi, TANG, Chengchun, GOLBERG, Dmitri. Effective Synthesis of surface-modified boron nitride nanotubes and related nanostructures and their hydrogen uptake. PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES. (2008) 2551-2555
  5. Tadashi C. Ozawa, Katsutoshi Fukuda, Kosho Akatsuka, Yasuo Ebina, Takayoshi Sasaki, Keiji Kurashima, Kosuke Kosuda. Eu0.56Ta2O7: A New Nanosheet Phosphor with the High Intrananosheet-Site Photoactivator Concentration. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 112 [5] (2008) 1312-1315 10.1021/jp711699c
  6. Sea-Hoon Lee, Shuqi Guo, Hidehiko Tanaka, Kenji Kurashima, Toshiyuki Nishimura, Yutaka Kagawa. Thermal decomposition, densification and mechanical properties of AlN-SiC(-TiB2) systems with and without B, B4C and C additives. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 28 [8] (2008) 1715-1722 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2007.11.012
  7. Motoyuki Iijima, Kimitoshi Sato, Keiji Kurashima, Takamasa Ishigaki, Hidehiro Kamiya. Low-temperature synthesis of redispersible iron oxide nanoparticles under atmospheric pressure and ultradense reagent concentration. Powder Technology. 181 [1] (2008) 45-50 10.1016/j.powtec.2007.06.019
  1. Masanori Mitome, Shigemi Kohiki, Yusuke Murakawa, Kyoko Hori, Keiji Kurashima, Yoshio Bando. Transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction study of short range ordering structure of α-LiFeO2. Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science. 60 [6] (2004) 698-704 10.1107/s0108768104023456
  2. Yoshiro Kaneko, Nobuo Iyi, Keiji Kurashima, Taki Matsumoto, Taketoshi Fujita, Kenji Kitamura. Hexagonal-structured polysiloxane material prepared by sol-gel reaction of aminoalkyltrialkoxysilane without using surfactants. Chemistry of Materials. 16 [18] (2004) 3417-3423 10.1021/cm0495212
  3. L. Z. Wang, Y. Ebina, K. Takada, K. Kurashima, T. Sasaki. A new mesoporous manganese oxide pillared with double layers of alumina. Advanced Materials. 16 [16] (2004) 1412-1416 10.1002/adma.200306562
  4. Izumi Ichinose, Keiji Kurashima, Toyoki Kunitake. Spontaneous Formation of Cadmium Hydroxide Nanostrands in Water. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 126 [23] (2004) 7162-7163 10.1021/ja049141h
  5. Song-Zhu Chu, Satoru Inoue, Kenji Wada, Keiji Kurashima. Fabrication and Structural Characteristics of Nanocrystalline Fe-Pt Thin Films and Fe-Pt Nanowir Arrays Embedded in Alumina Film. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 108 [18] (2004) 5582-5587 10.1021/jp0378642
  6. Hiroshi Nozaki, Mitsuko Onoda, Ken Yukino, Keiji Kurashima, Kousuke Kosuda, Hideyuki Maki, Shunichi Hishita. Epitaxial growth of Ag2S films on MgO(001). Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 177 [4-5] (2004) 1165-1172 10.1016/j.jssc.2003.10.027
  7. Masanori Mitome, Yoshio Bando, Dmitri Golberg, Keiji Kurashima, Yoshihiro Okura, Toshikatsu Kaneyama, Mikio Naruse, Yoshiaki Honda. Nano-analysis by a high resolution energy filtering transimission electron microscope. Microscopy Research and Technique. 63 [3] (2004) 140-148 10.1002/jemt.20025
  8. Shojiro Komatsu, Keiji Kurashima, Yoshiki Shimizu, Yusuke Moriyoshi, Masaharu Shiratani, Katsuyuki Okada. Condensation of sp3-bonded Boron Nitride through a Highly Nonequilibrium Fluid State. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 108 [1] (2004) 205-211 10.1021/jp0364452

書籍 TSV

会議録 TSV

  1. HARUTA, Mitsutaka, KURASHIMA, Keiji, NAGAI, Takuro, Hiroki Kurata, KIMOTO, Koji. Atomic resolution oxygen mapping discriminated by the differ-ences in hybridization state using STEM-EELS. Conference Proceedings APMC 10 / ICONN 2012 / ACMM 22,. (2012) 95-1-95-3
  2. M. Haruta, K. Kurashima, T. Nagai, K. Kimoto, H. Kurata. Visualization of Hybridization States with Atomic Resolution Using STEM-EELS. MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS SUPPLEMENT. (2012) 1032-1033 10.1017/s1431927612007015
  1. KATSUTA YOSHINOBU, YASUMORI Atsuo, WADA, Kenji, KURASHIMA, Keiji, SUEHARA, Shigeru, INOUE, Satoru. Three-Dimensionally Nanostructured Alumina Film on Glass Substrate. JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS. (2008) 451-455
  1. KOMATSU, Shojiro, KURASHIMA, Keiji, 清水禎樹, 守吉祐介, 白谷正治, OKADA, Katsuyuki. Condensation of sp3-bonded BN through highly-nonequilibrium fluid state. Proceedings of ICNDST-9. (2004)
  2. KOMATSU, Shojiro, KURASHIMA, Keiji, 清水禎樹, 守吉祐介, OKADA, Katsuyuki. Condensation of sp3-bonded BN through highly-nonequilibrium fluid state. Proceedings of International Workshop on Plasma Nano-Technology and Its future Vision. (2004)
  3. KOMATSU, Shojiro, KURASHIMA, Keiji, 清水禎樹, 守吉祐介, OKADA, Katsuyuki. Condensation of sp3-bonded BN through highly-nonequilibrium fluid state. Proceedings of SPP-21. (2004) 320-321

口頭発表 TSV

  1. 吉川 純, 寺田尚平, 軍司章, 長井 拓郎, 倉嶋 敬次, 木本 浩司. Quantitative Li mapping in LixCoO2 by electron energy-loss spectroscopy. NIMS Conference 2015. 2015
  2. 吉川 純, 寺田尚平, 軍司章, 長井 拓郎, 倉嶋 敬次, 木本 浩司. 過充電LiCoO2粒子表面のSTEM-EELS解析. 日本顕微鏡学会第71回学術講演会. 2015
  3. 吉川 純, 寺田尚平, 軍司章, 長井 拓郎, 倉嶋 敬次, 木本 浩司. Chemical analysis of LixCoO2 positive electrode Monochromated STEM-EELS . 共用・計測合同シンポジウム2015. 2015
  1. 三留 正則, 古曵重美, 長井 拓郎, 倉嶋 敬次, 木本 浩司, 板東 義雄. γ-Ga2O3結晶中の陽イオン空孔秩序配列と菱形十二面体グレインの成長. 18th International Microscopy Congress. 2014
  2. 治田 充貴, 長井 拓郎, N. R. Lugg, M. J. Neish, 長尾 全寛, 倉嶋 敬次, L. J. Allen, 溝口照康, 木本 浩司. La2CuO4の原子分解能電子状態分析. 18th International Microscopy Congress. 2014
  3. 吉川 純, 寺田尚平, 軍司章, 長井 拓郎, 倉嶋 敬次, 木本 浩司. (S)TEM-EELS法によるLixCoO2の電子構造とLi定量解析. 日本顕微鏡学会第70回記念学術講演会. 2014
  1. 吉川 純, 寺田尚平, 軍司章, 治田 充貴, 長井 拓郎, 倉嶋 敬次, 木本 浩司. TEM-EELS法によるリチウム定量分析の検討. 第54回電池討論会. 2013
  2. 治田 充貴, N. R. Lugg, M. Neish, S. Findlay, 長井 拓郎, 長尾 全寛, 倉嶋 敬次, L. J. Allen, 溝口照康, 木本 浩司. La2CuO4の原子分解能O K-ELNES 分析. 第29回 分析電子顕微鏡討論会. 2013
  3. 吉川 純, 寺田尚平, 軍司章, 治田 充貴, 長井 拓郎, 倉嶋 敬次, 木本 浩司. モノクロメータ搭載TEM-EELSによるLiCoO2の電子構造の研究. Enhanced Data Generated by Electrons. 2013
  4. 治田 充貴, Nathan R. Lugg, Melissa Neish, Scott Findlay, 長井 拓郎, 長尾 全寛, 倉嶋 敬次, 溝口照康, Les. J. Allen, 木本 浩司. Site-dependent core-hole effects of O K-ELNES in La2CuO4. International electron energy loss spectroscopy meeting. 2013
  1. 倉嶋 敬次. 共用透過型電子顕微鏡の運用を通して. 平成21年度 機器・分析技術研究会 実験・実習技術研究会. 2010

その他の文献 TSV

  1. KOMATSU, Shojiro, KURASHIMA, Keiji, 清水禎樹, 守吉祐介, OKADA, Katsuyuki. Condensation of sp3-bonded BN through highly-nonequilibrium fluid state. Proceedings of International Workshop on Plasma Nano-Technology and Its future Vision. (2004)
  2. KOMATSU, Shojiro, KURASHIMA, Keiji, 清水禎樹, 守吉祐介, OKADA, Katsuyuki. Condensation of sp3-bonded BN through highly-nonequilibrium fluid state. Proceedings of SPP-21. (2004) 320-321
  3. KOMATSU, Shojiro, KURASHIMA, Keiji, 清水禎樹, 守吉祐介, 白谷正治, OKADA, Katsuyuki. Condensation of sp3-bonded BN through highly-nonequilibrium fluid state. Proceedings of ICNDST-9. (2004)
