- Address
- 305-0044 茨城県つくば市並木1-1 [アクセス]
- Keywords
- 小川真, 平岡和雄, 片田康行, 相良雅之, 塚本進. 高窒素ステンレス鋼溶接熱影響部における窒化物析出挙動と耐食性-高窒素ステンレス鋼溶接継手特性に関する研究第2報-. 溶接学会論文集. (2001)
- 張学志, TSUKAMOTO, Susumu. Phase formation in undercooled Ni-Cr Alloys Part1. Acta Materialia. (1997)
- 塚本進, 入江宏定, 入江宏定. . Welding in the World. (1984)
- 塚本 進. 17・3 高エネルギービーム溶接. 鉄鋼便覧. , 2014, 287-290.
- S. Tsukamoto. Developments in CO 2 laser welding. Handbook of laser welding technologies. Elsevier, 2013, 17-46. 10.1533/9780857098771.1.17
- 塚本 進. レーザーで溶接 いかに欠陥を抑えるか. 超鉄鋼(分担執筆). , 2006, 197-210.
- ABE, Fujio, TABUCHI, Masaaki, TSUKAMOTO, Susumu. Alloy Design of Martensitic 9Cr-boron Steel for A-USC Boiler at 650 oC-Beyond Grades 91,92 and 122. Proceedings of International Conference on Energy Materials 2014. (2014) 129-136
- ABE, Fujio, Toshiaki Horiuchi, SAKURAYA, Kazuyuki, Shigeru Suzuki, TABUCHI, Masaaki, TSUKAMOTO, Susumu. Characterization of boron and mechanisms for boron effects in 9Cr steel for A-USC boilers at 650 oC. Proceeding of MPA Seminar. (2014) 57-71
- ABE, Fujio, TABUCHI, Masaaki, TSUKAMOTO, Susumu. Alloy design for suppression of Type IV fracture in 9Cr steel welds at 650 oC. Proc. 10th Liege Conference: Materials for Advanced Power Engineering 2014. (2014) 91-100
- 塚本進. レーザ溶接現象とキーホールの安定化. 第81回レーザ加工学会講演会. 2014 招待講演
- 源 聡, 塚本 進, 糟谷 正, 渡邊 誠, 出村 雅彦. Machine Learning Prediction Model of Continuous Cooling Transformation Diagram for steel HAZ. MRM2021 Materials Research Meeting. 2021
- 源 聡, 塚本 進, 糟谷正, 渡邊 誠, 出村 雅彦. 機械学習による溶接熱影響部の連続冷却変態図の予測. 日本金属学会 2021年秋期(第169回)講演大会. 2021
- 塚本 進. レーザ溶接現象とキーホールの安定化. レーザ加工学会論文集. (2014) 85-93
- ABE, Fujio, TABUCHI, Masaaki, TSUKAMOTO, Susumu, LIU, Yuan. Modeling and Suppression of Type IV Fracture in 9Cr Steel Welds. Proc. of NIMS - MPA - IfWD Workshop on Modelling and Simulation. (2013) 9999-1-9999-23
- LIU, Yuan, TSUKAMOTO, Susumu, SAWADA, Kota, TABUCHI, Masaaki, ABE, Fujio. Microstructure evolution of Ac3 HAZ simulated 9%Cr heat resistant steels . Proc of HT-CMC7. (2011) 1-10