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HOME > プロフィール > 川本 直幸

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論文 TSV

  1. Longquan Wang, Wenhao Zhang, Song Yi Back, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Duy Hieu Nguyen, Takao Mori. High-performance Mg3Sb2-based thermoelectrics with reduced structural disorder and microstructure evolution. Nature Communications. 15 [1] (2024) 6800 10.1038/s41467-024-51120-3 Open Access
  2. Hyunyong Cho, Song Yi Back, Naoki Sato, Zihang Liu, Weihong Gao, Longquan Wang, Hieu Duy Nguyen, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Takao Mori. Outstanding Room‐Temperature Thermoelectric Performance of n‐type Mg3Bi2‐Based Compounds Through Synergistically Combined Band Engineering Approaches. Advanced Functional Materials. 34 [44] (2024) 2407017-1-2407017-11 10.1002/adfm.202407017 Open Access
  3. 川本 直幸, グェン ユイ ヒウ. パルス化TEM内での極小熱電対を利用した熱輸送計測法. 顕微鏡. 59 [2] (2024) 88-92 10.11410/kenbikyo.59.2_88
  4. Illia Serhiienko, Andrei Novitskii, Fabian Garmroudi, Evgeny Kolesnikov, Evgenia Chernyshova, Tatyana Sviridova, Aleksei Bogach, Andrei Voronin, Hieu Duy Nguyen, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Ernst Bauer, Vladimir Khovaylo, Takao Mori. Record‐High Thermoelectric Performance in Al‐Doped ZnO via Anderson Localization of Band Edge States. Advanced Science. 11 [26] (2024) 2309291 10.1002/advs.202309291 Open Access
  5. Hieu Duy Nguyen, Isamu Yamada, Toshiyuki Nishimura, Hong Pang, Hyunyong Cho, Dai-Ming Tang, Jun Kikkawa, Masanori Mitome, Dmitri Golberg, Koji Kimoto, Takao Mori, Naoyuki Kawamoto. STEM in situ thermal wave observations for investigating thermal diffusivity in nanoscale materials and devices. Science Advances. 10 [2] (2024) eadj3825 10.1126/sciadv.adj3825 Open Access
  1. Dai-Ming Tang, Sergey V. Erohin, Dmitry G. Kvashnin, Victor A. Demin, Ovidiu Cretu, Song Jiang, Lili Zhang, Peng-Xiang Hou, Guohai Chen, Don N. Futaba, Yongjia Zheng, Rong Xiang, Xin Zhou, Feng-Chun Hsia, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Masanori Mitome, Yoshihiro Nemoto, Fumihiko Uesugi, Masaki Takeguchi, Shigeo Maruyama, Hui-Ming Cheng, Yoshio Bando, Chang Liu, Pavel B. Sorokin, Dmitri Golberg. Semiconductor nanochannels in metallic carbon nanotubes by thermomechanical chirality alteration. Science. 374 [6575] (2021) 1616-1620 10.1126/science.abi8884
  2. Zihang Liu, Naoki Sato, Weihong Gao, Kunio Yubuta, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Masanori Mitome, Keiji Kurashima, Yuka Owada, Kazuo Nagase, Chul-Ho Lee, Jangho Yi, Koichi Tsuchiya, Takao Mori. Demonstration of ultrahigh thermoelectric efficiency of ∼7.3% in Mg3Sb2/MgAgSb module for low-temperature energy harvesting. Joule. 5 [5] (2021) 1196-1208 10.1016/j.joule.2021.03.017 Open Access
  1. Yohei Kakefuda, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Masanori Mitome, Isamu Yamada, Takao Mori, Dmitri Golberg. Development of Nanoscale Thermocouple Probes for Local Thermal Measurements. e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology. 17 [0] (2019) 102-107 10.1380/ejssnt.2019.102 Open Access
  2. Naoyuki Kawamoto, Hiroyuki Ono, Yasuhiro Terasaki, Yoshinori Fujikawa, Yasukazu Murakami, Daisuke Shindo. In-Situ Electric Field Observation of Small Precipitates in BaTiO3 Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors. MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS. 60 [10] (2019) 2109-2113 10.2320/matertrans.mi201902
  3. 川本 直幸, 掛札 洋平, 山田 勇, 三留 正則, 板東 義雄, 森 孝雄, ゴルバーグ デミトリ. 微小熱電対によるSTEM内ナノスケール熱伝導評価. Netsu Sokutei. (2019) 202-209
  4. B. Hinterleitner, I. Knapp, M. Poneder, Yongpeng Shi, H. Müller, G. Eguchi, C. Eisenmenger-Sittner, M. Stöger-Pollach, Y. Kakefuda, N. Kawamoto, Q. Guo, T. Baba, T. Mori, Sami Ullah, Xing-Qiu Chen, E. Bauer. Thermoelectric performance of a metastable thin-film Heusler alloy. Nature. 576 [7785] (2019) 85-90 10.1038/s41586-019-1751-9
  5. T Mori, T Aizawa, S Mitani, N Tsujii, I Ohkubo, T Tynell, Y Kakefuda, T Baba, M Mitome, N Kawamoto, D Golberg. Development of thermoelectric thin films and characterization methods. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1407 (2019) 012055 10.1088/1742-6596/1407/1/012055 Open Access
  6. Florent Pawula, Ramzy Daou, Sylvie Hébert, Oleg Lebedev, Antoine Maignan, Alaska Subedi, Yohei Kakefuda, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Tetsuya Baba, Takao Mori. Anisotropic thermal transport in magnetic intercalates FexTiS2. Physical Review B. 99 [8] (2019) 085422 10.1103/physrevb.99.085422
  1. Marek Piotrowski, Miguel Franco, Viviana Sousa, José Rodrigues, Francis Leonard Deepak, Yohei Kakefuda, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Tetsuya Baba, Bryan Owens-Baird, Pedro Alpuim, Kirill Kovnir, Takao Mori, Yury V. Kolen’ko. Probing of Thermal Transport in 50 nm Thick PbTe Nanocrystal Films by Time-Domain Thermoreflectance. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 122 [48] (2018) 27127-27134 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b04104
  2. Dai-Ming Tang, Dmitry G. Kvashnin, Ovidiu Cretu, Yoshihiro Nemoto, Fumihiko Uesugi, Masaki Takeguchi, Xin Zhou, Feng-Chun Hsia, Chang Liu, Pavel B. Sorokin, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Masanori Mitome, Hui-Ming Cheng, Dmitri Golberg, Yoshio Bando. Chirality transitions and transport properties of individual few-walled carbon nanotubes as revealed by in situ TEM probing. Ultramicroscopy. 194 (2018) 108-116 10.1016/j.ultramic.2018.07.012
  3. Naoyuki Kawamoto, Yohei Kakefuda, Isamu Yamada, Jianjun Yuan, Kotone Hasegawa, Koji Kimoto, Toru Hara, Masanori Mitome, Yoshio Bando, Takao Mori, Dmitri Golberg. Visualizing nanoscale heat pathways. Nano Energy. 52 (2018) 323-328 10.1016/j.nanoen.2018.08.002 Open Access
  4. Gabin Guélou, Maya Martirossyan, Kazuo Ogata, Isao Ohkubo, Yohei Kakefuda, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Yuuki Kitagawa, Jumpei Ueda, Setsuhisa Tanabe, Kazuhiko Maeda, Katsumitsu Nakamura, Takashi Aizawa, Takao Mori. Rapid deposition and thermoelectric properties of ytterbium boride thin films using hybrid physical chemical vapor deposition. Materialia. 1 (2018) 244-248 10.1016/j.mtla.2018.06.003
  1. Yohei Kakefuda, Kunio Yubuta, Toetsu Shishido, Akira Yoshikawa, Shigeru Okada, Hiraku Ogino, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Tetsuya Baba, Takao Mori. Thermal conductivity of PrRh4.8B2, a layered boride compound. APL Materials. 5 [12] (2017) 126103 10.1063/1.5005869 Open Access
  1. Yusuke Ide, Fei Liu, Jun Zhang, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Kenji Komaguchi, Yoshio Bando, Dmitri Golberg. Hybridization of Au nanoparticle-loaded TiO2 with BN nanosheets for efficient solar-driven photocatalysis. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2 [12] (2014) 4150 10.1039/c3ta13769d
  1. C. Nethravathi, A. Anto Jeffery, Michael Rajamathi, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Reshef Tenne, Dmitri Golberg, Yoshio Bando. Chemical Unzipping of WS2 Nanotubes. ACS Nano. 7 [8] (2013) 7311-7317 10.1021/nn4029635
  2. Yusuke Ide, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Yoshio Bando, Hideya Hattori, Masahiro Sadakane, Tsuneji Sano. Ternary modified TiO2 as a simple and efficient photocatalyst for green organic synthesis. Chemical Communications. 49 [35] (2013) 3652 10.1039/c3cc41174e
  3. Dai-Ming Tang, Xianlong Wei, Ming-Sheng Wang, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Yoshio Bando, Chunyi Zhi, Masanori Mitome, Alla Zak, Reshef Tenne, Dmitri Golberg. Revealing the Anomalous Tensile Properties of WS2 Nanotubes by in Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy. Nano Letters. 13 [3] (2013) 1034-1040 10.1021/nl304244h
  4. Naoyuki Kawamoto, Dai-Ming Tang, Xianlong Wei, Xi Wang, Masanori Mitome, Yoshio Bando, Dmitri Golberg. Transmission electron microscope as an ultimate tool for nanomaterial property studies. Microscopy. 62 [1] (2013) 157-175 10.1093/jmicro/dfs078
  1. Dai-Ming Tang, Cui-Lan Ren, Ming-Sheng Wang, Xianlong Wei, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Chang Liu, Yoshio Bando, Masanori Mitome, Naoki Fukata, Dmitri Golberg. Mechanical Properties of Si Nanowires as Revealed by in Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Nano Letters. 12 [4] (2012) 1898-1904 10.1021/nl204282y
  2. Keita Kurosu, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Yasukazu Murakami, Daisuke Shindo. TEM Study of Local Conduction Mechanisms in Model Specimens of Ag-Based Conductive Adhesive. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology. 2 [2] (2012) 294-299 10.1109/tcpmt.2011.2176734
  3. Dmitri Golberg, Pedro M.F.J. Costa, Ming-Sheng Wang, Xianlong Wei, Dai-Ming Tang, Zhi Xu, Yang Huang, Ujjal K. Gautam, Baodan Liu, Haibo Zeng, Naoyki Kawamoto, Chunyi Zhi, Masanori Mitome, Yoshio Bando. Nanomaterial Engineering and Property Studies in a Transmission Electron Microscope. Advanced Materials. 24 [2] (2012) 177-194 10.1002/adma.201102579
  1. Naoyuki Kawamoto, Ming-Sheng Wang, Xianlong Wei, Dai-Ming Tang, Yasukazu Murakami, Daisuke Shindo, Masanori Mitome, Dmitri Golberg. Local temperature measurements on nanoscale materials using a movable nanothermocouple assembled in a transmission electron microscope. Nanotechnology. 22 [48] (2011) 485707 10.1088/0957-4484/22/48/485707
  2. Laure Bourgeois, Timothy Williams, Masanori Mitome, Richard Derrien, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Dmitri Golberg, Yoshio Bando. Origin of Coproduced Boron Nitride and Carbon Helical Conical Fibers. Crystal Growth & Design. 11 [7] (2011) 3141-3148 10.1021/cg200397z
  1. Naoyuki Kawamoto, Yasukazu Murakami, Daisuke Shindo, Yuichiro Hayasaka, Takeshi Kan, Katsuaki Suganuma. Transmission Electron Microscopy Study on Microstructure of Ag-Based Conductive Adhesives. MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS. 51 [10] (2010) 1773-1778 10.2320/matertrans.mj201022
  1. 川本 直幸, 村上恭和, 進藤大輔. 2探針ピエゾ駆動ホルダーを活用した局所領域の精密抵抗測定. まてりあ. 48 [12] (2009) 618
  2. N. Kawamoto, Y. Murakami, D. Shindo, H. Azehara, H. Tokumoto. Precise resistivity measurement of submicrometer-sized materials by using TEM with microprobes. MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS. 50 [6] (2009) 1572-1575 10.2320/matertrans.m2009031

書籍 TSV

  1. 川本 直幸, 村上恭和, 進藤大輔. 第5章ペーストの評価 第1節ペーストの導電性評価. スクリーン印刷のペースト設計と印刷条件最適化. , 2012, 249-257.

会議録 TSV

  1. GOLBERG, Dmitri, WEI, Xianlong, Mingsheng Wang, Pedro M.F.J. Costa, TANG, Daiming, Zhi Xu, KAWAMOTO, Naoyuki, Ujjal K. Gautam, ZHI, Chunyi, MITOME, Masanori, BANDO, Yoshio. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy as a tool for nanomaterial property studies. Proceedings of APMC10-ICONN2012-ACMM22. (2012) 143-144

口頭発表 TSV

  1. 川本 直幸, 掛札 洋平, 山田 勇, 畠山 達彦, 三留 正則, 森 孝雄, ゴルバーグ デミトリ. 幅広い温度でのSTAM計測に向けた測温探針TEMホルダー. 日本顕微鏡学会第76回学術講演会 2020
  2. 川本 直幸, 掛札 洋平, 山田 勇, 辻井 直人, 三留 正則, 板東 義雄, 森 孝雄, ゴルバーグ デミトリ. Development of STEM-Based Thermal Analytical Microscopy. The 13th MANA International Symposium 2020. 2020
  1. 川本 直幸. STEM内微小熱電対を用いたナノスケール熱分析顕微鏡法の開発. 日本顕微鏡学会第75回学術講演会. 2019
  2. SATO, Naoki, ガン ペイセ, S.N. Vijayaraghavan, KAKEFUDA, Yohei, KAWAMOTO, Naoyuki, TSUJII, Naohito, MORI, Takao. Phonon transport analysis and microstructure control of Chalcopyrite CuFeS2. The 2019 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS). 2019
  3. 佐藤 直大, ガン ペイセ, S.N. Vijayaraghavan, 掛札 洋平, 川本 直幸, 辻井 直人, 森 孝雄. カルコパイライトCuFeS2のフォノン輸送解析と微細構造制御. 第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会. 2019
  4. SATO, Naoki, Pei Se Gan, S.N. Vijayaraghavan, KAKEFUDA, Yohei, KAWAMOTO, Naoyuki, TSUJII, Naohito, MORI, Takao. Phonon transport analysis and microstructure control of Chalcopyrite CuFeS2. MANA International Symposium 2019. 2019
  1. MORI, Takao, AIZAWA, Takashi, MITANI, Seiji, TSUJII, Naohito, OHKUBO, Isao, TYNELLTommi Paavo, KAKEFUDA, Yohei, BABA, Tetsuya, MITOME, Masanori, KAWAMOTO, Naoyuki, GOLBERG, Dmitri. Development of thermoelectric thin films and characterization methods. POWERMEMS2018. 2018
  2. KAWAMOTO, Naoyuki, 山田 勇, KAKEFUDA, Yohei, TSUJII, Naohito, MORI, Takao, MITOME, Masanori, BANDO, Yoshio, GOLBERG, Dmitri. Development of STEM-based thermal analytical microscopy for nanoscale thermal conductivity analysis. The 3rd Asian Conference on Thermoelectrics (ACT3) & The 5th Micro & Nanoscale Heat Transfer and Energy Workshop (MNHTE2018). 2018
  3. 川本直幸, 掛札洋平, 山田勇, 三留正則, 辻井直人, 板東義雄, 森孝雄, DmitriGOLBERG. STEMによる熱分析顕微鏡法. 19th International Microscopy Congress 2018 (IMC19). 2018
  4. 掛札 洋平, 湯葢 邦夫, 宍戸 統悦, 吉川 彰, 岡田 繁, 荻野 拓, 川本 直幸, 馬場 哲也, 森 孝雄. ピコ秒サーモリフレクタンス法によるボライド化合物PrRh4.8B2の熱伝導率測定. IUMRS-ICEM 2018. 2018
  5. KAWAMOTO, Naoyuki, KAKEFUDA, Yohei, YAMADA, Isamu, TSUJII, Naohito, MITOME, Masanori, BANDO, Yoshio, MORI, Takao, GOLBERG, Dmitri. Nanoscale thermal conductivity analysis of chalcopyrite thin films by STEM-based thermal analytical microscopy. 37th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT2018) & 16th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT2018) . 2018
  6. MORI, Takao, KAKEFUDA, Yohei, KAWAMOTO, Naoyuki, 神津薫, 山崎努, 岡田繁, Yuri Grin, 宍戸統悦, 吉川彰, 湯葢邦夫. Magnetic Properties and Thermal Conductivity of Layered Borides. SCTE2018 (21st International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements). 2018 招待講演
  7. 掛札 洋平, 湯葢 邦夫, 宍戸 統悦, 岡田 繁, 川本 直幸, 森 孝雄, 馬場 哲也. ボライド化合物PrRh4.8B2の熱伝導率測定. 第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会. 2018
  8. 掛札 洋平, 川本 直幸, 山田 勇, 森 孝雄, 三留 正則, 板東 義雄, ゴルバーグ デミトリ. 熱測定のための熱電対ナノプローブの作製. MANA International Symposium 2018. 2018
  1. 掛札 洋平, 川本 直幸, 山田 勇, 馬場 哲也, Florent Pawula, Ramzy Daou, Sylvie Hébert, Antoine Maignan, 三留 正則, 板東 義雄, 森 孝雄, ゴルバーグ デミトリ. In-situ TEM nanoscale thermal and picosecond thermoreflectance measurements. Workshop on Advanced Materials and Principles to Develop Viable. 2017
  2. 相澤 俊, 大久保 勇男, 尾形 和雄, 掛札 洋平, 川本 直幸, 中村勝光, 森 孝雄. CVD Fabrication of Yb Boride Thin Films. IUMRS-ICAM 2017. 2017
  3. 掛札 洋平, 馬場 哲也, 川本 直幸, Florent Pawula, Ramzy Daou, Sylvie Hébert, Antoine Maignan, 三留 正則, 森 孝雄, ゴルバーグ デミトリ. Microscopic thermal conductivity analysis of two-dimensional FexTiS2 single crystals. IUMRS-ICAM 2017. 2017
  4. 川本 直幸, 掛札 洋平, 山田 勇, 辻井 直人, 板東 義雄, 森 孝雄, ゴルバーグ デミトリ. STEM内ナノ熱電対によるCuFeS2熱電材料におけるナノ熱輸送分析. Microscopy Conference 2017. 2017
  5. 川本 直幸, 掛札 洋平, 山田 勇, 辻井 直人, 三留 正則, 板東 義雄, 森 孝雄, ゴルバーグ デミトリ. TEM内ナノスケール熱伝導計測法の開発. The 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Inorganic Materials . 2017
  6. 掛札 洋平, 川本 直幸, 山田 勇, 森 孝雄, 三留 正則, 板東 義雄, ゴルバーグ デミトリ. 熱分析のためのナノスケール熱電対の作製. The 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Inorganic Materials . 2017
  7. 川本 直幸, 掛札 洋平, 山田 勇, 辻井 直人, 森 孝雄, 三留 正則, ゴルバーグ デミトリ, 板東 義雄. STEM内微小熱電対を利用した熱電材料CuFeS2における熱伝導解析. 日本顕微鏡学会第73回学術講演会. 2017
  8. 掛札 洋平, 馬場 哲也, 川本 直幸, パウラ フローラン, ダウ ラムジー, へバート シルヴィ, 森 孝雄. 層間化合物FexTiS2単結晶の局所熱伝導率の評価. 第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会. 2017
  1. 川本 直幸, ワン ミンスン, 村上恭和, 進藤大輔, ゴルバーグ デミトリ, 板東 義雄. 微小探針を用いたTEM 内局所温度計測の試み. 日本金属学会2011年春期(第148回)大会. 2011
  2. 川本 直幸, 村上恭和, 進藤大輔. 電子顕微鏡法を利用した導電性Agペーストの微細構造評価と電場観察. 第124回継電器・コンタクトテクノロジ研究会. 2011 招待講演
  1. 川本 直幸, ワン ミンスン, 村上恭和, 進藤大輔, ゴルバーグ デミトリ, 板東 義雄. ナノ熱電対の開発によるTEM内局所温度計測. The 9th Japan-France workshop on Nanomaterials. 2010
  2. 進藤大輔, 川本 直幸, 村上恭和. 多機能TEM試料ホルダーの開発と電場評価への応用. 17th International Microscopy Congress (IMC17). 2010
  1. 黒須慶太, 川本 直幸, 村上恭和, 進藤大輔, 菅武. Agペーストモデル試料を用いた通電過程のその場TEM観察. 2009年秋期大会(第145回)大会. 2009
  2. 黒須慶太, 川本 直幸, 村上恭和, 進藤大輔, 菅武. TEMと微小探針を用いたエポキシ樹脂の絶縁破壊のその場観察. 日本金属学会第144回大会. 2009
  3. 川本 直幸, 村上恭和, 進藤大輔. シミュレーションによる導電性Agペーストの電位分布評価. 日本金属学会第144回大会. 2009

その他の文献 TSV

  1. GOLBERG, Dmitri, WEI, Xianlong, Mingsheng Wang, Pedro M.F.J. Costa, TANG, Daiming, Zhi Xu, KAWAMOTO, Naoyuki, Ujjal K. Gautam, ZHI, Chunyi, MITOME, Masanori, BANDO, Yoshio. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy as a tool for nanomaterial property studies. Proceedings of APMC10-ICONN2012-ACMM22. (2012) 143-144
