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論文 TSV
- Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia, Yuhei Ogawa, Akinobu Shibata. Hydrogen-enhanced microbanding in an austenitic FeMnAlC low-density steel: Effect on hydrogen embrittlement resistance. Acta Materialia. 280 (2024) 120335 10.1016/j.actamat.2024.120335 Open Access
- Xiaodong Lan, Kazuho Okada, Ivan Gutierrrez-Urrutia, Akinobu Shibata. Quantitative analysis of local plasticity accompanying hydrogen-related fracture in low-carbon martensitic steel. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 50 (2024) 333-341 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.10.273 Open Access
- Akinobu Shibata, Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia, Akiko Nakamura, Taku Moronaga, Kazuho Okada, Yazid Madi, Jacques Besson, Toru Hara. Local crack arrestability and deformation microstructure evolution of hydrogen-related fracture in martensitic steel. Corrosion Science. 233 (2024) 112092 10.1016/j.corsci.2024.112092 Open Access
- Akinobu Shibata, Yazid Madi, Jacques Besson, Akiko Nakamura, Taku Moronaga, Kazuho Okada, Ivan Gutierrez-urrutia, Toru Hara. Relationship between Three-dimensional Crack Morphology and Macroscopic Mechanical Properties of Hydrogen-related Fracture in Martensitic Steel. ISIJ International. 64 [4] (2024) ISIJINT-2023-316 10.2355/isijinternational.isijint-2023-316 Open Access
- Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia, Akinobu Shibata. Effect of deformation temperature on strain localization phenomena in an austenitic Fe-30Mn-6.5Al-0.3C low-density steel. Acta Materialia. 264 (2024) 119566 10.1016/j.actamat.2023.119566 Open Access
- Akinobu Shibata, Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia, Akiko Nakamura, Kazuho Okada, Goro Miyamoto, Yazid Madi, Jacques Besson, Toru Hara, Kaneaki Tsuzaki. Three-dimensional propagation behavior of hydrogen-related intergranular cracks in high-strength martensitic steel. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 48 [88] (2023) 34565-34574 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.05.211 Open Access
- Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia, Akinobu Shibata. Influence of microscope settings on dislocation imaging in transmission forescattered electron imaging (t-FSEI). Materials Characterization. 203 (2023) 113147 10.1016/j.matchar.2023.113147
- Akinobu Shibata, Goro Miyamoto, Shigekazu Morito, Akiko Nakamura, Taku Moronaga, Houichi Kitano, Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia, Toru Hara, Kaneaki Tsuzaki. Substructure and crystallography of lath martensite in as-quenched interstitial-free steel and low-carbon steel. Acta Materialia. 246 (2023) 118675 10.1016/j.actamat.2023.118675 Open Access
- Akinobu Shibata, Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia, Akiko Nakamura, Goro Miyamoto, Yazid Madi, Jacques Besson, Toru Hara, Kaneaki Tsuzaki. Multi-scale three-dimensional analysis on local arrestability of intergranular crack in high-strength martensitic steel. Acta Materialia. 234 (2022) 118053 10.1016/j.actamat.2022.118053 Open Access
- I. Gutierrez-Urrutia, A. Shibata, K. Tsuzaki. Microstructural study of microbands in a Fe-30Mn-6.5Al-0.3C low-density steel deformed at cryogenic temperature by combined electron channeling contrast imaging and electron backscatter diffraction. Acta Materialia. 233 (2022) 117980 10.1016/j.actamat.2022.117980
- Akinobu Shibata, Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia, Kazuho Okada, Goro Miyamoto, Yazid Madi, Jacques Besson, Kaneaki Tsuzaki. Relationship between mechanical response and microscopic crack propagation behavior of hydrogen-related intergranular fracture in as-quenched martensitic steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 831 (2022) 142288 10.1016/j.msea.2021.142288
- Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia. Low Density Fe–Mn–Al–C Steels: Phase Structures, Mechanisms and Properties. ISIJ International. 61 [1] (2021) 16-25 10.2355/isijinternational.isijint-2020-467 Open Access
- Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia. Analysis of Electron Channeling Contrast of Stacking Faults in fcc Materials. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 27 [2] (2021) 318-325 10.1017/s1431927620024952
- Eralp Demir, Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia. Investigation of strain hardening near grain boundaries of an aluminum oligocrystal: Experiments and crystal based finite element method. International Journal of Plasticity. 136 (2021) 102898 10.1016/j.ijplas.2020.102898
- Xin Ji, Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia, Satoshi Emura, Tianwei Liu, Toru Hara, Xiaohua Min, Dehai Ping, Koichi Tsuchiya. Twinning behavior of orthorhombic-α” martensite in a Ti-7.5Mo alloy. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 20 [1] (2019) 401-411 10.1080/14686996.2019.1600201 Open Access
- Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia. Quantitative analysis of electron channeling contrast of dislocations. Ultramicroscopy. 206 (2019) 112826 10.1016/j.ultramic.2019.112826
- Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia, Cheng-Lin Li, Xin Ji, Satoshi Emura, Koichi Tsuchiya. Quantitative analysis of {332}〈113〉 twinning in a Ti-15Mo alloy by in situ scanning electron microscopy. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 19 [1] (2018) 474-483 10.1080/14686996.2018.1475824 Open Access
- Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia, Cheng-Lin Li, Koichi Tsuchiya. {332}<113> detwinning in a multilayered bcc-Ti–10Mo–Fe alloy. Journal of Materials Science. 52 [13] (2017) 7858-7867 10.1007/s10853-017-1032-7
- IVAN GUTIERREZ-URRUTIA. Analysis of FIB-induced damage by electron channelling contrast imaging in the SEM. Journal of Microscopy. 265 [1] (2017) 51-59 10.1111/jmi.12462
- Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia. Analysis of dislocation configurations in a [0 0 1] fcc single crystal by electron channeling contrast imaging in the SEM. Microscopy. (2016) 10.1093/jmicro/dfw099
- Fabrício Mendes Souza, Angelo Fernando Padilha, Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia, Dierk Raabe. Microstructural analysis in the Fe-30.5Mn-8.0Al-1.2C and Fe-30.5Mn-2.1Al-1.2C steels upon cold rolling. Rem: Revista Escola de Minas. 69 [2] (2016) 167-173 10.1590/0370-44672015690097 Open Access
- Dierk Raabe, Franz Roters, Jörg Neugebauer, Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia, Tilmann Hickel, Wolfgang Bleck, Jochen M. Schneider, James E. Wittig, Joachim Mayer. Ab initio-guided design of twinning-induced plasticity steels. MRS Bulletin. 41 [04] (2016) 320-325 10.1557/mrs.2016.63
- Fabrício Mendes Souza, Angelo Fernando Padilha, Ivan Gutierrez-Urruti, Dierk Raabe. Texture evolution in the Fe-30.5Mn-8.0Al-1.2C and Fe-30.5Mn-2.1Al-1.2C steels upon cold rolling. Rem: Revista Escola de Minas. 69 [1] (2016) 59-65 10.1590/0370-44672015690122 Open Access
- Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia, Cheng-Lin Li, Satoshi Emura, Xiaohua Min, Koichi Tsuchiya. Study of {332}<113> twinning in a multilayered Ti-10Mo-xFe (x = 1–3) alloy by ECCI and EBSD. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 17 [1] (2016) 220-228 10.1080/14686996.2016.1177439 Open Access
- Iván Gutierrez-Urrutia, Fady Archie, Dierk Raabe, Feng-Kai Yan, Nai-Rong Tao, Ke Lu. Plastic accommodation at homophase interfaces between nanotwinned and recrystallized grains in an austenitic duplex-microstructured steel. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 17 [1] (2016) 29-36 10.1080/14686996.2016.1140302 Open Access
- M. Herbig, M. Kuzmina, C. Haase, R.K.W. Marceau, I. Gutierrez-Urrutia, D. Haley, D.A. Molodov, P. Choi, D. Raabe. Grain boundary segregation in Fe–Mn–C twinning-induced plasticity steels studied by correlative electron backscatter diffraction and atom probe tomography. Acta Materialia. 83 (2015) 37-47 10.1016/j.actamat.2014.09.041
- Y.H. Wen, H.B. Peng, D. Raabe, I. Gutierrez-Urrutia, J. Chen, Y.Y. Du. Large recovery strain in Fe-Mn-Si-based shape memory steels obtained by engineering annealing twin boundaries. Nature Communications. 5 [1] (2014) 4964 10.1038/ncomms5964
会議録 TSV
- Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia, Cheng Lin Li, Xin Ji, Satoshi Emura, Koichi Tsuchiya. Twinning and Detwinning Mechanisms in Beta-Ti Alloys. MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM. (2018) 821-826 10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.941.821
- I Gutierrez-Urrutia, C-L Li, S Emura, K Tsuchiya. Twinning and detwinning mechanisms in a BCC Ti Mo-Fe multilayered alloy. IOP CONFERENCE SERIES:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. (2017) 012042-1-012042-7 10.1088/1757-899x/219/1/012042
口頭発表 TSV
- SHIBATA, Akinobu, GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, 中村 晶子, MORONAGA, Taku, OKADA, Kazuho, Yazid Madi, Jacques Besson, HARA, Toru. Local crack arrestability of hydrogen-related fracture in high-strength martensitic steel. The 7th International Symposium on Steel Science 2024 (ISSS). 2024 招待講演
- 柴田 曉伸, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 中村 晶子, 諸永 拓, 岡田 和歩, 原 徹. マルテンサイト鋼における水素脆性破壊のマルチスケール解析. 日本金属学会2024年秋期(第175回)講演大会. 2024 招待講演
- GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, OGAWA, Yuhei, SHIBATA, Akinobu. Hydrogen-induced strain localization phenomena in an austenitic FeMnAlC low-density steel. The 188th ISIJ Autumn Meeting. 2024
- 柴田 曉伸, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 中村 晶子, 諸永 拓, 岡田 和歩, 原 徹. マルテンサイト鋼の水素脆性き裂伝播挙動. 日本鉄鋼協会 第188回秋季講演大会. 2024
- SHIBATA, Akinobu, GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, 中村 晶子, MORONAGA, Taku, OKADA, Kazuho, Yazid Madi, Jacques Besson, HARA, Toru. Local crack arrestablity of hydrogen-related intergranular fracture in as-quenched martensitic steel. European Conference on Fracture 2024. 2024 招待講演
- GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, SHIBATA, Akinobu. Strain localization phenomena in austenitic FeMnAlC low-density steels: Mechanism and contribution to plasticity. 20TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TEXTURES OF MATERIALS. 2024
- SHIBATA, Akinobu, 中村 晶子, MORONAGA, Taku, GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, OKADA, Kazuho, Yazid Madi, Jacques Besson, HARA, Toru. Three-dimensional crack propagation behavior and deformation microstructure evolution of hydrogen-related fracture in martensitic steel. 3rd International Symposium on the Recent Developments in Plate Steels. 2024
- グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 小川 祐平, 柴田 曉伸. Influence of hydrogen on the dislocation structure of an austenitic FeMnAlC low-density steel. The 187th ISIJ Spring Meeting. 2024
- 柴田 曉伸, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 中村 晶子, 諸永 拓, 岡田 和歩, 原 徹. 高強度マルテンサイト鋼における水素脆性粒界破壊のマルチスケール解析. 日本鉄鋼協会 第187回春季講演大会. 2024
- LAN, Xiaodong, OKADA, Kazuho, GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, SHIBATA, Akinobu. Effect of prior austenite grain size on hydrogen embrittlement behavior in high-strength martensitic steel. 日本鉄鋼協会2024年春季(第187回)講演大会. 2024
- SHIBATA, Akinobu, GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, 中村 晶子, MORONAGA, Taku, OKADA, Kazuho, HARA, Toru. Three-dimensional analysis on hydrogen-related fracture in high-strength martensitic steel. MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA2023 . 2023 招待講演
- SHIBATA, Akinobu, 宮本 吾郎, 森戸 茂一, 中村 晶子, MORONAGA, Taku, KITANO, Houichi, GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, HARA, Toru, TSUZAKI, Kaneaki. Substructure and crystallographic features of as-quenched lath martensitic steels. MS&T23. 2023 招待講演
- 柴田 曉伸, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 中村 晶子, 諸永 拓, 岡田 和歩, 原 徹. 高強度マルテンサイト鋼の水素脆性粒界クラック. 日本機械学会 M&M2023 材料力学カンファレンス. 2023 招待講演
- LAN, Xiaodong, OKADA, Kazuho, GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, SHIBATA, Akinobu. Strain localization and hydrogen-related fracture in martensitic steels investigated by combined digital image correlation and electron backscatter diffraction. 2023 International Hydrogen Conference. 2023
- SHIBATA, Akinobu, GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, 中村 晶子, MORONAGA, Taku, OKADA, Kazuho, Yazid Madi, Jacques Besson, HARA, Toru. Three-dimensional crack propagation behavior in hydrogen-related fracture of high-strength martensitic steel. International Hydrogen Conference. 2023
- GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, SHIBATA, Akinobu, TSUZAKI, Kaneaki. Deformation behavior of austenitic Fe-Mn-xAl-yC low density-steels at cryogenic temperatures. FEMS EUROMAT 2023. 2023
- GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, SHIBATA, Akinobu. Characterization of plasticity in steels by Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging (ECCI) and Transmission Forescattered Electron Imaging (t-FSEI). FEMS EUROMAT 2023. 2023
- GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, OKADA, Kazuho, SHIBATA, Akinobu. 3D Reconstruction of steel microstructures by 3D Laboratory Diffraction Contrast Tomography (Lab-DCT). 日本鉄鋼協会 第185回春季講演大会. 2023
- 柴田 曉伸, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 中村 晶子, 諸永 拓, 岡田 和歩, 原 徹. マルテンサイト鋼の水素脆性クラック伝播に伴う変形下部組織発達. 日本鉄鋼協会 第185回春季講演大会. 2023 招待講演
- GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, SHIBATA, Akinobu, TSUZAKI, Kaneaki. Characterization of stacking faults in an austenitic stainless steel 316L by the electron channeling contrast imaging (ECCI) technique . 日本鉄鋼協会 2022年秋季(第184回)講演大会. 2022
- LAN, Xiaodong, OKADA, Kazuho, GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, SHIBATA, Akinobu. Quantitative analysis of local plasticity accompanying hydrogen-related fracture in martensitic steel. 日本鉄鋼協会 2022年秋季(第184回)講演大会. 2022
- 柴田 曉伸, 宮本 吾郎, 森戸 茂一, 中村 晶子, 諸永 拓, 北野 萌一, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 原 徹, 津﨑 兼彰. IF鋼および低炭素鋼におけるラスマルテンサイトの内部微視組織および結晶学的特徴. 日本鉄鋼協会 2022年秋季(第184回)講演大会. 2022
- 柴田 曉伸, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 中村 晶子, 宮本 吾郎, 原 徹, 津﨑 兼彰. マルテンサイト鋼における水素脆性粒界クラックの3次元形態. 日本鉄鋼協会 第183回春季講演大会 https://www.isij.or.jp/meeting/2022spring/index.html. 2022
- SHIBATA, Akinobu, GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, 中村 晶子, MIYAMOTO, Goro, Yazid Madi, Jacques Besson, HARA, Toru, TSUZAKI, Kaneaki. Hydrogen-related crack propagation behavior in martensitic steel. The 7th International Conference on Advanced Steels (ICAS 2022). 2022 招待講演
- GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan. Study of Microbanding in a Fe-30Mn-6.5Al-0.3C low-density steel deformed at cryogenic temperatures: Mechanisms and contribution to the mechanical behavior. The 7th International Conference on Advanced Steels(ICAS2022 ). 2022
- GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, SHIBATA, Akinobu, TSUZAKI, Kaneaki. Investigation of the twin structure in lenticular martensite by advanced SEM techniques: Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging (ECCI) and Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction (TKD). 日本鉄鋼協会 2022年春期(第183回)講演大会. 2022
- 柴田 曉伸, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 岡田 和歩, 宮本 吾郎, Yazied Madi, Jacques Besson, 津﨑 兼彰. マルテンサイト鋼の水素脆性クラック伝播挙動. ISSS 2021ポストシンポジウム. 2021 招待講演
- 柴田 曉伸, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 中村 晶子, 宮本 吾郎, Yazied Madi, Jacques Besson, 原 徹, 津﨑 兼彰. マルテンサイト鋼における粒界クラックのマルチスケール3次元解析. 日本金属学会2021年秋期(第169回)講演大会. 2021 招待講演
- GUTIERREZ URRUTIA Ivan, SHIBATA Akinobu, TSUZAKI Kaneaki. Investigation of microbanding in low-density steels at cryogenic temperatures by advanced SEM techniques. 日本金属学会 2021年秋期第169回講演大会. 2021
- 柴田 曉伸, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 岡田 和歩, 宮本 吾郎, Yazied Madi, Jacques Besson, 津﨑 兼彰. マルテンサイト鋼の水素脆性粒界クラック. 日本金属学会2021年春期第168回講演大会. 2021 招待講演
- 柴田 曉伸, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 岡田 和歩, 宮本 吾郎, Yazied Madi, Jacques Besson, 辻 伸泰, 津﨑 兼彰. 高強度マルテンサイト鋼の水素脆性粒界クラック. MRMフォーラム2020. 2020 招待講演
- GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan. Coupling of SEM Characterization with Simulations in Advanced Engineering Materials. 16th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials. 2020 招待講演
- 伊藤勉, 柴谷遼太郎, 増山 晴己, 島上 渓, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 戸田 佳明, 松永 哲也, 御手洗 容子. 等軸なa-Ti 合金における特異なクリープ挙動. 日本金属学会2020年春季講演大会. 2020
- Toru Murata, Nobuhiro Imakura, SINGH, Alok, GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, TSUCHIYA, Koichi, Naoko Ikeo, Toshiji Mukai. Microstructure Evolution and Enhanced Strength in CoCrFeMnNi Alloy through High Speed Shear Loading. TMS 2020. 2020
- GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan. Electron Channeling Contrast of Dislocations: Experimental Determination of Optimal Dislocation Imaging. 12th Asia-Pacific Microscopy Conference (APMC-2020)/https://www.apmc12.in/about.aspx. 2020
- 世良田遼平, SINGH, Alok, GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, TSUCHIYA, Koichi, 向井敏司. Microstructure evolution in CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy by localized shear deformation. 1st World Congress on High Entropy Alloys (HEA 2019). 2019
- TSUCHIYA, Koichi, EMURA, Satoshi, ジ シン, GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, HARA, Toru. Plastic deformation of beta-Ti-Mo alloys with isothermal omega phase. The 14th World Conference on Titanium. 2019
- JI, Xin, GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, EMURA, Satoshi, TSUCHIYA, Koichi. Deformation mechanisms and effect of oxygen addition on mechanical properties of Ti-7.5Mo alloy with α" martensite. The 14th World Conference on Titanium. 2019
- GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, EMURA, Satoshi, JI, Xin, TSUCHIYA, Koichi. Microstructure and twinning relations in beta-Ti alloys. The 14th World Conference on Titanium. 2019
- 土谷 浩一, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, ジ シン, 江村 聡, 津崎 兼彰, 閔 小華. 偏析を利用したβ型チタン合金の力学特性制御. 日本金属学会2019年春期講演大会. 2019 招待講演
- JI, Xin, GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, EMURA, Satoshi, TSUCHIYA, Koichi. Twinning behavior of orthorhombic-α" martensite in a Ti-7.5Mo alloy. 9th Indian Scientists Association in Japan (ISAJ) Symposium. 2018
- GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, Cheng-lin Li, JI, Xin, EMURA, Satoshi, TSUCHIYA, Koichi. Twinning and detwinning mechanisms in beta-Ti alloys. Thermec. 2018
- GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan. Quantitative analysis of dislocation contrast in SEM-ECCI. 74th Meeting of the Japanese Society of Microscopy. 2018
- ジ シン, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 江村 聡, リウ ティアンウェイ, 原 徹, 平 徳海, 土谷 浩一. {112}-type I deformation twinning in as-quenched α" martensite in Ti-7.5Mo alloy. 日本金属学会2018年春期講演大会. 2018
- グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン. Assessment of irradiation-damage induced by FIB milling by Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging (ECCI). NIMS WEEK 2017. 2017
- 向井 敏司, 二ノ宮由樹, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 池尾直子, シン アロク, 大澤 嘉昭, 土谷 浩一. Deformation behavior of severe plastically rolled Al-Mg alloy under dynamic loading. NanoSPD 2017. 2017
- GUTIERREZ URRUTIAIvan. SEM-ECCI: Current status and challenges for 2D/3D crystal defect characterization. 低加速 SEM と分析技術「EDX/EPMA, EBSD/ECCI. 2017 招待講演
- グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン. Study of homophase interfaces in structural materials by ECCI and EBSD in the SEM. 2017 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition. 2017
- グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン. Interface guided design of high-strength steels: A dream coming true?. 2017 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition. 2017
- ジ シン, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 江村 聡, 土谷 浩一. Study of deformation-induced behaviors in a chemically graded Ti-Mo alloy. The 6th Joint Symposium on Mechanical and Materials Engineering. 2016
- ジ シン, 江村 聡, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 土谷 浩一. Strain rate dependence of tensile deformation behaviors in a metastable β-Ti alloy . JIM-2016 Autumn Annual (159th) Meeting. 2016
- 李 成林, 江村 聡, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 閔 小華, 土谷 浩一. A study on deformation behavior of a multilayered beta titanium alloy. PRICM9. 2016
- グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, Masood Hafez Haghighat, Emanuel Welsch, Dierk Raabe. Alloy design of advanced lightweighted high-Mn steels by interface engineering. PRICM9. 2016
- ジ シン, 江村 聡, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 土谷 浩一. Effect of β phase stability on tensile stress-strain behavior in Ti-Mo-Fe alloys. PRICM-9. 2016
- 田崎 亘, 澤口 孝宏, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 土谷 浩一. Fe-28Mn-6Si-5Cr形状記憶合金の引張変形およびサイクル疲労における変形モードの温度依存性. PRICM9. 2016
- グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン. Assesment of FIB induced damage by electron channeling contrast imaging. 72th Meeting of the Japanese Microscopy Society. 2016
- ジ シン, 江村 聡, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 土谷 浩一. Effects of β phase stability and strain rate on tensile stress-strain behavior in Ti-Mo-Fe alloys. JIM-2016-Spring. 2016
- グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, F.K. Yan, F. Archie, K. Lu, Dierk Raabe. Mechanical Behavior of an Austenitic Single-Phase Duplex-Microstructured Steel with Nanotwinned Grains. 2016 JIM Spring Annual Meeting. 2016
- ジ シン, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 江村 聡, 土谷 浩一. Effect of graded β phase stability on deformation behavior in a metastable β-Ti alloy. 2015 ISAJ Symposium . 2015
- Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia. Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging: A Powerful Technique to Quantitative Microstructure Characterization in the SEM. 2nd East-Asia Microscopy Conference. 2015
- ジ シン, 江村 聡, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 古谷野 有, 土谷 浩一. Effect of graded β phase stability on deformation behavior in a metastable β-Ti alloy. 2015 Fall Annual Meeting of JIM. 2015
- ジ シン, 江村 聡, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 土谷 浩一. Effect of elemental segregation on deformation behaviors in Ti-Mo alloys. Ti-2015:The 13rd World C conference on Titanium . 2015
- グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, S.M. Hafez Haghighat, E. Welsch, Dierk Raabe. Novel alloy design strategies of High-Mn lightweight steels by interfcae engineering. FIMPART’15. 2015 招待講演
- グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン. High-throughput characterization of deformation structures in bulk materials. 3rd NU-NIMS Materials Genome Workshop. 2015 招待講演
- グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン. Quantitative characterization of deformation structures by Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging: Study of strain-hardening mechanisms. Japan Institute of Metals 2015 Spring Lecture. 2015
- グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, E. Welsch, S.M. Hafez Haghighat, D. Raabe. Alloy design of high performance low-density steels by combined TEM and computational methods. The 4th International Symposium on Steel Science - ISSS 2014. 2014
その他の文献 TSV
- 江村 聡, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, ジ シン, 土谷 浩一. β型チタン合金における双晶変形挙動の解析. 金属. [1] (2019) 14-20
- Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia. Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging: A Powerful Technique to Quantitative Microstructure Characterization in the SEM. Microscopy. 64 [suppl 1] (2015) i32.1-i32 10.1093/jmicro/dfv114