- Address
- 305-0047 茨城県つくば市千現1-2-1 [アクセス]
- Keywords
magnesium, quasicrystal, interfaces, transmission electron microscopy
I am working on development of magnesium alloys for structural applications, especially the application of quasicrystalline phase in Mg-Zn-rare earth alloys for strengthening. Quasicrystals are my special interest. My basic interest is study of microstructures by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and microstructure-property correlation. Study of interfaces and other defect structures by TEM.
- Hidetoshi Somekawa, Dudekula Althaf Basha, Alok Singh, Tomohito Tsuru, Masatake Yamaguchi. Non-Basal Dislocation Nucleation Site of Solid Solution Magnesium Alloy. MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS. 61 [6] (2020) 1172-1175 10.2320/matertrans.mt-m2020040
- Phuangphaga Daram, Alok Singh, Takanobu Hiroto, Tomonori Kitashima, Makoto Watanabe. Compositionally graded titanium to aluminum processed by laser powder bed fusion process: Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 903 (2024) 146638 10.1016/j.msea.2024.146638
- Hidetoshi Somekawa, Rintaro Ueji, Alok Singh. Mechanical response in tension of twin-induced Mg alloys in wide strain rate regimes. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 897 (2024) 146319 10.1016/j.msea.2024.146319
- SINGH, Alok, DUDEKULA, Althaf Basha, SOMEKAWA, Hidetoshi, ROSALIE, Julian Mark, TSUCHIYA, Koichi. Study of severely plastically deformed alloys by application of scanning transmission electron microscopy techniques. EMSI 2017 Proceedings, International Conference on Electron Microscopy and allied Techniques. (2017) 68-70
- SINGH, Alok, DUDEKULA, Althaf Basha, Naoko Ikeo, SOMEKAWA, Hidetoshi, Toshiji MUKAI. Lattice ordering and microstructure of ultra-high strength Mg-Ca-Zn alloys. Proceedings of Magnesium Technology 2016. (2016) 83-88
- SOMEKAWA, Hidetoshi, OHSAWA, Yoshiaki, SINGH, Alok, A. Kinoshita, K. Washio, A. Kato, T. Mukai. Effect of micro-alloying elements on mechanical properties in dilute magnesium alloys. Proceedings of the Mg 2015. (2015) 25-30
- SINGH, Alok. Effect 􀀁of alloy composition􀀁on on microstructure 􀀁and strength􀀁 of a fine􀀁 grained. TMS 2015 Annual Meeting and Exhibition. 2015
- SINGH, Alok. Lattice ordering and microstructure of ultra-high strength Mg-Ca-Zn alloys. TMS 2016 145th Annual Meeting and Exhibition. 2016
- 小川 由希子, 土井 康太郎, 廣戸 孝信, シン アロク, 染川 英俊, 廣本 祥子. 熱酸化したbcc単相Mg-Sc合金の意匠性と機能性. 軽金属学会第147回秋期大会. 2024
- 染川 英俊, ドゥデクラ アルタフ バシャ, 小川 由希子, シン アロク. 粒界偏析制御によるMg合金展伸材の室温塑性変形. 熱処理. 63 [5] (2023) 249-250
- 小川 由希子, チャンディラン エランゴ, シン アロク, 染川 英俊. HCP/BCC Mg-Sc合金の機械的および機能的特性. 金属. 93 [11] (2023) 983-989
- 向井俊司, シン アロク, 土谷 浩一. 強ひずみ加工による高エントロピー合金の高強度化. 日本機械学会誌. 121 [1192] (2018) 24-27
日本金属学会 (JIM)、インド金属学会 (IIM), The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS)
- Magnesium Fundamental Research Award, TMS Light Metals Division (2009) ()