- 退職
- 2021年5月退職
[論文] | [書籍] | [会議録] | [口頭発表] | [その他の文献] | [公開特許出願]
論文 TSV
- Kenta Goto, Kimiyoshi Naito, Keiichi Shirasu, Ikumu Watanabe. Numerical calculation and finite element analysis for anisotropic elastic properties of carbon fibers: dependence of integration subinterval and mesh size on indentation-derived elastic modulus. SN Applied Sciences. 4 [11] (2022) 291 10.1007/s42452-022-05183-w Open Access
- Kenta Goto, Ayako Ikeda, Toshio Osada, Ikumu Watanabe, Kyoko Kawagishi, Takahito Ohmura. High-throughput evaluation of stress–strain relationships in Ni–Co–Cr ternary systems via indentation testing of diffusion couples. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 910 (2022) 164868 10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.164868 Open Access
- Reon Ando, Takashi Matsuno, Tomoko Matsuda, Norio Yamashita, Hideo Yokota, Kenta Goto, Ikumu Watanabe. Analysis of Nano-hardness Distribution Near the Ferrite-martensite Interface in a Dual Phase Steel with Factorization of Its Scattering Behavior. ISIJ International. 61 [1] (2021) 473-480 10.2355/isijinternational.isijint-2020-546 Open Access
- Fei Shen Ong, Bastian Rheingans, Kenta Goto, Hirobumi Tobe, Takahito Ohmura, Jolanta Janczak-Rusch, Eiichi Sato. Residual stress induced failure of Ti-6Al-4V/Si3N4 joints brazed with Ag-Cu-Ti filler: The effects of brazing zone’s elasto-plasticity and ceramics' intrinsic properties. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 41 [13] (2021) 6319-6329 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2021.06.038
- Jovana Ruzic, Kenta Goto, Ikumu Watanabe, Toshio Osada, Liberty Wu, Takahito Ohmura. Temperature-dependent deformation behavior of γ and γ′ single-phase nickel-based superalloys. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 818 (2021) 141439 10.1016/j.msea.2021.141439
- Ayako Ikeda, Kenta Goto, Toshio Osada, Ikumu Watanabe, Kyoko Kawagishi. High-throughput mapping method for mechanical properties, oxidation resistance, and phase stability in Ni-based superalloys using composition-graded unidirectional solidified alloys. Scripta Materialia. 193 (2021) 91-96 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2020.10.043
- Hongxin Wang, Han Zhang, Bo Da, Dabao Lu, Ryo Tamura, Kenta Goto, Ikumu Watanabe, Daisuke Fujita, Nobutaka Hanagata, Junko Kano, Tomoki Nakagawa, Masayuki Noguchi. Mechanomics Biomarker for Cancer Cells Unidentifiable through Morphology and Elastic Modulus. Nano Letters. 21 [3] (2021) 1538-1545 10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c00003
- Ta-Te Chen, Ikumu Watanabe, Dayuan Liu, Kenta Goto. Data-driven estimation of plastic properties of alloys using neighboring indentation test. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods. 1 [1] (2021) 143-151 10.1080/27660400.2021.1959838 Open Access
- 安藤 玲音, 松野 崇, 松田 知子, 山下 典理男, 横田 秀夫, 後藤 健太, 渡邊 育夢. Dual Phase鋼におけるフェライト・マルテンサイト界面近傍のナノ硬さ分布とそのバラつき因子. 鉄と鋼. 106 [12] (2020) 944-952 10.2355/tetsutohagane.tetsu-2020-037 Open Access
- Yoshihiro Yamauchi, Sadaki Samitsu, Kenta Goto, Masayuki Takeuchi. Bottlebrush polymer-reinforced transparent multiphase plastics with enhanced thermal stability. Chemical Communications. 56 [93] (2020) 14641-14644 10.1039/d0cc06769e
- Keiichi Shirasu, Kenta Goto, Kimiyoshi Naito. Microstructure-elastic property relationships in carbon fibers: A nanoindentation study. Composites Part B: Engineering. 200 (2020) 108342 10.1016/j.compositesb.2020.108342
- Kenta Goto, Ikumu Watanabe, Takahito Ohmura. Inverse estimation approach for elastoplastic properties using the load-displacement curve and pile-up topography of a single Berkovich indentation. Materials & Design. 194 (2020) 108925 10.1016/j.matdes.2020.108925 Open Access
- Takashi Matsuno, Reon Ando, Norio Yamashita, Hideo Yokota, Kenta Goto, Ikumu Watanabe. Analysis of preliminary local hardening close to the ferrite–martensite interface in dual-phase steel by a combination of finite element simulation and nanoindentation test. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 180 (2020) 105663 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2020.105663
- Ikumu Watanabe, Zhengzhong Sun, Houichi Kitano, Kenta Goto. Multiscale analysis of mechanical behavior of multilayer steel structures fabricated by wire and arc additive manufacturing. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 21 [1] (2020) 461-470 10.1080/14686996.2020.1788908 Open Access
- Hongxin Wang, Han Zhang, Kenta Goto, Ikumu Watanabe, Hideaki Kitazawa, Masamichi Kawai, Hiroaki Mamiya, Daisuke Fujita. Stress mapping reveals extrinsic toughening of brittle carbon fiber in polymer matrix. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 21 [1] (2020) 267-277 10.1080/14686996.2020.1752114 Open Access
- Jovana Ruzic, Ikumu Watanabe, Kenta Goto, Takahito Ohmura. Nano-Indentation Measurement for Heat Resistant Alloys at Elevated Temperatures in Inert Atmosphere. MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS. 60 [8] (2019) 1411-1415 10.2320/matertrans.md201909 Open Access
- Hongxin Wang, Han Zhang, Daiming Tang, Kenta Goto, Ikumu Watanabe, Hideaki Kitazawa, Masamichi Kawai, Hiroaki Mamiya, Daisuke Fujita. Stress dependence of indentation modulus for carbon fiber in polymer composite. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 20 [1] (2019) 412-420 10.1080/14686996.2019.1600202 Open Access
- Kenta Goto, Ikumu Watanabe, Takahito Ohmura. Determining suitable parameters for inverse estimation of plastic properties based on indentation marks. International Journal of Plasticity. 116 (2019) 81-90 10.1016/j.ijplas.2018.12.007
書籍 TSV
会議録 TSV
口頭発表 TSV
- 陳 達徳, 渡邊 育夢, 劉 大元, 後藤 健太. Data-driven estimation of plastic properties of alloys using neighboring indentation test. 日本金属学会研究会No.82「微小領域の力学特性評価とマルチスケールモデリング」2021. 2021
- 劉 大元, GOTO, Kenta, WATANABE, Ikumu. Characterization of Elastoplastic Properties of Alloys with Neighboring Indentations. 日本鉄鋼協会第179回春季講演大会. 2020
- 後藤 健太, 池田 亜矢子, 長田 俊郎, 渡邊 育夢, 川岸 京子. High-throughput evaluation of mechanical properties in Ni-Co-Cr ternary system. The 13th MANA International Symposium 2020 jointly with ICYS. 2020
- 岡村 一誠, 後藤 健太, 中尾 航. 水素貯蔵合金アクチュエータに向けた合金設計技術の構築 (水素貯蔵合金の変形挙動に及ぼす外部荷重の影響について). 第27回機械材料・材料加工技術講演会. 2019
- 後藤 健太, 渡邊 育夢, 大村 孝仁. インデンテーション後のパイルアップ挙動を利用した弾塑性特性の逆推定手法の構築とその応用. 日本金属学会研究会 "微小領域の力学特性評価とマルチスケールモデリング"第一回研究集会. 2019
- SUN, Zhengzhong, KITANO, Houichi, WATANABE, Ikumu, GOTO, Kenta. Multiscale Analysis of Multilayer Steels Fabricated by Wire based Additive Manufacturing. 日本金属学会研究会 "微小領域の力学特性評価とマルチスケールモデリング"第一回研究集会. 2019
- 渡邊 育夢, ルジック ジョバナ, 後藤 健太, 大村 孝仁. 耐熱合金の高温ナノインデンテーション. M&M2019材料力学カンファレンス. 2019
- OH, Koukin, GOTO, Kenta, ZHANG, Han, TAMURA, Ryo, WATANABE, Ikumu, DA, Bo, HANAGATA, Nobutaka, FUJITA, Daisuke. High spatial and temporal resolution mapping of active stress on the surface of living material. 2019日本表面真空学会学術講演会. 2019
- WATANABE, Ikumu, RUZIC, Jovana, GOTO, Kenta, OHMURA, Takahito. Nano-indentation measurement for heat resistant alloys at elevated temperatures in insert atmosphere. International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics 2019. . 2019
- 後藤 健太, 渡邊 育夢. 高温ナノインデンテーションへの挑戦-1000℃を目指して. 高温変形の組織ダイナミクス研究会. 2019 招待講演
- 後藤 健太, 池田 亜矢子, 渡邊 育夢, 長田 俊郎. Ni-Co-Cr拡散対を用いた高効率機械特性評価. 第47回日本ガスタービン学会定期講演会. 2019
- 池田 亜矢子, 後藤 健太, 長田 俊郎, 渡邊 育夢, 川岸 京子. ブリッジマン法で作製した組成傾斜単結晶試料を用いたディスク合金のスクリーニング. 第47回日本ガスタービン学会定期講演会. 2019
- GOTO, Kenta, WATANABE, Ikumu, OHMURA, Takahito. Inverse estimation of local elastoplastic properties using nano-indentation for microstructure modeling. 15th International Conference on Computational Plasticity. 2019 招待講演
- 後藤 健太, 渡邊 育夢. 押込み試験と数値解析の融合による弾塑性変形挙動の高効率評価. 第7回構造材料研究拠点シンポジウム. 2019 招待講演
- WATANABE, Ikumu, GOTO, Kenta, OHMURA, Takahito. Estimation of stress-strain curve using indentation and its computational simulation. NU-NIMS Materials Genome Workshop 2019. 2019 招待講演
- 後藤 健太, 渡邊 育夢, 大村 孝仁. 押込み試験による弾性率評価に及ぼす加工硬化特性の影響. 日本金属学会2019年春季講演大会. 2019
- 後藤 健太, 渡邊 育夢, 大村 孝仁. 押込み試験結果の感度解析と弾塑性特性の逆推定. 日本機械学会 M&M2018材料力学カンファレンス. 2018
- GOTO, Kenta, WATANABE, Ikumu, OHMURA, Takahito. Inverse estimation of stress-strain curve from load-displacement curve and indentation mark of single indentation. 9th Annual Symposium of Indian Scientists Association in Japan. 2018
- OH, Koukin, ZHANG, Han, GOTO, Kenta, WATANABE, Ikumu, KITAZAWA, Hideaki, 河井昌道, MAMIYA, Hiroaki, FUJITA, Daisuke. Nanometric In-situ Stress Mapping Reveals Why Brittle Carbon Fiber Becomes Tough in CFRP Composite. 第4回 革新的構造材料 先端計測拠点 国際会議 (SIP-IMASM2018). 2018
- OH, Koukin, ZHANG, Han, KITAZAWA, Hideaki, GOTO, Kenta, TANG, Daiming, WATANABE, Ikumu, 河井昌道, MAMIYA, Hiroaki, FUJITA, Daisuke. Modulus hardening of carbon fiber and its application in non-destructive stress sensing for CFRP. 第4回 革新的構造材料 先端計測拠点 国際会議 (SIP-IMASM2018). 2018
- OH, Koukin, ZHANG, Han, 河井昌道, WATANABE, Ikumu, GOTO, Kenta, KITAZAWA, Hideaki, MAMIYA, Hiroaki, FUJITA, Daisuke. Stable Fracture Growth in a Brittle Carbon Fiber Revealed by Nanoscale Stress Mapping using a Scanning Probe. 第4回 革新的構造材料 先端計測拠点 国際会議 (SIP-IMASM2018). 2018
- 後藤 健太, 渡邊 育夢, 大村 孝仁. 押込み試験と有限要素解析による弾塑性パラメータの逆推定. 日本鉄鋼協会若手フォーラム. 2018 招待講演
- 後藤 健太, 渡邊 育夢, 大村 孝仁. Inverse Estimation of Elasto-Plastic Properties of Alloys from Single Indentation Test with Finite Element Method. Sixth International Indentation Workshop. 2018
- 後藤 健太, 渡邊 育夢, 大村 孝仁. 逆解析を用いた押込み試験からの弾塑性特性評価. 第23回計算工学講演会. 2018
- 後藤 健太, 渡邊 育夢, 大村 孝仁. 押込み試験後の圧痕形状を用いた弾塑性特性の評価. 日本金属学会2018年春期講演大会. 2018
その他の文献 TSV
- WATANABE, Ikumu, Tohihiro Yamazaki, Mototeru Oba, Sukeharu Nomoto, GOTO, Kenta. NUMISHEET2018 Benchmark3 - Prediction of yield locus and r-value distribution for 5000-series aluminum alloy sheet using crystal. NUMISHEET2018 Benchmark problems and results. (2018) 136-137