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- 305-0044 1-1 Namiki Tsukuba Ibaraki JAPAN [Access]
[Research papers] | [Books] | [Proceedings] | [Presentations] | [Misc] | [Published patent applications]
Research papers TSV
- Cédric Bourgès, Guillaume Lambard, Naoki Sato, Makoto Tachibana, Satoshi Ishii, Takao Mori. Process optimization on kesterite-based ceramics for enhancing their thermoelectric performances assisted by active machine learning approach: A tool for metal-sulfide ceramics development. Acta Materialia. 281 (2024) 120342 10.1016/j.actamat.2024.120342 Open Access
- Cédric Bourgès, Andrei Novitskii, Makoto Tachibana, Naoki Sato, Takao Mori. Heat capacity and structural transition effect in polycrystalline kesterite. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 12 [40] (2024) 16309-16313 10.1039/d4tc02105c
- Hyunyong Cho, Song Yi Back, Naoki Sato, Zihang Liu, Weihong Gao, Longquan Wang, Hieu Duy Nguyen, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Takao Mori. Outstanding Room‐Temperature Thermoelectric Performance of n‐type Mg3Bi2‐Based Compounds Through Synergistically Combined Band Engineering Approaches. Advanced Functional Materials. 34 [44] (2024) 2407017-1-2407017-11 10.1002/adfm.202407017 Open Access
- Longquan Wang, Naoki Sato, Ying Peng, Raju Chetty, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Duy Hieu Nguyen, Takao Mori. Realizing High Thermoelectric Performance in N‐Type Mg3(Sb, Bi)2‐Based Materials via Synergetic Mo Addition and Sb–Bi Ratio Refining. Advanced Energy Materials. 13 [35] (2023) 2301667 10.1002/aenm.202301667 Open Access
- Y. Ishii, A. Yamamoto, N. Sato, Y. Nambu, S. Ohira-Kawamura, N. Murai, K. Ohara, S. Kawaguchi, T. Mori, S. Mori. Partial breakdown of translation symmetry at a structural quantum critical point associated with a ferroelectric soft mode. Physical Review B. 106 [13] (2022) 134111 10.1103/physrevb.106.134111
- Hong Pang, Cédric Bourgès, Rajveer Jha, Takahiro Baba, Naoki Sato, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Tetsuya Baba, Naohito Tsujii, Takao Mori. Revealing an elusive metastable wurtzite CuFeS2 and the phase switching between wurtzite and chalcopyrite for thermoelectric thin films. Acta Materialia. 235 (2022) 118090 10.1016/j.actamat.2022.118090 Open Access
- P. Rajasekaran, M. Arivanandhan, N. Sato, Y. Kumaki, T. Mori, Y. Hayakawa, K. Hayakawa, Y. Kubota, R. Jayavel, M. Shimomura. The effect of Sr and Sb co-doping on structural, morphological and thermoelectric properties of BaSnO3 perovskite material. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 894 (2022) 162335 10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.162335
- 佐藤 直大, 高際 良樹. . Crystals. 11 [4] (2021) 388 10.3390/cryst11040388 Open Access
- Naoki Sato, Norihide Kuroda, Shun Nakamura, Yukari Katsura, Ikuzo Kanazawa, Kaoru Kimura, Takao Mori. Bonding heterogeneity in mixed-anion compounds realizes ultralow lattice thermal conductivity. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 9 [39] (2021) 22660-22669 10.1039/d1ta04958e
- Naoki Sato, Pei Se Gan, Naohito Tsujii, Takao Mori. Effect of microstructure on lattice thermal conductivity of thermoelectric chalcopyrite CuFeS2: experimental and computational studies. Applied Physics Express. 14 [8] (2021) 087002 10.35848/1882-0786/ac1231 Open Access
- Zihang Liu, Naoki Sato, Weihong Gao, Kunio Yubuta, Naoyuki Kawamoto, Masanori Mitome, Keiji Kurashima, Yuka Owada, Kazuo Nagase, Chul-Ho Lee, Jangho Yi, Koichi Tsuchiya, Takao Mori. Demonstration of ultrahigh thermoelectric efficiency of ∼7.3% in Mg3Sb2/MgAgSb module for low-temperature energy harvesting. Joule. 5 [5] (2021) 1196-1208 10.1016/j.joule.2021.03.017 Open Access
- Quansheng Guo, Wenhao Zhang, Zihang Liu, Xiuwei Fu, Sylvain Le Tonquesse, Naoki Sato, Hyoung-Won Son, Kiyoshi Shimamura, David Berthebaud, Takao Mori. Thermoelectric Performance of Cr Doped and Cr–Fe Double-Doped Higher Manganese Silicides with Adjusted Carrier Concentration and Significant Electron–Phonon Interaction. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 13 [7] (2021) 8574-8583 10.1021/acsami.0c21484
- Weihong Gao, Zihang Liu, Wenhao Zhang, Naoki Sato, Quansheng Guo, Takao Mori. Improved thermoelectric performance of GeTe via efficient yttrium doping. Applied Physics Letters. 118 [3] (2021) 033901 10.1063/5.0038957
- Takao Mori, Takashi Aizawa, S. N. Vijayaraghavan, Naoki Sato. Fabrication and Thermoelectric Properties of Chromium Silicide Thin Films. Sensors and Materials. 32 [7] (2020) 2433 10.18494/sam.2020.2889 Open Access
- Zihang Liu, Naoki Sato, Quansheng Guo, Weihong Gao, Takao Mori. Shaping the role of germanium vacancies in germanium telluride: metastable cubic structure stabilization, band structure modification, and stable N-type conduction. NPG Asia Materials. 12 [1] (2020) 66 10.1038/s41427-020-00247-y Open Access
- Zihang Liu, Weihong Gao, Wenhao Zhang, Naoki Sato, Quansheng Guo, Takao Mori. High Power Factor and Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance in Sc and Bi Codoped GeTe: Insights into the Hidden Role of Rhombohedral Distortion Degree. Advanced Energy Materials. 10 [42] (2020) 2002588 10.1002/aenm.202002588 Open Access
- Wenhao Zhang, Naoki Sato, Kazuki Tobita, Kaoru Kimura, Takao Mori. Unusual Lattice Dynamics and Anisotropic Thermal Conductivity in In2Te5 Due to a Layered Structure and Planar-Coordinated Te-Chains. Chemistry of Materials. 32 [12] (2020) 5335-5342 10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c01710
- Cédric Bourgès, Naoki Sato, Takahiro Baba, Tetsuya Baba, Isao Ohkubo, Naohito Tsujii, Takao Mori. Drastic power factor improvement by Te doping of rare earth-free CoSb3-skutterudite thin films. RSC Advances. 10 [36] (2020) 21129-21135 10.1039/d0ra02699a Open Access
- Kazuki Tobita, Koichi Kitahara, Yukari Katsura, Naoki Sato, Daisuke Nishio-Hamane, Hirotada Gotou, Kaoru Kimura. Phase stability and thermoelectric properties of semiconductor-like tetragonal FeAl2. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 20 [1] (2019) 937-948 10.1080/14686996.2019.1662272 Open Access
- Kazuki Tobita, Naoki Sato, Yukari Katsura, Koichi Kitahara, Daisuke Nishio-Hamane, Hirotada Gotou, Kaoru Kimura. High-pressure synthesis of tetragonal iron aluminide FeAl2. Scripta Materialia. 141 (2017) 107-110 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2017.08.002
- Naoki Sato, Yoshiki Takagiwa, Akihide Kuwabara, Noriyuki Uchida, Kaoru Kimura. First-Principles-Based Phonon Calculation and Raman Spectroscopy Measurement of RuGa2 and RuAl2 with High Thermoelectric Power Factors. MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS. 57 [7] (2016) 1050-1054 10.2320/matertrans.mf201605
- Kazuki Tobita, Naoki Sato, Koichi Kitahara, Yoshiki Takagiwa, Kaoru Kimura. Effect of Anomalous Crystal Structure of Iron Aluminides Fe2Al5 and Fe4Al13: Low Phonon Thermal Conductivity and Potentiality as Thermoelectric Materials. MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS. 57 [7] (2016) 1045-1049 10.2320/matertrans.mf201607
- Naoki Sato, Hideyasu Ouchi, Yoshiki Takagiwa, Kaoru Kimura. Glass-like Lattice Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Properties of Incommensurate Chimney-Ladder Compound FeGeγ. Chemistry of Materials. 28 [2] (2016) 529-533 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b03952
- 飛田 一樹, 佐藤 直大, 北原 功一, 高際 良樹, 木村 薫. 特異な構造に起因するFe2Al5とFe4Al13の低格子熱伝導率と熱電材料としての可能性. 日本金属学会誌. 79 [12] (2015) 672-676 10.2320/jinstmet.jaw201504 Open Access
- 佐藤 直大, 高際 良樹, 桑原 彰秀, 内田 紀行, 木村 薫. 高パワーファクターを有するRuGa2とRuAl2の第一原理フォノン計算とラマン測定. 日本金属学会誌. 79 [11] (2015) 591-596 10.2320/jinstmet.ja201510 Open Access
- N. Sato, Y. Matsuura, K. Kitahara, Y. Takagiwa, K. Kimura. Thermoelectric figure of merit enhancement of intermetallic compound RuGa2 by ball-milling. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 585 (2014) 455-459 10.1016/j.jallcom.2013.09.175
Books TSV
Proceedings TSV
Presentations TSV
- 佐藤 直大, 森 孝雄. ヘテロレプティック配位構造を有する複合アニオン化合物の低熱伝導率. 日本セラミックス協会第37回秋季シンポジウム. 2024
- SATO, Naoki, MORI, Takao. Extremely low thermal conductivity in mixed-anion materials with heteroleptic coordination. 40th International & 20th European Conference on Thermoelectrics. 2024
- 佐藤 直大. 特異的な局所構造に着目した低熱伝導率物質群の開拓. 日本熱電学会第29回研究会「新進気鋭の若手研究者が語る熱電研究の将来」. 2024 Invited
- 佐藤 直大. 多元系化合物の特異な熱輸送と熱電特性. 第71回応用物理学会春季学術講演会. 2024 Invited
- BOURGES, Cedric Michel Claude, LAMBARD, Guillaume, SATO, Naoki, ABBASSI Linda, ISHII, Satoshi, MORI, Takao. Process influence on Sulfide-based Ceramics for Enhancing their Thermoelectric Performances Assisted by Active Machine Learning. MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA2023. 2023 Invited
- BOURGES, Cedric Michel Claude, LAMBARD, Guillaume, SATO, Naoki, TACHIBANA, Makoto, ISHII Satoshi, MORI, Takao. How can data science support and push forward material synthesis? Example with a metal-sulfides compounds. 日本フラックス成長研究会. 2023
- 佐藤 直大, 張 文浩, 飛田 一樹, 木村 薫, 森 孝雄. 平面配位鎖状構造を含む層状物質In2Te5の化学結合と異方的熱伝導率. 第20回日本熱電学会学術講演会. 2023
- SATO, Naoki, MORI, Takao. Intrinsically low lattice thermal conductivity of mixed-anion compounds with bonding heterogeneity. the 39th Annual International Conference on Thermoeletrics (ICT 2023). 2023
- SATO, Naoki, LIU, Zihang, GAO, Weihong, ZHANG, Wenhao, TSUJII, Naohito, MORI, Takao. Handling anomalous thermal transport towards high-performance thermoelectrics. WPI-MANA International Symposium 2022. 2022
- 佐藤 直大, 黒田 訓英, 中村 駿, 桂 ゆかり, 金沢 育三, 木村 薫, 森 孝雄. Bonding Heterogeneity in Mixed-Anion Compounds Realizes Ultralow Lattice Thermal Conductivity. International Conference on Mixed-Anion Compounds. 2021
- 佐藤 直大. Intrinsic and extrinsic approaches to tune lattice thermal conductivity for thermoelectrics. 1st Japan-France Virtual Workshop on Thermoelectrics. 2021 Invited
- 佐藤 直大, 黒田 訓英, 中村 駿, 桂 ゆかり, 金沢 育三, 木村 薫, 森 孝雄. 結合強度の不均一性を有する複合アニオン化合物の低熱伝導率. 第18回日本熱電学会学術講演会. 2021
- 佐藤 直大. フォノン熱伝導制御に基づく高性能熱電材料の開発. 第二回駒場材料学セミナー. 2020 Invited
- 張 文浩, 佐藤 直大, 森 孝雄, 飛田 一樹, 木村 薫. Bonding, Lattice dynamics and transport properties of In2Te5 compound. The 5th Asian Conference on Thermoelectrics (ACT5) & 6th Southeast Asia Conference on Thermoelectrics (SACT6) / http://conference.tts.or.th/. 2020
- SATO, Naoki, 黒田 訓英, 桂 ゆかり, 木村 薫, MORI, Takao, 金沢 育三, Locally Distorted Structures with Multiple Anions Realize Ultralow Lattice Thermal Conductivity. Materials Research Meeting 2019. 2019
- SON, Hyoungwon, SATO, Naoki, MORI, Takao, Investigation of Interfacial Effect on Thermoelectric Properties of TiO2 Based Layered Composite Materials. MRM 2019. 2019
- リマ マリアナ, AIZAWA, Takashi, OHKUBO, Isao, 櫻井 岳暁, BOURGES, Cedric Michel Claude, SATO, Naoki, MORI, Takao, BABA, Takahiro, MBE Fabrication of Magnesium Stannide Thin Films. Materials Research Meeting 2019. 2019
- BABA, Tetsuya, BABA, Takahiro, MORI, Takao, SATO, Naoki, Measurement of thermophysical property distribution by pulsed light heating thermoreflectance method with high spatial resolution. Materials Research Meeting 2019. 2019
- SATO, Naoki, ZHANG, Wenhao, MORI, Takao, 飛田 一樹, 木村 薫, Investigation of Thermoelectric Property of In2Te5 and the Origin of its Low Thermal Conductivity. Materials Research Meeting 2019. 2019
- 佐藤 直大, 黒田 訓英, 桂 ゆかり, 金沢 育三, 木村 薫, 森 孝雄. 歪んだ局所構造を有する複合アニオン化合物の低熱伝導率. 第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会. 2019
- MORI, Takao, TSUJII, Naohito, SATOH, Norifusa, OTSUKA, Masaji, AIZAWA, Takashi, OHKUBO, Isao, FAILAMANI, Fainan, TYNELLTommi Paavo, PAKDEL, Amir, BOURGES, Cedric Michel Claude, Ernst Bauer, BABA, Tetsuya, SATO, Naoki. Materials and Applicative Issues for Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting to Power IoT Sensors and Devices. 38th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT2019). 2019 Invited
- MORI, Takao, SATO, Naoki, FAILAMANI, Fainan, SON, Hyoungwon. Utilization of mixed anions to develop thermoelectric materials. E-MRS 2019 Spring Meeting. 2019
- SATO, Naoki, ガン ペイセ, S.N. Vijayaraghavan, KAKEFUDA, Yohei, KAWAMOTO, Naoyuki, TSUJII, Naohito, MORI, Takao. Phonon transport analysis and microstructure control of Chalcopyrite CuFeS2. The 2019 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS). 2019
- 佐藤 直大, ガン ペイセ, S.N. Vijayaraghavan, 掛札 洋平, 川本 直幸, 辻井 直人, 森 孝雄. カルコパイライトCuFeS2のフォノン輸送解析と微細構造制御. 第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会. 2019
- SATO, Naoki, Pei Se Gan, S.N. Vijayaraghavan, KAKEFUDA, Yohei, KAWAMOTO, Naoyuki, TSUJII, Naohito, MORI, Takao. Phonon transport analysis and microstructure control of Chalcopyrite CuFeS2. MANA International Symposium 2019. 2019