390件の論文が見つかりました。論文は出版年月日順に表示しています。(ヘルプ) | |
Myeong-heom Park, Yuto Fujimura, Akinobu Shibata, Nobuhiro Tsuji. Effect of martensite hardness on mechanical properties and stress/strain-partitioning behavior in ferrite + martensite dual-phase steels. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 916 (2024) 147301 10.1016/j.msea.2024.147301 | |
Myeong-heom Park, Ryota Matsubayashi, Akinobu Shibata, Nobuhiro Tsuji. Quantitative characterization of local deformation-fracture behavior in ferrite-martensite dual-phase steels with different martensite distributions. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 918 (2024) 147445 10.1016/j.msea.2024.147445 | |
S.J. Liang, S. Matsunaga, Y. Toda, Y. Yamabe-Mitarai. Microstructure evolution by thermomechanical processing and high-temperature mechanical properties of HCP-high entropy alloys (HEAs). Materials Science and Engineering: A. 918 (2024) 147414 10.1016/j.msea.2024.147414 | |
Yuhei Ogawa, Takeshi Fujita. Solid solution-hardening by hydrogen in Fe–Cr–Ni-based austenitic steel studied by strain rate sensitivity measurement: Contributions of effective stress and solute drag. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 911 (2024) 146941 10.1016/j.msea.2024.146941 | |
Katsuhiro Sato, Masatoshi Mitsuhara, Kodai Nagata, Keiji Kubushiro, Kyohei Nomura, Takahiro Kimura, Yoshiki Shioda, Kota Sawada, Kazuhiro Kimura, Hideharu Nakashima. Effect of impurity elements on the creep rupture strength of Gr. 91 steel welded joints at 650 °C. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 903 (2024) 146669 10.1016/j.msea.2024.146669 | |
Phuangphaga Daram, Alok Singh, Takanobu Hiroto, Tomonori Kitashima, Makoto Watanabe. Compositionally graded titanium to aluminum processed by laser powder bed fusion process: Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 903 (2024) 146638 10.1016/j.msea.2024.146638 | |
Alexei A. Belik. Comments on the paper “Development of a novel triple perovskite barium bismuth molybdate material for thermistor-based applications”. Materials Science and Engineering: B. 303 (2024) 117315 10.1016/j.mseb.2024.117315 | |
Takumi Akada, Rintaro Ueji, Masatoshi Mitsuhara, Shigeto Yamasaki, Masaki Tanaka. Plastic anisotropy in yield stress of drawn pearlitic steels. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 898 (2024) 146380 10.1016/j.msea.2024.146380 | |
Hidetoshi Somekawa, Rintaro Ueji, Alok Singh. Mechanical response in tension of twin-induced Mg alloys in wide strain rate regimes. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 897 (2024) 146319 10.1016/j.msea.2024.146319 | |
Sukyoung Hwang, Yu Bai, Si Gao, Myeong-Heom Park, Akinobu Shibata, Nobuhiro Tsuji. Mechanism of simultaneous increase of strength and ductility with grain refinement in Si-added high-Mn austenitic steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 894 (2024) 146193 10.1016/j.msea.2024.146193 | |