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HOME > プロフィール > 苅宿 俊風

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論文 TSV

  1. Toshikaze Kariyado, Hiroyasu Matsuura, Masao Ogata. Disentangling Orbital Magnetic Susceptibility with Wannier Functions. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 90 [12] (2021) 10.7566/jpsj.90.124708
  2. Manato Fujimoto, Toshikaze Kariyado. Effective continuum model of twisted bilayer GeSe and origin of the emerging one-dimensional mode. Physical Review B. 104 [12] (2021) 125427 10.1103/physrevb.104.125427
  3. Toshikaze Kariyado, Robert-Jan Slager. Selective branching and converting of topological modes. Physical Review Research. 3 [3] (2021) L032035 10.1103/physrevresearch.3.l032035 Open Access
  4. S. Suetsugu, K. Kitagawa, T. Kariyado, A. W. Rost, J. Nuss, C. Mühle, M. Ogata, H. Takagi. Giant orbital diamagnetism of three-dimensional Dirac electrons in Sr3PbO antiperovskite. Physical Review B. 103 [11] (2021) 115117 10.1103/physrevb.103.115117 Open Access
  5. Hong Huang, Toshikaze Kariyado, Xiao Hu. Topological Josephson plasmon modes on honeycomb lattice [Invited]. Optical Materials Express. 11 [2] (2021) 448 10.1364/ome.416969 Open Access
  1. Toshikaze Kariyado, Robert-Jan Slager. π -fluxes, semimetals, and flat bands in artificial materials. Physical Review Research. 1 [3] (2019) 032027 10.1103/physrevresearch.1.032027 Open Access
  2. Toshikaze Kariyado, Ashvin Vishwanath. Flat band in twisted bilayer Bravais lattices. Physical Review Research. 1 [3] (2019) 033076 10.1103/physrevresearch.1.033076 Open Access
  3. Toshikaze Kariyado. Counting Pseudo Landau Levels in Spatially Modulated Dirac Systems. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 88 [8] (2019) 083701 10.7566/jpsj.88.083701
  4. Koji Kudo, Haruki Watanabe, Toshikaze Kariyado, Yasuhiro Hatsugai. Many-Body Chern Number without Integration. Physical Review Letters. 122 [14] (2019) 146601 10.1103/physrevlett.122.146601
  5. Yuta Takahashi, Toshikaze Kariyado, Yasuhiro Hatsugai. Weyl points of mechanical diamond. Physical Review B. 99 [2] (2019) 024102 10.1103/physrevb.99.024102
  1. Shuhei Oono, Toshikaze Kariyado, Yasuhiro Hatsugai. Section Chern number for a three-dimensional photonic crystal and the bulk-edge correspondence. Physical Review B. 94 [12] (2016) 125125 10.1103/physrevb.94.125125
  2. Toshikaze Kariyado, Yasuhiro Hatsugai. Hannay Angle: Yet Another Symmetry-Protected Topological Order Parameter in Classical Mechanics. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 85 [4] (2016) 043001 10.7566/jpsj.85.043001
  3. Hiromu Araki, Toshikaze Kariyado, Takahiro Fukui, Yasuhiro Hatsugai. Entanglement Chern Number of the Kane–Mele Model with Ferromagnetism. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 85 [4] (2016) 043706 10.7566/jpsj.85.043706

書籍 TSV

会議録 TSV

口頭発表 TSV

  1. KARIYADO, Toshikaze. Spin-valley coupling in the strongly correlated limit of twisted bilayer BC3. Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter 2022. 2022
  2. 苅宿 俊風. 角度非整合二層BC3の電子状態. 日本物理学会 2022年秋季大会. 2022
  3. KARIYADO, Toshikaze, Ashvin Vishwanath. Valley dependent band engineering in twisted bilayer BC3. 29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics. 2022
  4. 苅宿 俊風. 新しいディラック系の探索と解析に関する理論的研究. 日本物理学会第77回年次大会 2022 招待講演
  5. KARIYADO, Toshikaze. In-gap transport with pi-flux lattices in topological metamaterials. Bulk-Edge/Boundary-Correspondence 2022 (BE/BC-2022). 2022 招待講演
  1. 苅宿 俊風, Ashvin Vishwanath. Symmetry-Based Constraints on Interlayer Tunneling in Generic Twisted Bilayers: Theory and Implication for Band Flattening. 24th International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems / 20th International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures. 2021
  2. 藤本大仁, 苅宿 俊風. ツイスト二層GeSeにおける異方的平坦バンド. 日本物理学会2021年秋季大会. 2021
  3. 苅宿 俊風. 非整合ヘテロ二層系の層間結合と対称性. 日本物理学会秋季大会. 2021
  4. 苅宿 俊風. ワニエ関数を用いた軌道磁化率のゲージ不変な定式化. 日本物理学会第76回年次大会. 2021
  1. 苅宿 俊風, Robert-Jan Slager. 変形ハニカム格子模型のトポロジカルπ-flux状態と時間発展. 日本物理学会2020年秋季大会. 2020
  1. KARIYADO, Toshikaze. Flat band and strong correlation in slightly twisted bilayers of generic type. Trends in Theory of Correlated Materials (TTCM2019). 2019 招待講演
  2. 苅宿俊風, Ashvin Vishwanath, Ashvin Vishwanath. 一般の角度非整合二層系における平坦バンド. 日本物理学会秋季大会. 2019
  3. 工藤耕司, 渡辺悠樹, KARIYADO, Toshikaze, 初貝安弘. Exponential precision of Chern number without integration by twisted angles. Synthetic Topological Matter. 2019
  4. 末次祥大, 北川健太郎, 苅宿俊風, 葉山慶平, A. W. Rost, J. Nuss, C. Muhle, 小形正男, 高木英典. アンチペロブスカイトSr_3_PbOにおける3次元ディラック電子の巨大軌道反磁性. 日本物理学会年次大会. 2019
  5. 工藤耕司, 渡辺悠樹, KARIYADO, Toshikaze, 初貝安弘. One-plaquette Chern number: Many-body Chern number without integration. Americal Physical Society March Meeting 2019. 2019
  6. KARIYADO, Toshikaze. Counting formula for the pseudo Landau levels visible in an energy spectrum. Americal Physical Society March Meeting 2019. 2019
  1. 工藤耕司, 渡辺悠樹, KARIYADO, Toshikaze, 初貝安弘. Exponential accuracy of many-body Chern number without integration. International workshop "Variety and universality of bulk-edge correspondence in topological phases: From solid state physics to transdisciplinary concepts". 2018
  2. 江 咏城, 苅宿 俊風, 古月 暁. Topological States Derived from Graphene with Superstructures. Tsukuba Global Science Week 2018. 2018
  3. 工藤耕司, 渡辺悠樹, 苅宿 俊風, 初貝安弘. 多体チャーン数の収束性について. 日本物理学会秋季大会. 2018
  4. 末次祥大, 北川健太郎, 苅宿 俊風, 葉山慶平, A. W. Rost, J. Nuss, C. Mühle, 小形正男, 高木英典. アンチペロブスカイトSr3PbOにおける 3 次元ディラック電子の巨大反磁性. 日本物理学会秋季大会. 2018
  5. 苅宿 俊風. Band engineering in a Diarc material A3EO (A=Ca/Sr/Ba, E=Sn/Pb) antiperovskite family. Symmetry and Topology in Condensed-Matter Physics. 2018
  6. 苅宿 俊風, 江 咏城, 古月 暁. グラフェンナノメッシュにおけるトポロジカル現象. 日本物理学会年次大会. 2018
  7. 苅宿 俊風, 江 咏城, 古月 暁. Counterpropagating Topological Interface States in Nano Punctured Graphene. American Physical Society March Meeting 2018. 2018
  8. 江 咏城, 苅宿 俊風, 古月 暁. Robust Topological States in Honeycomb Lattice with Hopping Textures. MANA International Symposium 2018. 2018
  9. 苅宿 俊風, 江 咏城, 古月 暁. Topological States in Nano Punctured Graphene. Variety and universality of bulk-edge correspondence (BEC2018). 2018
  10. 苅宿 俊風, 森本高裕, 初貝安弘. ZN Berry phase as a topological index for correlated systems: application to SU(N) symmetric spin chain. Variety and universality of bulk-edge correspondence (BEC2018). 2018
  1. 苅宿 俊風. Topological states in SU(N) symmetric spin chains: characterization by fractionally quantized Berry phase. Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter 2017. 2017
  2. 苅宿 俊風. Estimation of Pseudo Magnetic Field for Isotropic/Anisotropic Dirac Cones. Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter 2017. 2017
  3. 苅宿 俊風. ディラック系における擬磁場とランダウ準位. 日本物理学会2017年秋季大会. 2017
  4. 苅宿 俊風, 森本高裕, 初貝安弘. Z_N Berry phase as an index for symmetry protected topological phases: application to one-dimensional models with SU(N) symmetry. Trends in Theory of Correlated Material. 2017 招待講演
  5. 苅宿 俊風, 森本高裕, 初貝安弘. Z_N Berry Phase and Symmetry Protected Topological Phase in Spin Chain. International Conference on Topological Materials Science. 2017
  6. 高橋雄太, 苅宿 俊風, 初貝安弘. メカニカルダイヤモンドの多様なエッジ状態とカイラル対称性の破れ. 日本物理学会年次大会. 2017
  7. 苅宿 俊風, 古月 暁. ハニカム格子模型における端修飾によるトポロジカルエッジ状態の操作. 日本物理学会年次大会. 2017
  8. 工藤耕司, 苅宿 俊風, 初貝安弘. The fractional quantum Hall effect on various lattice models and Chern number. American Physical Society March Meeting 2017. 2017
  9. 高橋雄太, 苅宿 俊風, 初貝安弘. Edge states of mechanical diamond. American Physical Society March Meeting 2017. 2017
  10. 苅宿 俊風, 古月 暁. Topological phases in a textured honeycomb lattice indexed by mirror winding number. Theory of Correlated Topological Materials. 2017
  11. 苅宿 俊風, 古月 暁. Design principle for topological edge states in the textured honeycomb lattice. Topological Metamaterials and beyond. 2017 招待講演
  1. 苅宿 俊風. 逆ペロブスカイト物質Ba3SnOの特異なバンド構造. 第2回「トポロジーが紡ぐ物質科学のフロンティア」領域研究会. 2016
  2. 高橋雄太, 苅宿 俊風, 初貝安弘. 3次元メカニカルダイヤモンドのエッジ状態. 第10回物性科学領域横断研究会. 2016
  3. 工藤耕司, 苅宿 俊風, 初貝安弘. 種々の格子模型における多粒子状態のチャーン数. 第10回物性科学領域横断研究会. 2016
  4. 苅宿 俊風, 古月 暁. Mirror winding number and various edge states in modulated honeycomb lattice. 第2回ディラック電子系マルチフェロイクス研究会. 2016
  5. 苅宿 俊風. Topological phases in modulated honeycomb lattice: bulk texture - edge shape correspondence. Physics of bulk-edge correspondence and universality: From solid. 2016 招待講演
  6. 高橋雄太, 苅宿 俊風, 初貝安弘. メカニカルグラフェンの多様なエッジ状態とそのトポロジカルな起源. 日本物理学会2016年秋季大会. 2016
  7. 苅宿 俊風. 古典系のトポロジカル状態における散逸の効果. 日本物理学会秋季大会. 2016
  8. 工藤耕司, 苅宿 俊風, 初貝安弘. カゴメ格子上の分数量子ホール効果とチャーン数. 日本物理学会2016年秋季大会. 2016
  9. 苅宿 俊風. Manipulation of the Topological Property of Mechanical Graphene. Topological Matter at H-zero. 2016
  10. 苅宿 俊風, 森本高裕, 初貝安弘. スピン1の系におけるZ3トポロジカル相と量子化ベリー位相. 日本物理学会第71回年次大会(2016年). 2016

その他の文献 TSV

公開特許出願 TSV
