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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2024年12月10日

  • Renzhi Ma, Yoshio Bando, Tadao Sato. Bamboo-like boron nitride nanotubes. Journal of Electron Microscopy. 51 [suppl 1] (2002) S259-S263 10.1093/jmicro/51.supplement.s259
  • D. Fujita, K. Ohnishi, T. Ohgi. Discrete Charging Effects in Gold Nanoclusters Grown on Self-Assembled Monolayers. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 3 [4] (2002) 283-287 10.1016/s1468-6996(02)00027-x Open Access
  • Masahiko Demura, Kyosuke Kishida, Yozo Suga, Motohiro Takanashi, Toshiyuki Hirano. Fabrication of thin Ni3Al foils by cold rolling. Scripta Materialia. 47 [4] (2002) 267-272 10.1016/s1359-6462(02)00139-2
  • Akihiro Ohtake, Masashi Ozeki. Growth mode ofInxGa1−xAs(0<~x<~0.5)on GaAs(001) under As-deficient conditions. Physical Review B. 65 [15] (2002) 155318 10.1103/physrevb.65.155318
  • 山口 仁志, 伊藤 真二, 五十嵐 淑郎, 小林 剛. フッ化物分離/モリブドケイ酸青吸光光度法による高純度銅中の微量全ケイ素の定量. 分析化学. 51 [8] (2002) 653-656 10.2116/bunsekikagaku.51.653
  • 藤田 大介. アクティブ・ナノ計測技術 -走査トンネル顕微鏡を中心として-. セラミックス. 37 [7] (2002) 541-543
  • Takashi Uchihashi, Urs Ramsperger. Electron conduction through quasi-one-dimensional indium wires on silicon. Applied Physics Letters. 80 [22] (2002) 4169-4171 10.1063/1.1483929
  • T. Asaka, S. Yamada, S. Tsutsumi, C. Tsuruta, K. Kimoto, T. Arima, Y. Matsui. Charge/orbital ordering structure of Pr1-xCaxMnO3 (x=3/8) examined by low-temperature TEM. Physical Review Letters. 88 [9] (2002) 097201 10.1103/physrevlett.88.097201
  • Z.Q Zou, Z.-C Dong, A.K Kar, H Nejo. STM-induced photon emission spectra from the Cu(100) surface. Surface Science. 512 [3] (2002) L373-L378 10.1016/s0039-6028(02)01729-6
  • Hiroya Sakurai, Kazuyoshi Yoshimura, Koji Kosuge, Naohito Tsujii, Hideki Abe, Hideaki Kitazawa, Giyuu Kido, Herwig Michor, Gerfried Hilscher. Antiferromagnetic Order in Bi4Cu3V2O14 with Novel Spin Chain. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 71 [4] (2002) 1161-1165 10.1143/jpsj.71.1161
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