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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2025年01月18日

  • SOUDA, Ryutaro, 大島忠平, OTANI, Shigeki, 石澤芳夫, AONO, Masakazu. Structure analysis of oxygen adsorbed TiC(111) by impact collsion ion scattering spectroscopy. Surface Science. (1988) 154
  • 田中高穂, OTANI, Shigeki, 石澤芳夫. Floating-zone crystal growth of WC. Journal of Materials Science. (1988) 665
  • SOUDA, Ryutaro, OTANI, Shigeki, AIZAWA, Takashi, 石澤芳夫, 大島忠平. Reionization Confributions in Low - Energy Scattering of He,Ne and Ar Ions from Sn Au and Ba TiO3. Surface Science. (1988) 119
  • 郡宗幸, 鯨井脩, 山田圭, 大河内春乃, Muneyuki KOHRI, Osamu KUJIRAI, Kei YAMADA, Haruno OKOCHI. Analysis of Nickel-base and Cobalt-base Heat-Resistant Alloys by Single-Column Anion Exchange Chromatography and Inductively Cou. Analytical Sciences. 4 [3] (1988) 293-297 10.2116/analsci.4.293
  • 有冨敬芳, 檀武弘, T. Kimura, K. Ogawa, N. Aritomi, T. Dan. Microsegregation of Aluminium,Silicon and Manganese in Iron-10%Nickel Alloy Ingot.. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 102 [1] (1988) 85-95 10.1016/0025-5416(88)90536-8
  • 堀部進, A. Fernández, Ma I. Nieto, J. L. Oteo. . Journal of Materials Science Letters. 7 [1] (1988) 7-8 10.1007/bf01729897
  • 木村 秀夫, 前田弘, 佐藤充典, Hiroshi Maeda, Mitsuinori Sato. . Journal of Materials Science. 23 [3] (1988) 809-813 10.1007/bf01153971
  • Hiroyuki Masuda, 松岡三郎, 西島敏, 下平益夫, Saburo Matsuoka, Satoshi Nishijima, Masuo Shimodaria. Role of Corrsion on Fatigue Crack Propagation for Structural Alloys in 3% NaCl Solution. Corrosion Science. 28 [5] (1988) 433-441 10.1016/0010-938x(88)90066-2
  • F. Abe, H. Araki, 野田哲二, T. Noda. Discontinuous Precipitation of σ Phase during Recrystallization in a Cold-rolled Fe-10%Cr-30%Mn Austenite.. Materials Science and Technology. 4 [10] (1988) 885-893 10.1179/mst.1988.4.10.885
  • 三友護, B.彝舗・. Preparation of Ca-Si-Al-O-N oxynitride glass powders. Journal of Materials Science Letters. (1987) 1434
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