46754 article(s) found. Sorted by publication dates. (Help) | |
岡本裕介, HIROSAKI, Naoto, 安藤元英, 宗像文男, 秋宗淑雄. Effect of sintering additive composition on the thermal conductivity of silicon nitride. Journal of Materials research. (1998) 3473-77 | |
W.Han, BANDO, Yoshio, KURASHIMA, Keiji, 佐藤忠夫. Boron-doped carbon nanotubesprepared througha substitutionreaction. Chemical Physics letters(1998)in press. (1998) | |
BANDO, Yoshio, L.Bourgeois, 篠崎聡, KURASHIMA, Keiji, 佐藤忠夫. Boron nitride cones:structure determination by transmission electron microscopy. Acta Crystallography,A(1998)in press. (1998) | |
福崎浩一, 古曳重美, YOSHIKAWA, Hideki, FUKUSHIMA, Sei, 渡辺貴之, 小島勇夫. Change in the electronic structure of CuInS2 thin films by Na incorporation. Journal of Applied Physics. (1998) | |
村田直文, 尾坂明義, 伊藤憲治, 菊池正紀, 末次寧, 田中順三. Organic/inorganic interaction between hydroxyapatite and derivatives of poly (ethylene glycol). Transactions of the Ma-terials Research Sosiety of Japan. (1998) | |
E.Rokuta, N.Yamanoto, Y.Hasegawa, M.Trenary, T.Nagao, C.Oshima, OTANI, Shigeki. Deformation of boron networks at the LaB6(111)surface. Surface Science. (1998) 363-370 | |
SHIMIZU, Tadashi, GOTO, Atsushi, 松本武彦, 吉村一良, 小菅浩二. Spin Susceptibility of the Quasi One Dimensional Antiferromagnet CuO,. Journal of Physical Society of Jupeu. (1998) | |
松岡三郎, 秋山宏, 山田哲, 松本由香, 大竹章夫, 杉本浩一. 試験温度による実大柱梁接合部の脆性破壊-延性破壊遷移. 日本建築学会論文集. (1998) | |
松岡三郎, 秋山宏, 山田哲, 松本由香, 小倉桂治, 北村春幸. 実大振動台実験による柱梁接合部の破壊性状に関する研究. 日本建築学会論文集. (1998) | |
D.T.Adrofa, B.D.Rainford, S.K.Malik, K.A.Gschneidner Jr, V.K.Pecharsky, TAKEYA, Hiroyuki. Neutron Scattering Studies on CeRhSb and PrTSb(T=Rh and Pd)Compounds,. J.M.M.M.. (1998) | |