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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2025年01月16日

  • Aleksander Jablonski, Shigeo Tanuma, Cedric J. Powell. Calculations of electron inelastic mean free paths (IMFPs). XIV. Calculated IMFPs for LiF and Si3N4 and development of an improved predictive IMFP formula. Surface and Interface Analysis. 55 [8] (2023) 609-637 10.1002/sia.7217 Open Access
  • Kun'ichi Miyazawa, Makoto Asahara, Takeshi Miyasaka, Takuro Nagai, Koji Kimoto, Yumi Tanaka. Surface atomic structures of nickel plating films reacted with methane at high temperature. Surface and Interface Analysis. 55 [4] (2023) 321-328 10.1002/sia.7192 Open Access
  • Hiroshi Shinotsuka, Shigeo Tanuma, Cedric J. Powell. Calculations of electron inelastic mean free paths. XIII. Data for 14 organic compounds and water over the 50 eV to 200 keV range with the relativistic full Penn algorithm. Surface and Interface Analysis. 54 [5] (2022) 534-560 10.1002/sia.7064 Open Access
  • T.T. Suzuki, Y. Adachi, T. Ohgaki, I. Sakaguchi. Crystal plane‐dependent ethanol gas sensing of ZnO studied by low‐energy He + ion scattering combined with pulsed jet technique. Surface and Interface Analysis. 53 [9] (2021) 747-753 10.1002/sia.6974
  • Kun'ichi Miyazawa, Takuro Nagai, Koji Kimoto, Masaru Yoshitake, Yumi Tanaka. Cross‐sectional structural characterization of the surface of exfoliated HOPG using HRTEM‐EELS. Surface and Interface Analysis. 53 [1] (2021) 84-89 10.1002/sia.6875
  • Oleksandr Romanyuk, Oliver Supplie, Agnieszka Paszuk, Jan Philipp Stoeckmann, Regan George Wilks, Jakob Bombsch, Claudia Hartmann, Raul Garcia‐Diez, Shigenori Ueda, Igor Bartoš, Ivan Gordeev, Jana Houdkova, Peter Kleinschmidt, Marcus Bär, Petr Jiříček, Thomas Hannappel. Hard X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of core level shifts at buried GaP/Si(001) interfaces. Surface and Interface Analysis. 52 [12] (2020) 933-938 10.1002/sia.6829
  • Bo Da, Lihao Yang, Jiangwei Liu, Yonggang Li, Shifeng Mao, Zejun Ding. Monte Carlo simulation study of reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy of an Fe/Si overlayer sample. Surface and Interface Analysis. 52 [11] (2020) 742-754 10.1002/sia.6864
  • Kun'ichi Miyazawa, Takuro Nagai, Koji Kimoto, Masaru Yoshitake, Yumi Tanaka. HRTEM‐EELS cross‐sectional structural analyses of glassy carbon substrate irradiated by platinum ions using a coaxial arc plasma gun. Surface and Interface Analysis. 52 [1-2] (2020) 23-33 10.1002/sia.6716
  • Bo Da, Hiroshi Shinotsuka, Hideki Yoshikawa, Shigeo Tanuma. Comparison of the Mermin and Penn models for inelastic mean‐free path calculations for electrons based on a model using optical energy‐loss functions. Surface and Interface Analysis. 51 [6] (2019) 627-640 10.1002/sia.6628
  • Hiroshi Shinotsuka, Shigeo Tanuma, Cedric J. Powell, Dave R. Penn. Calculations of electron inelastic mean free paths. XII. Data for 42 inorganic compounds over the 50 eV to 200 keV range with the full Penn algorithm. Surface and Interface Analysis. 51 [4] (2019) 427-457 10.1002/sia.6598 Open Access
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