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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2024年10月13日

  • Z.Tang, Tohoku Univ.), M.Hasegawa, 千葉利信, M.Saito, H.Sumiya, Y.Kawazoe, S.Yamaguchi. Electron momentum distributions in elemental semiconductors probed by positrons. Physical Review B. (1998)
  • 眞隅泰三. Large Polarons Photodoped in Pure CuO. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. (1998)
  • INOUE, Tadanobu, 北條正樹, 落合庄治郎. Disappearance Conditions of Thermal Stress Singularities Based on Stress Intensity in Two and Three-Phase Bonded Structures. International Journal of Fracture (Int.J.Fracture). (1998)
  • 佐々木高義, 渡辺遵. X-ray diffraction study on crystalline and osmotic swelling of a layered titanate. Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst.. (1998) 417-422
  • YUSA, Hitoshi, TAKEMURA, Kenichi, 松井良夫, 森島秀明, WATANABE, Kenji, 山脇浩, 青木勝敏. Direct transformation of graphite to cubic diamond observed in a laser-heated diamond anvil cell. Applied Physics Letters. (1998) 1843-1845
  • 蒲生西谷美香, 橘武史, 小橋宏司, SAKAGUCHI, Isao, ANDO, Toshihiro. In-depth variations of diamond structures on Pt(111) investigated by confocal raman spectroscopy. Journal of Materials Research. (1998)
  • 羅健平, SAKAGUCHI, Isao, 蒲生西谷美香, TANIGUCHI, Takashi, ANDO, Toshihiro. Hydrogen-induced surface structuring of cubic boron nitiride(100) face studied by low-energy electron diffraction and electron s. Physical Review B. (1998)
  • FanXiaobao, 石垣隆正, 末次寧, 田中順三, 佐藤洋一郎. In-flight nitridation of molybdenum disilicide powders by an induction plasma. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. (1998) 2517-26
  • Venkatraman Gopalan, Terence E.Mitchell, 古川保典, 北村健二. . Applied Physics Letters. (1998) 1981-1983
  • 森島秀明, 遊佐斉. . Journal of Applied Physics. (1998) 4572-4577
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