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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2024年09月07日

  • 川嶋正治, 阿部正紀, 月岡正至, 野村昭一郎. Thermal Diffusivity and Seebeck Coefficient of Semiconducting KTaO3. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (1977) 2049
  • 阿部正紀, MORI, Yasumichi. Magnetostriction of SmFeO3 and YFe1-xCox/2Tix/2O3 in the Spin Reorientation Region. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (1977) 1799
  • 大島忠平, 田中高穂, 坂内英典, 河合七雄. Carbon Layer on Lanthanum Hexaboride (100) Surface. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (1977) 965
  • AKAISHI, Minoru, KANDA, Hisao, 瀬高信雄, 福長脩. Pressure Correction at High Temperature Using the Melting Curve of Pb. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (1977) 1077
  • 阿部正紀, MORI, Yasumichi. A method for measuring the Direction angle of a magnetization with a Vibrating Sample magnetometer: application to SmFeO3 in the. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (1977) 279
  • 堀内繁雄, 松井良夫, BANDO, Yoshio. A high resolution lattice image of Nb12O29 by means of a high voltage electron microscope newly constructed. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (1976) 2483
  • 村中重利, 河合七雄. Preparation and Structural Properties of Epitaxially Grown LaB6 Films on MgO Crystals. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (1976) 587
  • 酒井利和, 岩田稔. On the final stage in pressure sintering process. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (1976) 537
  • 山口成人. Preparation of a dielectric and ferromagnetic mirror surface on stainless steel. Journal of Applied Physics. (1976) 783
  • 河合七雄, 田中高穂, 片岡由行. Field Emission Pattern of LaB6-single Crystal Tip. Japan Journal of Applied Physics. (1975) 1089
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