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長谷隆司, 渋谷和幸, 林征治, 尾崎修, 木吉司, YUYAMA, Michinari, 井上廉, 和田仁. Normal-zone Propagation in Bi-2212 Solenoidal Coil at 4.2K. MT-15 Proc.. (1998) 804-807 | |
X.C.Ko, F.R.de.Boer(University of Amsterdam), SUZUKI, Hiroyuki, 木戸義勇, R.Grossinger, G.Wiesinger. Magnetic Anisotropy and Magnetic Phase Transition in R2F17 Compounds. J.Mag Mag Mag. (1998) 1002-1007 | |
TANG, Jie, 松本武彦, FURUBAYASHI, Takao, 小阪孝幸, 加藤祥昭, 永田正一. Metal-Insulator Transition of CuIr2(S,Se)4 Under Pressure. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. (1998) 1363-1364 | |
桜井健次, 後藤俊治(JASRI). Grazing Incidence X-ray Reflectometer for BL-39XV at Spring-8. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. (1998) 554-556 | |
井上廉, IIJIMA, Yasuo, 竹内孝夫, 木吉司, 福田州洋. New Nb3Al Multifiramentary Conductor and Its Application to High Field Superconducting Magnet. Physica B. (1998) 364-367 | |
雛志剛, YE, Jinhua, 岡邦彦, 西原美一. Magnetic and Structural Properties of Superconducting PrBa2Cu3Oy Grown by TSFZ Method. Journal of Alloys Compounds. (1998) 37-40 | |
MURAKAMI, Hideyuki, 小泉裕, YOKOKAWA, Tadaharu, 山縣敏博, HARADA, Hiroshi. Atom-Probe Microanalysis of Ir-Bearing Ni-base Superalloys. Materials Science & Engneering A. (1998) 109-114 | |
TANG, Jie, MATSUSHITA, Akiyuki, 松本武彦, Anne de Visser. Ospecific Heat of U(Pt,Pd)3 Under Pressure. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. (1998) 465-466 | |
YE, Jinhua, 宍戸統悦, 松本武彦, 福田承生. Arc-Melting Synthesis and Crystal Chemistry of RT2B2(C) Compounds. Journal of Alloys Compounds. (1998) 76-80 | |
広瀬量一, 神門剛, 尾崎修, KOSUGE, Michio, 木吉司, 井上廉, 和田仁. 21.7T Superconducting Magnet Using (Nb,Ti)3Sn Conductor with 14%-Sn Bronze. MT-15 Proc.. (1998) 874-877 | |