- Address
- 305-0047 茨城県つくば市千現1-2-1 [アクセス]
- Keywords
Hydrogen permeation, Surface stress, Thin film, Sensing,
- Akiko N. Itakura, Naoya Miyauchi, Yoshiharu Murase, Taro Yakabe, Masahiro Kitajima, Satoka Aoyagi. Model of local hydrogen permeability in stainless steel with two coexisting structures. Scientific Reports. 11 [1] (2021) 8553 10.1038/s41598-021-87727-5 Open Access
- Taro Yakabe, Gaku Imamura, Genki Yoshikawa, Masahiro Kitajima, Akiko N Itakura. Hydrogen detection using membrane-type surface stress sensor. Journal of Physics Communications. 4 [2] (2020) 025005 10.1088/2399-6528/ab7319 Open Access
- ITAKURA, Akiko. Compendium of Surface and Interface Analysis/ Imaging Ellipsometry. Compendium of Surface and Interface Analysis. , 2018, 269-274.
- 板倉(中村)明子. 真空基礎講座 真空部品と可動機構. コロナ社, 2018
- 板倉 明子. 真珠はどうしてさまざまな色に輝く?. すごいぞ!身のまわりの表面科学(ブルーバックス). , 2015, 71-73.
- Atsushi Masuda, Noriko Chikumoto, Atsuko Ichikawa, Emiko Hiyama, Akiko N. Itakura. Activities for diversity in the physics field in Japan. WOMEN IN PHYSICS: 7th IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics. (2023) 10.1063/5.0176502
- ITAKURA, Akiko, Shinji Suzuki, Shoji Takagi, MURASE, Yoshiharu, TOSA, Masahiro. SURFACE STRESS EVOLUTION DURING HYDROGEN IRRADIATION ON METALS. Proceedings of NMC 2014. (2014) 222-223
- 板倉 明子, グリネビッチ アンドレイ, 戸田雅也, N. カンチレバーを用いた高分子薄膜のヤング率測定. 第51回日本学術会議材料工学連合講演会講演論文集. (2007) 65-66
- ITAKURA, Akiko, MURASE, Yoshiharu, 青柳 里果, YAKABE, Taro, 高木 祥示, 岩澤 智也, MIYAUCHI, Naoya. Two Dimensional Visualization of Hydrogen Permeated through a Stainless Steel Membrane. The 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE-2019). 2019
- ITAKURA, Akiko, IWASAWA, Tomoya, 高木祥示, MURASE, Yoshiharu, MIYAUCHI, Naoya. Local diffusion coefficient calculated from time dependence of permeated hydrogen distribution on a metal surface. 21th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-21). 2019
- 研究費配分に関する教育研究環境検討委員会. 物理学分野の科研費配分状況調査報告. BUTSURI. (2020) 521-524 10.11316/butsuri.75.8_521
- 板倉 明子. 第13回学術大会ハイブリッド開催報告. Journal of The Society of Japanese Women Scientists. 21 [0] (2021) 45-48 10.5939/sjws.21005 Open Access
- 板倉 明子. 表面真空分野の若手女性研究者 特集企画趣旨. Vacuum and Surface Science. (2020) 110-112