HOME > Presentation > Detail(Surface plasmon resonance and interband transitions of metal nanoparticles: What are the "interband transitions"?)雨倉 宏, 田中 雅彦, 吉川 英樹, 篠塚 寛志, 田沼 繁夫, 石川法人, 大沼 正人, 松下 能孝, 小林 啓介, 岸本 直樹. The intenational conference on NANOPHOTONICS 2010. May 30, 2010-June 03, 2010.NIMS author(s)AMEKURA, HiroshiTANAKA, MasahikoYOSHIKAWA, HidekiSHINOTSUKA, HiroshiMATSUSHITA, YoshitakaKISHIMOTO, NaokiFulltext and dataset(s) on Materials Data Repository (MDR)Created at: 2017-02-14 10:51:50 +0900Updated at: 2018-06-05 12:40:39 +0900