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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2025年01月22日

  • KISHIMOTO, Naoki, TAKEDA, Yoshihiko, 梅田直樹, V.T.Gritsyna, AMEKURA, Hiroshi, 李致圭, 齋藤鐵也. Metal Nanocrystal Formation in Magnesium Alminate Spinel and Silicon Dioxides with High-Flux Cu-Ions. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Reserch B. ()
  • A.Rar, S.Hofmam(Max-Plank-Institut). SF6 as sputtering gas for high resolution depth profiling. Apploed Surface Science. ()
  • 桜井健次, EBA, Hiromi. Interference effects in surface X-ray scattering from thin films. Physica B. ()
  • YATA, Masanori. The interaction of O2 molecules with clean and O-covered Cu(001). Surface Science. ()
  • 中村明子(板倉明子), KITAJIMA, Masahiro, 成島哲也, R.Berger, Ch.Gerber, J.K.Gimzewsski. Desorkption Induced Change in Surface Stress of Self-assembry Dodecanethiol Monolayer on Gold. Japanise Journal of Applied Physics. ()
  • Y.Katada, S.Ohashi, S.Ohashi. Interraction of CF/SCC of Structural Materials for LWR in High Temperature Water. Journal of Pressure Vessel & Technology. ()
  • 呉源, 竹口雅樹, 古屋一夫. HRTEM study on the structive of Ge nanoparticles by using UHV-MBE-TEM system. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. ()
  • HATANO, Takeshi, TAKANO, Yoshihiko, Stephane LABAT, ISHII, Akira, 戸叶一正. Superlattice films of bismuth-based oxide supercoductors-Change in hole concentration by stress derived from the epitaxial growt. Phisica B. ()
  • HATANO, Takeshi, C.S.Kim, KITAGUCHI, Hitoshi, KUMAKURA, Hiroaki, 戸叶一正. High Temperature X-ray study of melting and solidification of the Bi2Sr2CaCuo8+8 on silver tapes. J.Low.Temp.Phys. ()
  • 竹口雅樹, 古屋一夫, 吉原一紘. 新しいSiナノ結晶形成法とSiナノ構造創製への応用. Japanese of Journal of Applied Physics. ()
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