46752件の論文が見つかりました。論文は出版年月日順に表示しています。(ヘルプ) | |
K.Hono, H.Kanekiyo, S.Hirosawa. . Jouanal of Applied Physics,in press. (1960) | |
青木孝夫, 兼古光行. . . (1960) | |
田中和英, 井上直美, 佐藤淳一, KITAGUCHI, Hitoshi, KUMAKURA, Hiroaki, 木吉司, 井上廉, 戸叶一正. Transport Properities of Bi-2212/Ag Superconducting Magnet with Ic over 500 A. Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.,34(1995)981.. (1960) | |
渋谷和幸, 林征治, 嶋田雅生, 小川陸郎, 川手剛雄, 木吉司, 井上廉. Operation of superconductively jointed Bi-2212 solenoidal coil in persistent current mode. Cryogenics,37(1997)201.. (1960) | |
鯨井脩, 広瀬文雄, 大河内春乃, 鯨井脩, 広瀬文雄, 大河内春乃. 黒鉛炉原子吸光法によるニッケル基耐熱合金中の微量アンチモンの定量. 日本金属学会誌. 40 (1960) 542-548 | |
Z.C.Dong, YAKABE, Taro, FUJITA, Daisuke, 大木泰造, NEJO, Hitoshi. Metal atomic chains on the Si(100)surface. 電気学会研究会誌. (97) | |
山本隼也, 森達也, 平松まみ, 秋山庸子, OKADA, Hidehiko, 松浦秀樹, 難波正徳, 関根智一, HIROTA, Noriyuki, 三島史人, 西嶋茂宏. Removal of iron scale from feed-water in thermal power plant by magnetic separation - Introduction to chemical cleaning line -. Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics. () 6-10 10.9714/psac.2018.20.2.006 | |
KURAHASHI, Mitsunori. A Spin-polarized Metastable Deexcitation Spectroscopy Study on Surface Curie Temperature of Fe films on Cu(100). Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. () | |
REN, Xiaobing. Premartensitic Attenuation in Ti-30Ni-20Cu Shape Memory Alloy. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. () | |
YI, ZHANG, OZAKI, TETSUYA, KOMAKI, Masao, NISHIMURA, Chikashi. Hydrogen pemeation characteristics of V-15Ni membrane with Pd/Ag overlayer by sputtering. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. () | |