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土佐正弘, 後藤真宏, 笠原章, 三石和貴, 福田芳雄, 吉原一紘. 共蒸着SUS304鋼被膜表面への窒化ホウ素の偏析機構. 真空. () | |
石井辰則, SAKKA, Yoshio, SUZUKI, Tohru, MORITA, Koji, HIRAGA, Keijiro, 伊藤滋, 石井辰則, 伊藤滋. Fabrication of High-Strain Rate Superplastic Yttria Doped Zirconia Polycrystals by Adding Manganese and Aluminum Oxides. Ceramic Transaction. () | |
阿部英司, 蔡安邦, 阿部英司, 蔡安邦. Anomalous Debye-Waller factor in an ideal Al72Ni20Co8 decagonal quasicrystal- phason-related atomic jumps?. J. Alloys Compounds. () | |
FUJITSUKA, Masakazu, 武藤功, 田辺龍彦, 土屋文, 四竃樹男, 佐藤充典. Change of thermal diffusivity and microstructures of W-Re and W-Re-HfC irradiated in fission reactor.. Journal of nuclear materials. () | |
斉藤栄, 菅原弘治, KIKUCHI, Akihiro, IIJIMA, Yasuo, 井上廉. Superconducting properties of Nb3Al wire fabricated by the clad-chip extrusion method and the rapid-heating, quenching and trans. Phisica C. () | |
SEKIGUCHI, Takashi, 伊藤俊, 金井昭男. Cathodoluminescence and EBIC study of twist and tilt boundaries in bonded silicon wafers. Materials Science and Engineering B. () | |
阿部英司, 蔡安邦, 阿部英司, 蔡安邦. Atomic structure of a metastable Al3Nidecagonal quasicrystals. J. Alloys Compounds. () | |
YAMAMOTO, Akiji, 高倉洋礼, 蔡安邦, 高倉洋礼, 蔡安邦. Structure refinement of i-Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystals by IP-Weissenberg camera data. J. Metal. Comp.. () | |
佐藤卓, 高倉洋礼, 郭俊清, 大山研司, 柴田薫, 門脇広明. Magnetic correlations in the Zn-Mg-RE and Cd-Mg-RE quasicrystals. J. Alloy and Compounds. () | |
京野 純郎, 新谷紀雄, 新谷紀雄. オーステナイトステンレス鋼中のクリープキャビティ表面へのSの偏析およびBN析出とクリープ破断性質への影響. 材料とプロセス. () | |