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Last updated: September 09, 2024
46244 article(s) found. Sorted by publication dates. (Help) | |
A.Rar, S.Hofmann, I.Yoshihara, K.Kajiwara. Sputter Depth Profiling og GaAs/AsAl Multilayers:Dependence of the Depth Resolution Parameters on the Profiling Conditions.. Journal of Scerface Analysis. () | |
宋明暉, 古屋一夫, 田辺龍彦, 野田哲二. High-Resolution Electron Microscopy of r-TiAe IN-situ Irradiated with 15kev He Ioms in HVTEM.. J.of Eleitron Microscopy. () | |
上床美也, 鈴木博之, 北澤英明, 木戸義勇. CeGa 単結晶の磁性. Physica B. () | |
戸叶一正, KUMAKURA, Hiroaki, KITAGUCHI, Hitoshi, FUJII, Hiroki, H.Miao. Micostructure Controls and Their Effects on the Properties of Bi2 Sr2 Cu2 Ox Superconductors. Bulletin of Materials Seience. () | |
PING, De-hai, HONO, Kazuhiro, 井上明久, Y.Q.Wu. Atomprobe Characterization of an α-Fe/Nb2 Fe14B Nanocomposite Magnet With the Remaining Amorphous Phase. IEEE Trams Mag. () | |
田中美代子, 竹口雅樹, 古屋一夫. In-situ Deposition of Metal Nanopaiticles on Si(110)Ihin Film Surfaces in UHV-FE-TEM. Journal of Surface Analysis(F.Surf.Anal). () | |
藤綱宣之, 九津見敬之, 板垣冨士雄, 五十嵐正晃, 阿部冨士雄. 高Crフェライト系耐熱鋼の高温化を目指した材料設計に関する基礎検討. 耐熱金属材料 第123委員会 研究報告. () | |
三石和貴, 宋明暉, 岳口雅樹, 古屋一夫. HRTEM and HAADF-STEM obserration of Xe nanocrystals forned by ion-inplartation in HVTEM . Special volume of Journal of Electron Microscopy. () | |
陳清, 田中美代子, 古屋一夫. Deposition and HREM analysis of indim nenocmystals on Si surface using a UHV MBE TEM system. Journal of Suface Analysis. () | |
呉源, 陳清, 古屋一夫. Structure and structure fluctuation of Pb nanoparticles studied using a UHV-NBE-TEM system. Jowrnal of Electron Microscopy(JEM). () | |