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古屋一夫, 宋明暉, 三石和貴, ロバート・バーチャー, チャーリーアレン, ステファンド・ネリ. In-situ HRTEM of Metastable Inent-gas Nanocrystals embedded in Al. Mater.Science.Engr.. () | |
今中康貴, 高増正, 木戸義勇, G.Karczewski, T.Wojtowicz, J.Kossut. 強磁場における希薄磁性2次元電子ガスCdMnTe/CdMgTe のサイクロトロン共鳴. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. () | |
片桐昌彦, 小野寺秀博. 水素吸蔵によるアモルファス化の分子動力学シミュレーション. Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design(JCAMD). () | |
HIRAGA, Keijiro, SAKKA, Yoshio, SUZUKI, Tohru, 中野恵司. Cavitation Failure in a Superplastic Aluina with Zirconia-Particle Dispension. Materials Science Forum. () | |
TAKAMASU, Tadashi, IMANAKA, Yasutaka, 木戸義勇. Optical Detection of the Breakdouwn Phenomena of Integer and Fractional Quantum Hall Effects in GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures. Physica E. () | |
武田良彦, J.P.Zhao(上海冶金研究所), C.G.Lee, V.T.Gritsyna, 岸本直樹. 大電流負Cuイオン注入によって作製したCuナノ微粒子埋込み絶縁体の非線形光学特性. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. () | |
KITAGUCHI, Hitoshi, KUMAKURA, Hiroaki, 戸叶一正, 岡田道哉, 佐藤淳一. Cryocooled Bi-2212/Ag solenoid magnet system gunerationg 8T in 50mm room temperature bore i design,coductor perpormance and prel. IEEE. () | |
KOSUGE, Michio, 竹内孝夫, 田川浩平, BANNO, Nobuya, YUYAMA, Michinari, 和田仁, 中川和彦, 山中務, 森合英純. Incorporation of Stabilizer to Rapid-Quenched and Transformed Nb3Al Multifilamentary Superconductors. IEEE. () | |
小泉勉(昭和電線), 長谷川隆代, KITAGUCHI, Hitoshi, H.Miao, KUMAKURA, Hiroaki, 戸叶一正. Development of 100m-class Bi-2212 Multilayer Superconducting Tapes by PAIR Process. Advances in Cryogenic Engineering. () | |
溝口幸司(大阪市大), 宮丸文章, 中嶋誠, HASE, Muneaki, 中島信一. Study of Coherent LO Phonon-plasmon coupled modes by double pulse excitation. Jouranal of Luminescence. () | |