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黒江晴彦, 佐々木純一, 関根智幸, 小出直城, 笹子佳孝, 内野倉国光, HASE, Masashi. Folded phonon mode observed by Raman scattering in Cu1-xZnxGeO3. Phys Rer.B. (1998) | |
GU, Yuefeng, MITARAI, Yoko, 品芳一, HARADA, Hiroshi. Microstructure and Deformation Behaviour fo Ir-Nb Two-Phase Refractory Superalloys for Various Nb Content. Scnricpta Moterialia. (1998) | |
BANDO, Yoshio, 三友護, KURASHIMA, Keiji. An inhomogeneous grain boundary composition in silicon nitride ceramics as revealed by 300kV field emission analytical electron . Journal of Materials Synthesis and Processing. (1998) 359-365 | |
HASE, Masashi. Electron spin resonance in spin-Peierls cuprate CuGeO3 doped with Zn or Si . Phys.Rev.B. (1998) | |
J.Liu, 浅野清光, 絵面栄二, 稲垣慈見, 諌川秀, 中西弘, 福富勝夫, KOMORI, Kazunori, 斎藤正和. Dependence on the microwave field fo the surface resistance for YBa2Cu3O7-g l/ms fabricated on eapper substrate. Applied Physics Letters. (1998) | |
飯田正紀, 佐々木高義, 渡辺遵. Titanium dioxide hollow microspheres with an extremely thin shell. Chemistry of Materials. (1998) 3780-3782 | |
田中順三. 生体材料と無機・有機複合化. 無機マテリアル. (1998) | |
SOUDA, Ryutaro, 浅利栄治, 川野輪仁, SUZUKI, Taku, 大谷茂樹. Capture and loss of valence electrons during low energy H+ and H- scattering from LaB6(100), Cs/Si(100), graphite, and LiCl. Surface Science. (1998) | |
GU, Yuefeng, MITARAI, Yoko, 品芳一, HARADA, Hiroshi, YOKOKAWA, Tadaharu. Superior Mechanical Properties and Fracture Behaviour fo Ir-15at% Nb Two-Phase Refractory Superalloys With Nickel Additions.. Metallurgical and Meterials Transition. (1998) | |
堀内繁雄, 石垣隆正, Yngguo Peng. 第一原理法で予言された新超硬物質 cubic C3N4 の実証. 日本金属学会会報. (1998) | |