HOME > 論文 > 書誌詳細Realization of closed-loop optimization of epitaxial titanium nitride thin-film growth via machine learningI. Ohkubo, Z. Hou, J.N. Lee, T. Aizawa, M. Lippmaa, T. Chikyow, K. Tsuda, T. Mori. Materials Today Physics 16 100296. 2021.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtphys.2020.100296 Open Access Elsevier BV (Publisher) NIMS著者大久保 勇男ホー ズーフォン相澤 俊知京 豊裕津田 宏治森 孝雄Materials Data Repository (MDR)上の本文・データセット作成時刻: 2020-11-18 03:00:13 +0900更新時刻: 2024-09-05 04:57:49 +0900