- Address
- 305-0044 茨城県つくば市並木1-1 [アクセス]
- Keywords
- SHIMONO, Masato, ONODERA, Hidehiro. Molecular Dymanics Study on Liquid-to-Amorphous and Amorphous-to-Crystal Transition in Ti-Al Alloys. Transaction of MRS-J. (1996) 803-806
- SHIMONO, Masato, ONODERA, Hidehiro. Geometrical and Chemical Factors in the Glass-forming Ability. Scripta Materialia. (2001) 1595-1598
- 阿部 太一, 橋本 清, 下野 昌人. CALPHAD法における熱空孔の取り扱い. 日本金属学会誌. 81 [3] (2017) 127-132 10.2320/jinstmet.j2016061 Open Access
- 下野 昌人, 小野寺 秀博. Icosahedral Order in Liquid and Glassy Phases of Metallic Glasses (Chapter 2). B P International, 2021, 24.
- 下野 昌人. 金属ガラスのガラス転移と結晶化および構造緩和 ガラス転移,結晶化および構造緩和のシミュレーション. 新機能材料 金属ガラスの基礎と産業への応用. , 2009, 81-86.
- SHIMONO, Masato. Molecular Dynamics. Springer Handbook of Materials Measurement Methods, Springer, 2006. , 2006, 915-952.
- Kenji Hirose, Kazuaki Kobayashi, Masato Shimono, Hiroyuki Ishii, Nobuhiko Kobayashi. Electric and Thermal Transport Calculations through Nanometer-Size Interface and Applications to Thermoelectric Energy Conversio. e-JOURNAL OF SURFACE SCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY. (2014) 115-118 10.1380/ejssnt.2014.115
- M. Ode, N. Sasajima, Y. Yamada, P. Bloembergen, M. Shimono. Numerical Study of the Effect of the Shape of the Phase Diagram on the Eutectic Freezing Temperature. TEMPERATURE: ITS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL IN SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. (2013) 10.1063/1.4819569
- ABE, Taichi, HASHIMOTO, Kiyoshi, SAWADA, Yukiko, CENK, KOCER, Kazuhisa SHOBU, PALUMBO, Mauro, Suzana G.Fries, SHIMONO, Masato, TSUZAKI, Kaneaki. Improvements in the thermodynamic descriptions of the Fe-based systems. Proceedings of the 3rd Intl. symp. on steel science . (2013) 239-242
- KOBAYASHI, Kazuaki, SHIMONO, Masato, MORI, Takao. Electronic and Magnetic Properties of CoSb3, Mn-doped CoSb3, and V-doped CoSb3 Thin Films. MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA2023. 2023
- 平山尚美, 今井清香, 下野 昌人. Fe-B-Si 系アモルファス合金の微視的構造の解明にむけた原子シミュレーション. 第9回材料WEEK「材料シンポジウム」. 2023
- 下野 昌人. MDシミュレーションを用いた金属ガラスの中範囲規則構造のモデル. 第8回材料WEEK「材料シンポジウム」. 2022
- Taichi Abe, Masato Shimono, Kiyoshi Hashimoto, Cenk Kocer. Gibbs energy functions with the vacancy complexes in the Al-Cu binary system. Data in Brief. 21 (2018) 432-440 10.1016/j.dib.2018.09.092 Open Access
- 下野 昌人. MDシミュレーションの相変態への適用. 金属. 80 [2] (2010) 109-114
- ONODERA, Hidehiro, ABE, Taichi, SHIMONO, Masato. Alloy Design Based on Thermodynamics. Proceedings of Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials. (2009) 2047-2057