- Address
- 305-0047 茨城県つくば市千現1-2-1 [アクセス]
- Keywords
atomic manipulation/characterization with AFM and STM
- Oleksandr Stetsovych, Milica Todorović, Tomoko K. Shimizu, César Moreno, James William Ryan, Carmen Pérez León, Keisuke Sagisaka, Emilio Palomares, Vladimír Matolín, Daisuke Fujita, Ruben Perez, Oscar Custance. Atomic species identification at the (101) anatase surface by simultaneous scanning tunnelling and atomic force microscopy. Nature Communications. 6 [1] (2015) 7265 10.1038/ncomms8265 Open Access
- Oscar Custance, Ruben Perez, Seizo Morita. Atomic force microscopy as a tool for atom manipulation. Nature Nanotechnology. 4 [12] (2009) 803-810 10.1038/nnano.2009.347
- Y. Sugimoto, P. Pou, O. Custance, P. Jelinek, M. Abe, R. Perez, S. Morita. Complex patterning by vertical interchange atom manipulation using atomic force microscopy. Science. 322 [5900] (2008) 413-417 10.1126/science.1160601
- Oscar Custance, Noriaki Oyabu, Yoshiaki Sugimoto. Force Spectroscopy on Semiconductor Surfaces. Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy Volume 2. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, 31-68. 10.1007/978-3-642-01495-6_3
- クスタンセ オスカル. Atom manipulation, single-atom chemical identification and sub-molecular resolution with AFM using silicon cantilevers as force sensors. 2nd Functionality of Organised Nanostructures 2014. 2014 招待講演
- クスタンセ オスカル. Clarifying atomic contrast of the TiO2(101) anatase surface by means of bimodal atomic force microscopy and simultaneous scanning tunnelling microscopy . Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy 2013. 2013 招待講演
- クスタンセ オスカル. Clarifying Atomic Contrast of the TiO2(101) Anatase Surface by Means of Bimodal Atomic Force Microscopy/Spectroscopy and Simultaneous Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. 2013 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting. 2013 招待講演
- 室町 英治, 藤田 高弘, 藤田 大介, 村川 健作, 山内 泰, 三石 和貴, 川喜多 磨美子, 岩井 秀夫, 大久保 忠勝, 川喜多 仁, 北澤 英明, 木本 浩司, クスタンセ オスカル, 倉橋 光紀, 後藤 敦, 坂口 勲, 坂田 修身, 櫻井 健次, 張 晗, 篠原 正, 清水 禎, 清水 智子, 志波 光晴, 鈴木 拓, 関口 隆史, 丹所 正孝, 知京 豊裕, 長田 貴弘, 野口 秀典, 端 健二郎, 宝野 和博, 柳生 進二郎, 山下 良之, 吉川 元起, 吉川 英樹, 吉武 道子, 渡邉 賢, 渡邊 誠. 材料イノベーションを加速する先進計測テクノロジーの現状と動向 物質・材料研究のための先進計測テクノロジー. 調査分析室レポートNIMS-RAO-FY2016-3 [ISBN] 978-4-9900563-7-7. 1 (2016) 42-51
- 室町 英治, 藤田 高弘, 藤田 大介, 村川 健作, 山内 泰, 三石 和貴, 川喜多 磨美子, 岩井 秀夫, 大久保 忠勝, 川喜多 仁, 北澤 英明, 木本 浩司, クスタンセ オスカル, 倉橋 光紀, 後藤 敦, 坂口 勲, 坂田 修身, 櫻井 健次, 張 晗, 篠原 正, 清水 禎, 清水 智子, 志波 光晴, 鈴木 拓, 関口 隆史, 丹所 正孝, 知京 豊裕, 長田 貴弘, 野口 秀典, 端 健二郎, 宝野 和博, 柳生 進二郎, 山下 良之, 吉川 元起, 吉川 英樹, 渡邉 賢, 渡邊 誠. 材料イノベーションを加速する先進計測テクノロジーの現状と動向. 調査分析室レポート. (2016) 73-89
- O. Custance, S. Morita. Materials Science - How to Move an Atom. Science. 319 [5866] (2008) 1051-1052 10.1126/science.1154853
- Nano-probe Technology Award of the 167th Committee on Nano-probe Technology of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (2014)
- The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (JP) (平成21年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰科学技術賞) (2009)
- Foresight Institute Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology (US) (2009)
High-resolution scanning probe microscopy applied to technologically relevant materials
Scanning tunneling microscopy, Atomic force microscopy, Ultra-high vacuum, Atomic resolution, Metal oxide surfaces, Molecular surface chemistry
Fundamental studies on single-atom catalysis on wide band-gap metal oxide surfaces using atomic force microscopy.
Fundamental studies on atomic defects and adsorbates at on technological semiconductor substrates using scanning probe microscopy
Study of surface chemical reactions of organic molecules using scanning probe microscopy
• Sub-molecular and atomic resolution on insulating and wide band-gap substrates with high-resolution atomic force microscopy
• Combination of simultaneous scanning tunneling microscopy and atomic force microscopy for an unambiguous identification of molecules and atoms
• High-resolution scanning tunneling spectroscopy for the study of single spins and surface electronic properties of materials
• High-resolution atomic force microscopy for the characterization of interatomic forces and local reactivity of surfaces
We apply state-of-the-art scanning probe microscopy techniques to study single-atom catalysis. We try to clarify fundamental properties of transition metals dispersed on oxide supports and to understand how the interaction with the substate modify their reactivity with different molecular species for hydrogen production and other energy sources.
We also simultaneously combine scanning tunneling microscopy and atomic force microscopy to study chemical reactions of organic molecules at surfaces.
Our research approach bears potential to find combinations of materials for enhancing the production of hydrogen and methanol, as well as to find novel approaches to produce chemical reactions of organic compounds that only occur in the presence of the reactants at surfaces.