HOME > Presentation > Detail窒化アルミニウム同位体多層構造の作製と窒素拡散特性(Growth of isotopic multilayer structures of aluminum nitride and characterization of nitrogen diffusibity)大垣 武, 羽田 肇, 坂口 勲, 松本 研司, 姚 永昭, 菱田 俊一, 齋藤 紀子, 大橋 直樹. AMF-AMEC-2010. June 28, 2010-July 01, 2010.NIMS author(s)OGAKI, TakeshiHANEDA, HajimeSAKAGUCHI, IsaoHISHITA, ShunichiSAITO, NorikoOHASHI, NaokiFulltext and dataset(s) on Materials Data Repository (MDR)Created at: 2017-01-08 03:56:18 +0900Updated at: 2017-07-10 20:48:18 +0900