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Theoretical Prediction of Giant Tunnel Magnetoresistance and Large Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy in Unconventional (111)-Oriented Magnetic Tunnel Junctions

増田 啓介, 伊藤博介, 園部 義明, 介川 裕章, 三谷 誠司, 三浦 良雄.
The 5th Symposium for The Core Research Clusters for Materials Science and Spintronics, and the 4th Symposium on International Joint Graduate Program in Materials Science. 2021年10月25日-2021年10月28日.


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    作成時刻: 2021-11-06 03:37:43 +0900更新時刻: 2021-11-06 03:37:43 +0900
