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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2024年09月13日

  • 熊倉 浩明, 北口 仁, 戸叶一正, 木吉司, 井上廉, 岡田道哉, 田中和英, 福島敬二, 佐藤淳一, 戸叶一正, 木吉司, 井上廉, 岡田道哉, 田中和英, 福島敬二, 佐藤淳一. 22テスラ以上の磁界発生に用いられるBi-2212/Ag超伝導内挿マグネット. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 35 (1996)
  • Masayuki Kamei, 田中泰, Yasuaki Tanaka, Yoshihiko Gotoh. Adsorption Site Determination by Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction Combined with Interface Energy Calculation. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 35 [Part 2, No. 2A] (1996) L164-L166 10.1143/jjap.35.l164
  • 斎藤一男, Masatsugu Kaise, 柳宗勲, Jonghun You, Kazuo Saito. Ion Beam Modification of BiSrCaCuO Ultrathin Films of Nearly Three Half-Unit Cell Thickness. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 35 [Part 2, No. 3B] (1996) L387-L390 10.1143/jjap.35.l387
  • 余珊, 奥田雄一, KAWASHIMA, Tetsuya, MUROMACHI, Eiji. Critical Current Densities and Irreversibility Fields of High Tc Superconductors,GaSr2Ca2Cu3O9 and VSr2Can-1CunO2n+3(n=3,4). Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (1995)
  • Julio RAMIREZ-CASTELLANOS, 松井良夫, KAWASHIMA, Tetsuya, MUROMACHI, Eiji, Angus I. KIRKLAND. . Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (1995) 1591
  • 小野晃. Preparation of New Superconducting Cuprate (Ru,Nb)Sr2(Sm,Ce)2Cu2Oz. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (1995) 1121
  • 古曳重美, 水野孝一, 榎原晃, 林重徳, 坂井全弘, 瀬恒謙太郎, FUKUSHIMA, Sei, 合志陽一. Cu 2p Photoelectron and 2p3/2-Valence-Valence Auger Electron Spectra of Cuprate Superconductors. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics PART1. (1994) 6699
  • 速水渉, SOUDA, Ryutaro, AIZAWA, Takashi, 田中高穂, 石澤芳夫. A Structural Analysis of the HfB2(0001) Surface. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Series. (1994) 172
  • Shiro Tsukamoto, Nobuyuki Koguchi. 2〜6 Surface Reconstruction of Sulfur-terminated GaAs(001) Observed by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 33 [Part 2, No. 8B] (1994) L1185-L1188 10.1143/jjap.33.l1185
  • 塚本史郎, Kazumasa Koguchi, KOGUCHI, Nobuyuki, Takuya Matsumoto, Tomoji Kawai, Shichio Kawai. 2×6 Surface Reconstruction of Sulfur-terminated GaAs(001) Observed by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy . Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 33 [Part 2, No. 4A] (1994) L514-L516 10.1143/jjap.33.l514
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