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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2025年02月09日

  • 森俊樹, Ishioka Kunie, Kitajima Masahiro, Murakami Kouicih. Thermal behavior of hydrogen molecules trapped by multivacancies in silicon. Physica B. ()
  • 湯鋒, 中澤静夫, HAGIWARA, Masuo, 湯鋒, 中澤静夫. Effect of Quarternary Additions on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Orthorhombic Ti2AlNb-Based Alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A. ()
  • OZAWA, Kiyoshi, SAKKA, Yoshio, 天野宗幸, 天野宗幸. Bi, Y, and Al-Doped Antimonic Acids: Preparation, Electrical Properties, and Water Adsorption Behavior. Mater. Res. Soc. Proc.. ()
  • 目義雄, 石垣隆正, 伊阨a, 北澤宏一. 協奏増幅を利用した材料プロセッシング. 粉体および粉末治金. ()
  • MORI, Toshiyuki, IKEGAMI, Takayasu, 山村博, 山村博. Improvement of fluorite structures in M2O3-CeO2 (M=Sm, La) system based on a novel effective index. Solid State Ionics V, MRS proceedings. () 635-640
  • Steve Hwang, Nishimura Chikashi, McCormick Paul G. Deformation Mechanism of Nanocrystalline Magnesium in Compression. Scripta Materialia. ()
  • TAKEYA, Hiroyuki, 土生田恵美, 古川はづき, 大場俊幸, HIRATA, Kazuto. SINGLE CRYSTAL GROWTH AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ErNi2B2C, Er0.8Tb0.2Ni2B2C AND Er0.8Lu0.2Ni2B2C. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. ()
  • X.H. YU, Yamabe-Mitarai Y., Nakazawa S., Ro Y., Harada H.. Drastically Improved Ductility of Ir-base Alloy by Mixing Ir-Nb with Ni-Al. Materials Science and EnginerringA. ()
  • 名嘉節, TANG, Jie, 大貫惇睦, Parhat Ahmet. Pressure effects of susceptibility and specific heat in PrCu2. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. ()
  • 中村寿伸, 土谷浩一, 梅本実, 大塚秀幸. Ni-Mn-Ga合金の相変態に及ぼす第4元素添加の影響. J.of MRS. ()
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