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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2024年11月12日

  • CHIKYO, Toyohiro, KOGUCHI, Nobuyuki. Microstructure fabrication of GaAs by low energy focused ion beam. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. ()
  • 名嘉節, 石田進, YE, Jinhua, 宍戸統悦, 福田承生. Magnetic transition in RRh2B2C. Journal of Applied Physics. ()
  • 谷山智康, NAKATANI, Isao. Magnetic Relaxation in Ga0.6Mo2S4 Spinel. Journal of Applied Physics. ()
  • Luc.Ortega, Fabio.Comin, Vincenzo.Formoso, Andreas.Stierle, . Trace element analysis on Si wafers by TXRF at the ID32 ESRF beamline. Journal of Syncrotron Radiation. ()
  • TAKAMASU, Tadashi, 木戸義勇, 大野実, 三浦登, 遠藤彰, 勝本真吾, 加藤真由美, 家泰弘. Possibleexplanation of the temperature dependance of diagonal resistivity at v=1 in thrme of skyrmion backscatterings. Physica B. ()
  • ARAKI, Hiroshi, SUZUKI, Hiroshi, 野田哲二. Microstructure and bending properties of SiCf/SiC composites prepared by CVI. Journal of Nuclear Materials. ()
  • OHNUMA, Masato, HONO, Kazuhiro, ONODERA, Hidehiro, 鈴木淳市. SANS and APFIM characterization of nanocrystalline soft magnetic alloys. Materials Science and Engnnering A. ()
  • HONO, Kazuhiro, 張援, 井上明久, 桜井利夫. Microstructure of Rapidly Solidified Al-4V-2Fe Alloy. Materials Science Engneering A. ()
  • 田中美代子, 古屋一夫, 斎藤鉄哉. TEM observation of FIB micromilled Ni silicides thin films. Thin Solid Films. ()
  • OHNO, Takahisa, SASAKI, Taizo, 田口朋仁. Ab-Initio investigations of diffusion of halogen atoms in GaAs. Materials Science Foum. ()
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