HOME > 論文 > 書誌詳細Visualization of threading dislocations in an α-Ga2O3 epilayer by HCl gas etching( α-Ga2O3における貫通転位のHClガスエッチによる可視化)Yuichi Oshima, Shingo Yagyu, Takashi Shinohe. Journal of Crystal Growth 576 126387. 2021.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2021.126387 Open Access Elsevier BV (Publisher) Materials Data Repository (MDR) NIMS著者大島 祐一Materials Data Repository (MDR)上の本文・データセットMDRavailable Visualization of threading dislocations in an α-Ga2O3 epilayer by HCl gas etching 作成時刻: 2021-11-02 03:35:32 +0900更新時刻: 2024-10-06 07:09:07 +0900