- Address
- 305-0044 茨城県つくば市並木1-1 [アクセス]
- A.K. Srinithi, A. Bolyachkin, Xin Tang, H. Sepehri-Amin, S. Dieb, A.T. Saito, T. Ohkubo, K. Hono. Data-driven compositional optimization of La(Fe,Si)13-based magnetocaloric compounds for cryogenic applications. Scripta Materialia. 258 (2025) 116486 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2024.116486
- Vickey Nandal, Sae Dieb, Dmitry S. Bulgarevich, Toshio Osada, Toshiyuki Koyama, Satoshi Minamoto, Masahiko Demura. Artificial intelligence inspired design of non-isothermal aging for γ–γ′ two-phase, Ni–Al alloys. Scientific Reports. 13 [1] (2023) 12660 10.1038/s41598-023-39589-2 Open Access
- Jun Nakanishi, Takeshi Ueki, Sae Dieb, Hidenori Noguchi, Shota Yamamoto, Keitaro Sodeyama. Data-driven optimization of the in silico design of ionic liquids as interfacial cell culture fluids. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 25 [1] (2024) 2418287 10.1080/14686996.2024.2418287 Open Access
- 戸田 佳明, ディーブ 冴. 三次元積層造形プロセスに適した新規合金組成探索. マテリアルズインテグレーションによる構造材料設計ハンドブック. (株)エヌ・ティー・エス, 2024, 11.
- JU Shenghong, DIEB, Sae, TSUDA, Koji, SHIOMI, Junichiro. Designing Nanostructures for Heat Transport via Materials Informatics.. The 16th International Heat Transfer Conference. (2018) 9999-1-9999-8
- DIEB, Sae, OKA, Hiroyuki, ISHII, Masashi. Linking polymer names abbreviation to their definition in related scientific documents. Third International Workshop on SCIentific DOCument Analysis (SCIDOCA2018). (2018) 9999-1-9999-6
- JU Shenghong, DIEB, Sae, TSUDA, Koji, SHIOMI, Junichiro. Optimizing Interface/Surface Roughness for Thermal Transport. Machine Learning for Molecules and Materials NIPS 2018 Workshop. (2018) 9999-1-9999-7
- DIEB, Sae. Data-driven Optimization of Ionic Liquids as Interfacial Cell Culture Fluids. NIMS-Kyoto University Young Researcher Workshop. 2024 招待講演
- DIEB, Sae. Chemistry Data Science. Yokohama National University chemical data science course. 2024 招待講演
- 上木 岳士, 猿渡 彩, 山本 翔太, ディーブ 冴, 野口 秀典, 袖山 慶太郎, 中西 淳. イオン液体およびイオンゲルの界面を利用した細胞培養. 第14回イオン液体討論会. 2024
- FOPPIANO, Luca, DIEB, Sae, SUZUKI, Akira, ISHII, Masashi. Proposal for Automatic Extraction Framework of Superconductors Related Information from Scientific Literature. IEICE technical report. (2019) 1-5
- DIEB, Sae, SODEYAMA, Keitaro, TANIFUJI, Mikiko. Visualization of Materials Science topics in Publications of Institutional Repository using Natural Language processing. Research Ideas and Outcomes. 8 (2022) e95679
Data-driven algorithms for materials innovation
Materials informatics, Machine learning, Natural Language Processing
Development of machine learning algorithms for materials design and discovery.
Automatic construction of materials databases from related research papers using natural language processing.
Development of profiling serivce for mateials science reserchers.
Prediction of materials properties using regression methods.
Development of MDTS (Materials Design by Tree search) Python package for materials space exploration based on Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) (https://github.com/tsudalab/MDTS).
Development of visualization service for NIMS SAMURAI researchers catalouge to capture research output and connect researchers with similar reserach interest using natural language processing.
Materials design and discovery can be represented as selecting the optimal structure from a space of candidates that optimizes a target property. The selection is an iterative process, where selected candidate in one iteration is evaluted and fedback to the process for a more informed selection in the next iteration. Since the number of candidates can be exponentially proportional to the structure determination variables, the efficiency to obtain the optimal structure is a critical issue. We use Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) approach in combination with expansion policy neural network to accelerate this process. MCTS has no tuning parameters and works autonomously in various problems. Additionally, it does not require pre- availalbe training data and it is highly scalble making it good fit for large spaces problems such as the chemical and mateirals space.
Optimization of the chemical compositions and heat treatment scheduling for new Ni-based superalloy for addiditve manufacturing using machine learning. Active-Leaning-Driven Development of Platinum-Free Electrocatalysts for the Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction.