- Address
- 305-0047 茨城県つくば市千現1-2-1 [アクセス]
- 本橋 功会, 黒田 秀治, 勝矢 良雄, 仲 邦彰. 1500トン鍛造シミュレータその他装置の紹介. ぷらすとす. (2021) 751-755 10.32277/plastos.4.47_751
- Nguyen Gia Minh Thao, Keisuke Fujisaki, Hiroaki Mamiya, Syuji Kuroda, Yoko Yamabe-Mitarai, Norie Motohashi. Magnetic Characterization of 4μm-thick Steel Made by Continuous Rolling Process for Power Electronic Applications in High Frequency. IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications. 10 [6] (2021) 21001213 10.1541/ieejjia.21001213 Open Access
- Yoko Yamabe-Mitarai, Syuji Kuroda, Norie Motohashi, Hiroaki Matsumoto, Goro Miyamoto, Elango Chandiran, Yoshinori Yoshida, Yoshio Itsumi. Effect of Forging Temperature on Microstructure Evolution and Tensile Properties of Ti-17 Alloys. MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS. 60 [9] (2019) 1733-1739 10.2320/matertrans.me201911
- M. Niinomi, T. Akahori, M. Nakai, Y. Koizumi, A. Chiba, T. Nakano, T. Kakeshita, Y. Yamabe-Mitarai, S. Kuroda, N. Motohashi, Y. Itsumi, T. Choda. Quantitative relationship between microstructural factors and fatigue life of Ti-5Al-2Sn-2Zr-4Cr-4 Mo (Ti-17) fabricated using a 1500-ton forging simulator. Proceeding of the 14th world conference on Titanium. (2020) 11015 10.1051/matecconf/202032111015
- Y. Yamabe-Mitarai, S. Kuroda, N. Motohashi, H. Matsumoto, G. Miyamoto, Y. Yoshida, K. Yamanaka, M. Niinomi, Y. Itsumi. Effect of microstructure on tensile properties of Ti-17 alloys forged using a 1500-ton forging simulator. Proceeding of the 14th world conference on Titanium. (2020) 04014 10.1051/matecconf/202032104014
- KITASHIMA, Tomonori, MITARAI, Yoko, IWASAKI, Satoshi, KURODA, Shuji. Effects of alloying elements on tensile and oxidation properties in α and near-α Ti alloys. Proceedings of The 13th World Conference on Titanium (Ti-2015) . (2016) 479-483
- 染川 英俊, 本橋 功会, 黒田 秀治, 万代 俊彦. Mg金属箔の力学特性と電気化学特性. 軽金属学会第147回秋期大会. 2024
- 染川 英俊, 本橋 功会, 黒田 秀治. マグネシウム金属箔の創製と力学・機能特性. 日本機械学会2024年度年次大会. 2024
- 本橋 功会, 黒田 秀治. 1500トン鍛造シミュレータ. FORGEユーザーカンファレンス2020 . 2020 招待講演
- KITASHIMA, Tomonori, MITARAI, Yoko, IWASAKI, Satoshi, KURODA, Shuji. Effects of alloying elements on tensile and oxidation properties in α and near-α Ti alloys. Proceedings of The 13th World Conference on Titanium (Ti-2015) . (2016) 479-483
- 岩崎 智, 荒金 吾郎, 檜原 高明, 黒田 秀治, 谷内 泰志, 奥田 正美. 研究室紹介 材料創製・加工ステーション 材料創製グループ. 鋳造工学. 86 [5] (2014) 351
- KURODA, Daisuke, HANAWA, Takao, HIBARU, Takaaki, KURODA, Shuji, KOBAYASHI, MASAKI, KOBAYASHI, Takeshi. New Manufacturing Process of Nickel-Free Austenitic. Proceedings of The 1st Japan-China Mini-Symposium on Biomaterials. (2005) 98-101
- 恒温鍛造装置及び恒温鍛造方法 (2024)
- 一方向配向するフェライト単相ラメラ組織鋼材とその製造方法 (2004)
- マグネシウム基合金薄板及び箔材並びにそれらの製造方法 (2014)