- Address
- 305-0047 茨城県つくば市千現1-2-1 [アクセス]
- Keywords
- KIM, Byung-Nam, HIRAGA, Keijiro. Simulation of Diffusional Creep Accompanied by Grain Growth in 2-Dimensional Polycrystalline Solids. Acta Materialia. (2000) 4151-4159
- Hyoung-Won Son, KIM, Byung-Nam, SUZUKI, Tohru, Yoshikazu Suzuki. Fabrication of Translucent AlN Ceramics with MgF2 Additive by Spark Plasma Sintering. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY. 101 [10] (2018)
- KIM, Byung-Nam, HIRAGA, Keijiro, SAKKA, Yoshio. Superplastic Alumina Ceramics Dispersed with Zirconia and Spinel Particles. Materials Science Forum. ()
- Koji Morita, Byung Nam Kim, Hidehiro Yoshida, Keijiro Hiraga, Yoshio Sakka. Fabrication of Dense Nano-Structured Bulk Ceramics by means of Spark-Plasma-Sintering (SPS) Processing. MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM. (2016) 225-230 10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.838-839.225
- YOSHIDA, Hidehiro, MORITA, Koji, KIM, Byung-Nam, Koji Matsui, Yuichi Ikuhara, SAKKA, Yoshio, Taketo Sakuma. Improvement of Superplasticity in Fine-grained Oxide Ceramics Based on the Concept of Grain Boundary Plasticity. Materials Science Forum. (2015) 34-40
- Koji Morita, Byung-Nam KIM, Hidehiro Yoshida, Yoshio Sakka, Keijiro Hiraga. Fabrication of Transparent MgAl2O4 Spinel by optimizing loading schedule during Spark-Plasma-Sintering. Innovative Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Ceramics and Composites II:Ceramic Transactions. (2014) 173-180 10.1002/9781118771464.ch18
- 鈴木 達, 劉 麗紅, 李 継光, 森田 孝治, 金 炳男. SPSと結晶配向を用いた透光性YVO4セラミックスの作製. 日本セラミックス協会 第37回秋季シンポジウム. 2024
- 古瀬 裕章, 森田 孝治, 金 炳男, 鈴木 達, 望月 友輝. ストロンチウムフッ化アパタイト(S-AP)レーザーセラミックスの開発. 日本セラミックス協会 2024年年会. 2024
- FURUSE, Hiroaki, MORITA, Koji, KIM, Byung-Nam, SUZUKI, Tohru. Fabrication of non-cubic fluorapatite laser ceramics with fine microstructure. The 15th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies (PACRIM15) & The 13th Int'l Conference of High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-13). 2023 招待講演
- 古瀬 裕章, 堀内 尚紘, 金 炳男. 微結晶粒組織を 有する非立方晶系 レーザーセラミックス. セラミックス. (2020) 117-120
- 古瀬裕章, 堀内尚紘, 金 炳男. 非立方晶系フッ化 アパタイトレーザーセラミックスの開発. 機能材料(Materials Report). (2020) 47-53
- HIRAGA, Keijiro, KIM, Byung-Nam, MORITA, Koji, SAKKA, Yoshio, TABUCHI, Masaaki. High-strain-rate superplasticity and tensile failure in cation-doped zirconia (Y-TZP). Proc. 8thJapan-China Bilateral Symposium 8thJapan-China Bilateral Symposium. (2013) 25-1-25-5
- アルミナ系超塑性セラミックス (2001)
- 高度に透明なアルミナセラミック及びその製造方法 (2011)
- アパタイト多結晶体、生体材料、レーザ発振器、レーザ増幅器及びアパタイト多結晶体の製造方法 (2020)