- Address
- 305-0047 茨城県つくば市千現1-2-1 [アクセス]
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- 石田章. 形状記憶合金薄膜. 日刊工業新聞月刊誌「工業材料」. (2001) 46-49
- Dao Chi Tue, Te-Kang Tsao, Akira Ishida, Hideyuki Murakami, Le Thi Hong Lien. Microstructure and Oxidation Behavior of Pt and Pt–Ir Diffusion Coatings on Ni-Based Single Crystal Superalloy. MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS. 61 [8] (2020) 1671-1678 10.2320/matertrans.mt-m2020125
- ISHIDA, Akira, SATO, Morio, 嘉瀬慶久, 武井厚, 宮崎修一. Effect of Heat Treatment on Shape Memory Behavior of Ti-Ni Thin Films. Journal de Physique. (1995) 701-705
- 石田 章. 形状記憶合金. 環境・エネルギー材料ハンドブック. , 2011, 384-392.
- Kazuki Takashima, Akira Ishida. Metals and Alloys. COMPREHENSIVE MICROSYSTEMS. Elsevier, 2008, 53-73. 10.1016/b978-044452190-3.00006-9
- 石田 章, 佐藤 守夫. 薄膜型アクチュエータ材料化技術-形状記憶材料系. 未来型アクチュエータ材料・デバイス. , 2006, 124-131.
- MURAKAMI, Hideyuki, ダオ チー トゥエイ, ISHIDA, Akira, Le Thi Hong Lien. Microstructure and oxidation properties of Pt-Ir based diffusion coatings on Ni-based single crystal superalloys. Proceedings of Tsukuba International Coating Symposium 2018. (2018) 29-30
- MURAKAMI, Hideyuki, ダオ チー トゥエイ, HAYAKAWA, Masao, ISHIDA, Akira, Le Thi Hong Lien. Development of Pt-Ir Diffusion Coatings on Ni-based Single Crystal Superalloys for Oxidation Protection. Proceedings of HIMAT 2019. (2019) 614-620
- MURAKAMI, Hideyuki, ISHIDA, Akira, TAKAMORI, Susumu, ODE, Machiko, 江阪 久雄. Application of Pt-based paste coatings for surface modification of cast Ni-based superalloys. International Symposium on High temperature Oxidation and Corrosion 2022 Abstracts. 1 (2022) 271-272
- ISHIDA, Akira. Application of the sputtering method in the study of shape memory alloy. ICOMAT2014(マルテンサイト変態に関する国際会議). 2014 招待講演
- MURAKAMI, Hideyuki, ISHIDA, Akira, TAKAMORI, Susumu, ODE, Machiko, 江阪 久雄. A novel Approach to Develop Oxidation Resistant Surface on Cast Ni-based Superalloys. 9th Tsukuba International Coating Symposium (TICS 9). 2022
- MURAKAMI, Hideyuki, ISHIDA, Akira, TAKAMORI, Susumu, ODE, Machiko, 江阪 久雄. Application of Pt-based paste coating for surface modification of cast Ni-based superalloys. International Symposium on High-temperature Oxidation and Corrosion 2022 (ISHOC 2022). 2022
- 石田 章. 形状記憶合金薄膜の応用展開. 金属. 81 [4] (2011) 315-320
- A. Ishida. Mechanical properties of Ti-Ni thin films. Thin Film Shape Memory Alloys :Fundamental and Device Applications. (2009) 145-165 10.1017/cbo9780511635366.008
- 石田 章. Ti-Ni系形状記憶合金薄膜の微細組織と機械的挙動. 軽金属. 57 [7] (2007) 293-300