HOME > Profile > HANAGATA, Nobutaka
- Address
- 305-0047 1-2-1 Sengen Tsukuba Ibaraki JAPAN [Access]
- Keywords
①免疫システムを制御する核酸医薬の開発とナノ粒子による作用制御, ②ナノ物質の細胞毒性評価, ③遺伝子およびタンパク質の網羅的解析
PublicationsNIMS affiliated publications since 2004.
Research papers
- CHINNATHAMBI, Shanmugavel, Subramani Karthikeyan, Kanniyappan Udayakumar, Mangaiyarkarsi Rajendiran, Arunkumar Manoharan, Saravanan Kandasamy, HANAGATA, Nobutaka. 4-Hydroxycoumarin Derivative: N-(diphenylmethyl)-2-[(2-oxo-2H-chromen-4-yl)oxy]acetamide Interaction with Human Serum Albumin. JOURNAL OF SPECTROSCOPY. (2018) 3480384
- Xia Li, Shinya Hattori, Tomohiko Yamazaki, Mitsuhiro Ebara, Naoto Shirahata, Nobutaka Hanagata. Inosine pranobex-derived coordination complexes for self-adjuvant, self-carrier, and self-assembled vaccines in cancer immunotherapy. Applied Materials Today. 39 (2024) 102299 10.1016/j.apmt.2024.102299
- Xia Li, Mitsuhiro Ebara, Naoto Shirahata, Tomohiko Yamazaki, Nobutaka Hanagata. Synergistic Effects of Metal–Organic Nanoplatform and Guanine Quadruplex-Based CpG Oligodeoxynucleotides in Therapeutic Cancer Vaccines with Different Tumor Antigens. Vaccines. 12 [6] (2024) 649 10.3390/vaccines12060649 Open Access
- 花方 信孝. ナノテクノロジーで花粉症を治せるか?. , 2017, 1-136.
- 生駒俊之, 田中 順三, 伊藤 博, 芹澤 武, 早乙女 進一, 花方 信孝, 吉岡 朋彦, 澤田 敏樹, 多賀谷 基博. 生物材料・ナノ材料に対する細胞の遺伝子応答. ナノバイオとナノメディシン. , 2015, 204-245.
- 花方 信孝. ナノイムノセラピー. , 2015, 1-208.
- Song Chen, Nobutaka Hanagata. Directing osteoblast alignment and elongation on the micro-grooved silica-based hybrid membrane. ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH. (2013) 165-169 10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.647.165
- Motohiro Tagaya, Nobutaka Hanagata, Toshiyuki Ikoma, Takaomi Kobayashi, Kota Shiba, Tomohiko Yoshioka, Junzo Tnaka. Cytotoxicity and Cancer Detection Ability of the Luminescent Nanoporous Silica Spheres Immobilized with Folic Acid Derivative. KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS. (2012) 630-635 10.4028/www.scientific.net/kem.529-530.630
- Motohiro Tagaya, Toshiyuki Ikoma, Taro Takemura, Nobutaka Hanagata, Tomohiko Yoshioka, Junzo Tanaka. Protein Adsorption and Subsequent Fibroblasts Adhesion on Hydroxyapatite Nanocrystals. IOP CONF. SERIES : MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. (2011) 192009-1-192009-4 10.1088/1757-899x/18/19/192009
- LI, Xia, HATTORI, Shinya, YAMAZAKI, Tomohiko, EBARA, Mitsuhiro, SHIRAHATA, Naoto, HANAGATA, Nobutaka. Rational design of iron-based coordination polymers for enhancing antitumor immunity. The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Drug Delivery System. 2024
- LI, Xia, HATTORI, Shinya, YAMAZAKI, Tomohiko, EBARA, Mitsuhiro, SHIRAHATA, Naoto, HANAGATA, Nobutaka. Nanoengineering Design of Iron-based Coordination Polymers for Cancer Immunotherapy. つくば医工連携フォーラム2024. 2024 Invited
- 守矢恒司, MORITA, Hiromi, MINOWA, Takashi, HANAGATA, Nobutaka, 田中利明. Analysis of processing, transportation, and secretion of collagen using visualized type I procollagen. 第43回日本分子生物学会年会. 2020
- Peng Pei, Fan Yang, Jiaxing Liu, Haoran Hu, Xiaoyu Du, Nobutaka Hanagata, Shichang Zhao, Yufang Zhu. Composite-dissolving microneedle patches for chemotherapy and photothermal therapy in superficial tumor treatment. Biomaterials Science. 6 [6] (2018) 1414-1423 10.1039/c8bm00005k
- Zhengfang Tian, Xia Yu, Zhijun Ruan, Min Zhu, Yufang Zhu, Nobutaka Hanagata. Magnetic mesoporous silica nanoparticles coated with thermo-responsive copolymer for potential chemo- and magnetic hyperthermia therapy. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 256 (2018) 1-9 10.1016/j.micromeso.2017.07.053
- 花方 信孝. 特集に寄せて-バイオマテリアルデザインのためのインフォマティクス-. バイオマテリアル. 35 [3] (2017) 154-155
Published patent applications