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(De Haas-van Alphen Oscillations in KFe$_2$As$_2$)

寺嶋 太一, 木俣 基, 栗田 伸之, 薩川 秀隆, 原田 淳之, 硲 香織, 宇治 進也, 今井 基晴, 佐藤 晃, Kunihiro Kihou, Chul-Ho Lee, Hijiri Kito, Hiroshi Eisaki, Akira Iyo, Hideto Fukazawa, Yoh Kohori, Hisatomo Harima.
APS March Meeting 2010. March 15, 2010-March 19, 2010.

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    Created at: 2017-01-08 04:34:08 +0900Updated at: 2018-06-05 12:40:49 +0900

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