17件の論文が見つかりました。論文は出版年月日順に表示しています。(ヘルプ) | |
石橋 達弥, 吉川 裕輔, 山本 卓, MIYAHARA, Kensuke, 高木 智史, 藤塚 将行, 片山 繁雄. Calculation theory of the Equivalent Indenting Vickers hardness HVI(IW) and Implementation for many kinds of material and test force ranging from 10 mN to 1960 mN with Berkovich indenter in the Instrumented Indentation Test. Journal of Material Testing Research Association of Japan. 65 [1] (2020) 4-17 | |
宮原 健介, 石橋 達弥, 吉川 裕輔, 山本 卓. 計装化押し込み試験の巡回測定データを用いたtangent depth法によるヤング率の算出. Journal of Material Testing Research Association of Japan. 65 [1] (2020) 25-31 | |
Tatsuya ISHIBASHI, Yusuke YOSHIKAWA, Masayuki YAMAMOTO, MIYAHARA, Kensuke, Takashi YAMAMOTO, Motofumi OHKI, Shigeo KATAYAMA. Proposal for ISO 14577−Part 1: Test method (Verification of the calculation method of Young’s modulus for wide range of materials and test forces ranging from micro to macro range with data un-calibrated machine frame compliance in its testing system). JOURNAL OF MATERIAL TESTING RESEARCH ASSOCIATION OF JAPAN(材料試験技術). 62 [3] (2017) 164-172 | |
Tatsuya ISHIBASHI, Yusuke YOSHIKAWA, Shigeo KATAYAMA, MIYAHARA, Kensuke, Motofumi OHKI, Takashi YAMAMOTO, Masayuki YAMAMOTO. Proposal for ISO 14577-Part 1: Test method (Verification of the calculation method of Young’s modulus for wide range of materials and test forces with already calibrated machine frame compliance in its testing system). JOURNAL OF MATERIAL TESTING RESEARCH ASSOCIATION OF JAPAN. 62 [2] (2017) 68-77 | |
Tatsuya ISHIBASHI, Yusuke YOSHIKAWA, MIYAHARA, Kensuke, Takashi YAMAMOTO, Shigeo KATAYAMA, Masayuki YAMAMOTO. Concrete and Quantitative Analyses on Instrumented Indentation Test (Proposal of new theory for determination procedures of opti. JOURNAL OF MATERIAL TESTING RESEARCH ASSOCIATION OF JAPAN. 61 [2] (2016) 60-67 | |
山本 正之, 渡辺 瑞輝, 山本 卓, 宮原 健介. 微小球反発試験eNMの硬さの相似則に関する研究. JOURNAL OF MATERIAL TESTING RESEARCH ASSOCIATION OF JAPAN(材料試験技術). 61 [2] (2016) 232-227 | |
宮原 健介, 山本卓, 石橋達弥. 計装化押し込み試験の巡回測定報告 (1)巡回測定の実施方法. JOURNAL OF MATERIAL TESTING RESEARCH ASSOCIATION OF JAPAN. 60 [2] (2015) 89-92 | |
山本正之, 山本卓, 宮原 健介. ロックウェルダイヤモンド圧子形状の評価と硬さ試験への影響. JOURNAL OF MATERIAL TESTING RESEARCH ASSOCIATION OF JAPAN(材料試験技術). 59 [2] (2014) 75-80 | |
Tatsuya ISHIBASHI, Yusuke YOSHIKAWA, Shigeo KATAYAMA, Motofumi OHKI, Satoshi TAKAGI, Takashi YAMAMOTO, MIYAHARA, Kensuke, Masayuki YAMAMOTO. Theoretical and Experimental Study on Nanoindentation Test in Diamond (2 nd. Evaluation and discussion about theoretical and experimental indentation curves for single crystal Diamond Ⅱa(111) and Ⅱa(100), and confirmation for usefulness of Nanoindentation test). JOURNAL OF MATERIAL TESTING RESEARCH ASSOCIATION OF JAPAN. 59 [2] (2014) 54-68 | |
宮原 健介, 山本卓, 山本正之. ナノ・マイクロ領域における金属および非金属材料の等価くぼみ深さ試験. JOURNAL OF MATERIAL TESTING RESEARCH ASSOCIATION OF JAPAN(材料試験技術). 58 [2] (2013) 89-96 | |