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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2024年09月07日

  • AONO, Masakazu, 大島忠平, 財満領明, OTANI, Shigeki, 石澤芳夫. Quantitative surface atomic geometry and two dimensional surface electron distribution anaysis by a new technique in lowenergy i. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (1981) 829
  • 岡井敏, 月岡正至, 藤田武敏. Pressure-Induced Resistance and Color Change in KTN. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (1980) 248
  • HIROSHI, NOZAKI. Galvanomagnetic Properties of Fe3S4. Journal of Applied Physics. (1980) 486
  • 大島忠平, AONO, Masakazu, 田中高穂, 西谷龍介, 河合七雄. Low work function and surface of the LaB6(210) surface studied by angle-resolved XPS,UPS and LEED. Journal of Applied Physics. (1980) 997
  • 大島忠平, AONO, Masakazu, 田中高穂, 河合七雄, 志水隆一, 萩原宏俊. Thermionic emission from single-crystal LaB6 tips with [100],[110],[111] and [210] orientations. Journal of Applied Physics. (1980) 1201
  • Masumoto, and N.Koguchi, N. Koguchi, K. Masumoto. . Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 19 [S3] (1980) 273 10.7567/jjaps.19s3.273
  • AONO, Masakazu, 西谷龍介, 大島忠平, 田中高穂, 坂内英典, 河合七雄. Direct observation of LaB6(001) surface at high temperatures by XPS.UPS LEED AES and workfunction measurements. Journal of Applied Physics. (1979) 4802
  • AONO, Masakazu, 大島忠平, 田中高穂, 坂内英典, 河合七雄. Structure of the LaB6(001) surface studied by Angleresolved XPS and LEED. Journal of Applied Physics. (1978) 2761
  • 江原襄, 村松国孝, T.Mashio, T.Hattori, 嶋津正司. Photoconduction of Lead Trititanate. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (1978) 1153
  • 大島忠平, 田中高穂, 河合七雄, 坂内英典. Thermionic Work Function of LaB6 Single Crystals and Their Surfaces. Journal of Applied Physics. (1977) 3925
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