HOME > Article > DetailEffects of the atomic order on the half-metallic electronic structure in the Co2Fe(Ga0.5Ge0.5) Heusler alloy thin filmK. Goto, L. S. R. Kumara, Y. Sakuraba, Y. Miura, I. Kurniawan, A. Yasui, H. Tajiri, Y. Fujita, Z. Chen, K. Hono. Physical Review Materials 4 [11] 114406. 2020.https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevmaterials.4.114406 NIMS author(s)SAKURABA, YuyaMIURA, YoshioKURNIAWAN, IvanCHEN, ZixiHONO, KazuhiroFulltext and dataset(s) on Materials Data Repository (MDR)Created at: 2020-12-23 03:00:19 +0900Updated at: 2024-10-12 04:18:05 +0900