HOME > Search researchers > Keyword searchKeyword searchYou can search by keywords (names, research contents, titles and ORCID).72 researcher(s) found. Sorted by the arrival date. Displaying from 61 to 70.ZHU, Xinzhe (シュ シンテツ) NIMS Junior Researcher, Additive Manufacturing Group, Materials Manufacturing Field, Research Center for Structural Materials IWAMA, Tsukasa (岩間 司) NIMS Junior Researcher, Battery Materials Analysis Group, Battery and Cell Materials Field, Research Center for Energy and Environmental Materials (GREEN) TAN, Tianwen (タン ティアンウェン) NIMS Junior Researcher, Materials Modeling Group, Data-driven Materials Research Field, Center for Basic Research on Materials PUTRA, Ridwan (プトラ リドワン) NIMS Junior Researcher, Battery Materials Analysis Group, Battery and Cell Materials Field, Research Center for Energy and Environmental Materials (GREEN) EGUCHI, Ryuto (江口 琉斗) NIMS Junior Researcher, Environment-Controlled Microscopy Group, Battery and Cell Materials Field, Research Center for Energy and Environmental Materials (GREEN) CHEN, Jiakai (チェン ジアカイ) NIMS Junior Researcher, Nanoparticle Group, Nanomaterials Field, Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA) FENG, Mengqun (フォン メンチュン) NIMS Junior Researcher, Olfactory Sensors Group, Biomaterials Field, Research Center for Macromolecules and Biomaterials TANJAYA, Nicholaus (タンジャヤ ニコラウス) NIMS Junior Researcher, Optical Nanostructure Team, Nanomaterials Field, Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA) SIHOMBING, Rombang Rizky (ションビン ロンバン リズキ) NIMS Junior Researcher, Spintronics Group, Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials KAUTSAR, Zulfa Hilmi (コートザール ズルファ ヒルミ) NIMS Junior Researcher, Green Magnetic Materials Group, Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials « First ‹ Prev ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 Next › Last »