- Address
- 305-0044 茨城県つくば市並木1-1 [アクセス]
- Keywords
- WADA, Yoshiki, 古田武久, 山下正廣, 鳥海幸四郎. Optical Properties of Quasi-One-Dimensional MMX-Chain Compounds R4[Dt2(pop)4X],nH2O(R=K and NH4, X=Cl and Br). Synthetic Metals. (1994)
- WADA, Yoshiki, U.Lemmer, E.O.Gobel, 山下正廣. Time-Resolved Luminescence Study of Self-Trapped Exciton Relaxation in Ordered and Disordered One-Dimensional MX-Chain Systems. J.Luminescence. (1994) 146
- WADA, Yoshiki, 山下正廣. Third order electric susceptibilities of Halogen-Bridged Mixed-Valence Complexes:[Pt(en)2][Pt(en)2X2](ClO4)4, X=Cl,Br,I,en=ethyl. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (1990) 2744-2745
- Satoshi Ishii, Ken-ichi Uchida, Thang Duy Dao, Yoshiki Wada, Eiji Saitoh, Tadaaki Nagao. Generating Spin Current from Mid Infrared Plasmonic Metamaterial Absorbers. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Terchnical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2018). (2018) 10.1364/cleo_qels.2018.ff2f.8
- YAO, Yongzhao, OGAKI, Takeshi, MATSUMOTO, Kenji, SAKAGUCHI, Isao, WADA, Yoshiki, HANEDA, Hajime, SEKIGUCHI, Takashi, OHASHI, Naoki. Growth and characterization of isotopic natGa15N by molecular-beam epitaxy. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI C-CURRENT TOPICS IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS. (2009) S707-S710
- YAO, Yongzhao, OGAKI, Takeshi, MATSUMOTO, Kenji, SAKAGUCHI, Isao, WADA, Yoshiki, HANEDA, Hajime, SEKIGUCHI, Takashi, OHASHI, Naoki. Growth and characterization of isotopic natGa15N by molecular-beam epitaxy. Proceedings of SPIE. (2009) 72162D-1-72162D-7
- 若原 孝次, 長岡 かほり, 平田 千佳, 宮澤 薫一, 藤井 和子, 伊藤 攻, 松下 能孝, 和田 芳樹, 高木牧人, 島崎智実, 立川 仁典, 柳生 進二郎, 劉雨彬, 中島嘉之, 塚越 一仁. フラーレンC70とポルフィリンからなる単結晶ナノリボンの合成. 第32回 日本MRS年次大会. 2022
- 大橋 直樹, David Mora–Fonz, 大谷 茂樹, 和田 芳樹, 大垣 武, 宮川 仁, Alexander Shluger. Synthesis and characterization of oxysilicides and oxygermanides in search for semiconductors with direct-transition-type band gaps in near infrared region. Materials Research Meeting 2021 (MRM2021). 2021
- 齋藤 典生, 松下 能孝, 和田 芳樹, Pierric Lemoine, Stéphane Cordier, 大澤 健男, グラッセ ファビアン, 大橋 直樹. Crystallographic and Optical Studies on Impurity-Reduced Octahedral Molybdenum Cluster Compounds. Materials Research Meeting 2021. 2021
- YAO, Yongzhao, OGAKI, Takeshi, MATSUMOTO, Kenji, SAKAGUCHI, Isao, WADA, Yoshiki, HANEDA, Hajime, SEKIGUCHI, Takashi, OHASHI, Naoki. Growth and characterization of isotopic natGa15N by molecular-beam epitaxy. Proceedings of SPIE. (2009) 72162D-1-72162D-7