HOME > Profile > SIMALAOTAO, Kodchakorn
- Address
- 305-0047 1-2-1 Sengen Tsukuba Ibaraki JAPAN [Access]
PublicationsNIMS affiliated publications since 2004.
Research papers
- Hirofumi Suto, Vineet Barwal, Keisuke Masuda, Kodchakorn Simalaotao, Taisuke Sasaki, Yoshio Miura, Hiroo Tajiri, Loku Singgappulige Rosantha Kumara, Tomoyuki Koganezawa, Yuya Sakuraba. Negative spin polarization and effect of composition on the atomic order and electronic structure of Mn2VAl Heusler alloy thin films. Physical Review Materials. 8 [11] (2024) 114408 10.1103/physrevmaterials.8.114408 Open Access
- Vineet Barwal, Hirofumi Suto, Ryo Toyama, Kodchakorn Simalaotao, Taisuke Sasaki, Yoshio Miura, Yuya Sakuraba. Large magnetoresistance and high spin-transfer torque efficiency of Co2MnxFe1−xGe (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) Heusler alloy thin films obtained by high-throughput compositional optimization using combinatorially sputtered composition-gradient film. APL Materials. 12 [11] (2024) 111114 10.1063/5.0226638 Open Access
- Ryo Toyama, Keisuke Masuda, Kodchakorn Simalaotao, Weinan Zhou, Varun K Kushwaha, Yuya Sakuraba. Large anomalous Nernst conductivity of L10-ordered CoPt in CoPt composition-spread thin films. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 57 [40] (2024) 405001 10.1088/1361-6463/ad460e
- 首藤 浩文, バルワル ビニート, 増田 啓介, シマラオタオ コチャコン, 佐々木 泰祐, 三浦 良雄, 田尻 寛男, クマーラ ロシャンタ, 小金澤 智之, 桜庭 裕弥. Mn₂VAlホイスラー合金の負のスピン分極率:規則化と電子状態に対する組成の影響. 第48回 日本磁気学会学術講演会. 2024
- 遠山 諒, 増田 啓介, シマラオタオ コチャコン, 周 偉男, クシュワハ ヴァルン クマール, スワンナハーン ナッタモン, 佐々木 泰祐, 桜庭 裕弥. CoPt組成傾斜薄膜におけるL10規則化CoPtの大きな異常ネルンスト伝導度. 第48回日本磁気学会学術講演会. 2024
- SIMALAOTAO, Kodchakorn, MIURA, Yoshio, SAKURABA, Yuya. Searching for Cu-X spacers with a half-metallic Co2FeGa0.5Ge0.5 electrode to boost magnetoresistance in CPP-GMR devices using first-principles calculations. 第85回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会. 2024