publication_type publication_year number author title journal_title volume_number issue_number start_page end_page doi reported_at Paper 2024 1 Fumiyoshi Yoshinaka, Yusuke Tsutsumi, Tomoya Nagira, Susumu Takamori, Satoshi Emura, Takahiro Sawaguchi, Hideki Katayama, Terumi Nakamura, Yasuhiko Inoue, Susumu Motomura, Atsumichi Kushibe Effects of the Cr and Ni Concentrations on the Fatigue and Corrosion Resistances of Fe–Mn–Cr–Ni–Si Alloys for Seismic Damping Applications ISIJ International 64 7 1197 1205 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2024 2 Tomoya Nagira, Terumi Nakamura, Fumiyoshi Yoshinaka, Takahiro Sawaguchi, Yasuhiko Inoue Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Gas Metal Arc-welded Fe–Mn–Si Seismic Damping Alloy ISIJ International 64 11 1705 1715 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2023 1 Tomoya Nagira, Terumi Nakamura, Takashi Kimura, Fumiyoshi Yoshinaka, Takahiro Sawaguchi, Takayuki Yamashita, Yasuhiro Aoki, Hidetoshi Fujii Elucidation of solidification mode of Fe-Mn-Si alloy during TIG spot welding using synchrotron X-ray QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN WELDING SOCIETY 41 2 1s 5s 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2023 2 吉中 奎貴, 澤口 孝宏, 高森 晋, 江村 聡, 中村 照美, 柳樂 知也, 櫛部 淳道, 井上 泰彦, 本村 達 高疲労耐久性を有する溶接組立制振ダンパーを実現するFe-Mn-Cr-Ni-Si合金の開発 まてりあ 62 4 229 236 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2022 1 Tomoya Nagira, Terumi Nakamura, Fumiyoshi Yoshinaka, Takahiro Sawaguchi, Yasuhiro Aoki, Masayoshi Kamai, Hidetoshi Fujii, Akihisa Takeuchi, Masayuki Uesugi Direct observation of solidification behaviors of Fe-Mn-Si alloys during TIG spot welding using synchrotron X-ray Scripta Materialia 216 114743 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2022 2 Hideaki Nishikawa, Yoshiyuki Furuya, Houichi Kitano, Terumi Nakamura, Kosuke Kuwabara, Yoshiharu Kanegae, Dong-Soo Kang, Kinya Aota In-situ observation of microstructurally small fatigue crack initiation and growth behaviors of additively-manufactured alloy 718 Materials Science and Engineering: A 835 142682 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2021 1 中村 照美, 澤口 孝宏 耐疲労合金溶接部の強度と疲労特性 Journal of structural engineering. B 633 641 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2021 2 Fumiyoshi Yoshinaka, Takahiro Sawaguchi, Susumu Takamori, Terumi Nakamura, Goro Arakane, Yasuhiko Inoue, Susumu Motomura, Atsumichi Kushibe Development of ferrous-based weldable seismic damping alloy with prolonged plastic fatigue life Scripta Materialia 197 113815 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2021 3 Yasuhiko Inoue, Atsumichi Kushibe, Kenji Umemura, Yasunori Mizushima, Takahiro Sawaguchi, Terumi Nakamura, Hiroaki Otsuka, Yuya Chiba Fatigue‐resistant Fe‐Mn‐Si‐based alloy seismic dampers to counteract long‐period ground motion JAPAN ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 4 1 76 87 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2020 1 北野 萌一, 佐藤 彰, 伊與田 宗慶, 中村 照美 機械学習を活用した抵抗スポット溶接条件 − ナゲット形状関係の整理 溶接学会論文集 38 2 53 59 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2019 1 Houichi Kitano, Akira Sato, Muneyoshi Iyota, Terumi Nakamura Investigation of relationship between resistance spot welding condition and nugget shape by utilizing machine learning based technique Welding International 33 4-6 223 230 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2018 1 北野萌一, 中村照美 RF5法と最小二乗法を併用した溶接条件-溶接部特性関係の整理 Welding Letters 36 4 5WL 8WL 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2018 2 Houichi Kitano, Terumi Nakamura Predicting Residual Weld Stress Distribution with an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System International Journal of Automation Technology 12 3 290 296 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2018 3 Hai Qiu, Linning Wang, Chengduo Wang, Terumi Nakamura, Tadanobu Inoue Mechanical Stability of Retained Austenite in Multi-Pass Cr-Ni Weld Metal in an Over-Matching Welded Joint MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 59 3 380 385 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2018 4 北野 萌一, 中村 照美 低変態温度溶接材料を用いた溶融金属積層造形材の変形低減法に関する基礎的検討 溶接学会論文集 36 1 31 38 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2017 1 Susumu MEGURO, Takashi KIMURA, Terumi NAKAMURA, Hai QIU, Satoshi KAWADA, Kaneaki TSUZAKI B添加Al-Si-Mn耐候性鋼を用いた溶接構造体の実現に向けたBの高精度微量分析技術 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN WELDING SOCIETY 35 2 5s 8s 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2017 2 Haia QIU, Chengduob WANG, Terumi NAKAMURA, Tadanobu INOUE Evolution of strain field in an over-matching welded joint under tension estimated using digital image correlation QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN WELDING SOCIETY 35 4 154 159 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2016 1 Yoshiki Mikami, Terumi Nakamura, Masahito Mochizuki Numerical investigation of the influence of heat source modeling on simulated residual stress distribution in weaving welds Welding in the World 60 1 41 49 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2015 1 Hideyuki Ohtsuka, Van An Dinh, Takahisa Ohno, Kaneaki Tsuzaki, Koichi Tsuchiya, Ryoji Sahara, Hideaki Kitazawa, Terumi Nakamura, OHTSUKA, Hideyuki, Van An Dinh, OHNO, Takahisa, TSUZAKI, Kaneaki, TSUCHIYA, Koichi, SAHARA, Ryoji, KITAZAWA, Hideaki, NAKAMURA, Terumi First-principles calculation of effects of carbon on tetragonality and magnetic moment in Fe-C system ISIJ International 55 11 2483 2491 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2015 2 Terumi Nakamura Laser-Enhanced Ar-GMA Welding QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN WELDING SOCIETY 33 2 63s 66s 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2015 3 I. Shuro, S. Kobayashi, T. Nakamura, K. Tsuzaki Fe-Cr-Ni-Mn系におけるα/γ間の相平衡に及ぼすSiとAl添加の効果 Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion 36 1 53 59 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2014 1 大塚 秀幸, V.A. Dinh, 大野 隆央, 津﨑 兼彰, 土谷 浩一, 佐原 亮二, 北澤 英明, 中村 照美 BCC-Feの軸比と磁気モーメントに及ぼす炭素の影響の第一原理計算 鉄と鋼 100 10 1329 1338 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2014 2 目黒 奨, 小林 覚, 中村 照美, 津﨑 兼彰 ESPIシステムを用いた9%Ni鋼の溶接途上におけるマルテンサイト変態挙動の測定 鉄と鋼 100 5 632 638 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2014 3 Yasuo Takahashi, Terumi Nakamura, Yoshihiro Asakura, Masakatsu Maeda Influence of surface asperities on interfacial extension during solid state pressure welding IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 61 012001 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2014 4 I. Shuro, S. Kobayashi, T. Nakamura, K. Tsuzaki 複合拡散対法を用いたFe–Cr–Ni–Mn元系におけるα/γ相境界の決定 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 588 284 289 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2013 1 Terumi Nakamura, Kazuo Hiraoka GMA welding of 9% Ni steel in pure argon shielding gas using coaxial multilayer solid wire Welding in the World 57 6 743 752 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2013 2 Hai QIU, Terumi NAKAMURA, Linning WANG, Chengduo WANG, Kazuo HIRAOKA マルテンサイト/残留オーステナイト組織で構成した980MPa級Cr-Ni 溶接金属の衝撃特性 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN WELDING SOCIETY 31 3 216 221 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2013 3 Terumi Nakamura, Kazuo Hiraoka Improvement of welding stability and toughness using Gas Metal Arc welding in pure Ar shielding gas International Journal of Automation Technology 7 1 109 113 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2012 1 中村 照美, 平岡 和雄 純Arシールドガス中でのGMA溶接を可能とする共金系9%Ni鋼用同軸複層ワイヤ 溶接学会論文集 30 3 254 261 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2011 1 T Nakamura, K Hiraoka Effect of coaxial welding wire structure on arc instability in argon shielding gas Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 16 8 717 721 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2010 1 Terumi NAKAMURA, Kazuo HIRAOKA, Manabu TANAKA Control of wire melting behavior using coaxial hybrid solid wire QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN WELDING SOCIETY 29 3 35s 38s 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2009 1 NAKAMURA, Terumi, HIRAOKA, Kazuo Modelling of wire melting behaviour of coaxial hybrid solid wire in gas metal arc welding in a pure argon shielding gas WELDING IN THE WORLD 53 7/8 R158 R165 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2008 1 T. Nakamura, K. Hiraoka, S. Zenitani Improvement of MIG welding stability in pure Ar shielding gas using a small amount of oxygen and a coaxial hybrid solid wire Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 13 1 25 32 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2007 1 銭谷 哲, 中村 照美, 平岡 和雄, 篠崎 賢二 微量酸素軸流局部添加によるAr-MIGアーク溶接特性 溶接学会論文集 25 1 187 195 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2005 1 三上 欣希, 望月 正人, 中村 照美, 平岡 和雄, 豊田 政男 超狭開先アーク溶接部の硬さ分布特性のシミュレーション 溶接学会論文集 23 4 558 563 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900 Paper 2005 2 T. Nakamura, K. Hiraoka, M. Takahashi, T. Sasaki Gsa metal arc welding process with periodically control of shielding gas composition Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 10 2 131 138 2025-01-19 13:04:56 +0900