- 退職
- 2021年1月退職
- 石井 智, シンデ サティシュ, カウアー マンプリート, スガヴァネシュワー ラム パスパティ, 長尾 忠昭. 光励起電荷の発生と光熱変換における 遷移金属窒化物と遷移金属炭化物の利用. レーザー研究. 47 [7] (2019) 365 10.2184/lsj.47.7_365 Open Access
- Manpreet Kaur, Avinash Alagumalai, Omid Mahian, Sameh M. Osman, Tadaaki Nagao, Zhonglin Wang. Harvesting Energy Via Water Movement and Surface Ionics in Microfibrous Ceramic Wools. ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL MATERIALS. 7 [6] (2024) e12760 10.1002/eem2.12760 Open Access
- Manpreet Kaur, Tadaaki Nagao. Minireview on Solar Desalination and Hydropower Generation by Water Evaporation: Recent Challenges and Perspectives in Materials Science. Energy & Fuels. 36 [19] (2022) 11443-11456 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.2c02576 Open Access
- Satoshi Ishii, Manpreet Kaur, Shunsuke Murai, Shinya Goya, Makoto Higashino, Katsuhisa Tanaka, Zih-Ying Yang, Kuo-Ping Chen, Tadaaki Nagao. Titanium nitride for light-to-heat and heat-to-light conversions. META 2021 Warsaw-Poland: The 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics Proceedings. (2021) 1-2
- シンデ サティッシュ ラクスマン, 石井 智, マンプリート カウアー, ダオ デュイ タン, 長尾 忠昭. Plasmonic transition metal nitride and carbide for photocatalytic and photothermal applications. META 2019 Lisbon-Portugal. (2019) 406-407
- Satoshi Ishii, Satish L. Shinde, Ramu P. Sugavaneshwar, Manpreet Kaur, Tadaaki Nagao. Harvesting Sunlight with Titanium Nitride Nanostructures. 2018 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS-Toyama). (2018) 10.23919/piers.2018.8598236
- TANJAYA, Nicholaus, MANPREET, Kaur, NAGAO, Tadaaki, ISHII, Satoshi. Observation of Photothermal Heating Enhancement from Nanostructures with Non-contact Thermometry. IUMRS-ICYRAM 2022 https://icyram2022.wixsite.com/official-site. 2022
- TANJAYA, Nicholaus, MANPREET, Kaur, NAGAO, Tadaaki, ISHII, Satoshi. Photothermal Heating and Heat Transfer Analysis of Titanium Nitride Nanostructures . 第18回プラズモニクスシンポジウム. 2022
- タンジャヤ ニコラウス ケビン, マンプリート カウアー, 長尾 忠昭, 石井 智. Photothermal heating and heat transfer analysis of anodized aluminum oxide having high optical absorptivity. 第82回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会/The 82th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2021. 2021