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論文 TSV
- Ta-Te Chen, Ikumu Watanabe, Dayuan Liu, Kenta Goto. Data-driven estimation of plastic properties of alloys using neighboring indentation test. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods. 1 [1] (2021) 143-151 10.1080/27660400.2021.1959838 Open Access
書籍 TSV
会議録 TSV
口頭発表 TSV
- CHEN, Ta-Te, WATANABE, Ikumu, LIU, Dayuan, Goro Miyamoto. Estimation of plastic properties of alloys using instrumented indentation test. Summit of Materials Science 2023 and GIMRT User Meeting 2023. 2023
- LIU, Dayuan, CHEN, Ta-Te, WATANABE, Ikumu. Estimation of mechanical properties of alloys using neighboring indentation test. NIMS Award Symposium 2023. 2023
- 陳 達徳, 渡邊 育夢, 劉 大元. べき乗則と線形硬化則を組み合わせた構成モデルにおける計装化押込み試験によるデータ駆動型塑性特性推定法. M&M2023 材料力学カンファレンス. 2023
- WATANABE, Ikumu, CHEN, Ta-Te, LIU, Dayuan. Characterization of Mechanical Properties of Alloys using Instrumented Indentation Test. XVII International Conference on Computational Plasticity. 2023 招待講演
- WATANABE, Ikumu, CHEN, Ta-Te, LIU, Dayuan. Characterization of mechanical properties using instrumented indentation test. International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials(THERMEC‘2023): Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications. 2023 招待講演
- 渡邊 育夢, 陳 達徳, 劉 大元. 押し込み試験による局所力学特性の推定. 第28回計算工学講演会. 2023
- LIU, Dayuan, CHEN, Ta-Te, WATANABE, Ikumu. Characterization of Local Mechanical Properties of Alloys Using Instrumented Indentation Test. 日本鉄鋼協会第185回春季講演大会. 2023
- CHEN, Ta-Te, WATANABE, Ikumu, LIU, Dayuan. Data-driven Estimation of Plastic Properties of Alloys with Various Hardening Behaviors Using Neighboring Indentation Test. 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-XV) https://www.wccm2022.org/. 2022
- 陳 達徳, 渡邊 育夢, 劉 大元, 後藤 健太. Data-driven estimation of plastic properties of alloys using neighboring indentation test. 日本金属学会研究会No.82「微小領域の力学特性評価とマルチスケールモデリング」2021. 2021