publication_type publication_year number author title journal_title volume_number issue_number start_page end_page doi reported_at Misc 2020 1 澤口 孝宏, 木村 一弘 物質・材料研究機構 NIMS-RCSMにおける国土強靱化に向けた取り組み JSSC会誌 36 37 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2016 1 木村 一弘 耐熱金属材料 技術総合誌「OHM」 103 12 15 18 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2016 2 KIMURA, Kazuhiro, MURATA, Masaharu, KAMIHIRA, Kazushige, TANAKA, Hideo Creep Deformation Property and Creep Life Evaluation of Type 316L(N) Stainless Steel Manuscript Book of 42nd MPA Seminar 2016 1 15 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2015 1 SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki, TABUCHI, Masaaki, KIMURA, Kazuhiro Creep property and microstructural changes of ASME T91 steels Proceedings of 41st MPA-Seminar 1 9 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2015 2 KIMURA, Kazuhiro, SAWADA, Kota Degradation mechanism of creep rupture ductility in the long-term of creep strength enhanced ferritic steels Proc. 9th Int. Charles Parsons Turbine and Generator Conf. 1 10 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2015 3 KIMURA, Kazuhiro, SAWADA, Kota An attempt to suppress the remarkable drop in creep rupture ductility of Grade 92 steel Proceedings of 41st MPA-Seminar 9999-1 9999-9 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2015 4 KIMURA, Kazuhiro, SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki Evaluation of Creep Deformation Property of Grade 91 Steels Proceedings of PVP2015 1 10 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2014 1 室町 英治, 曽根 純一, 木村 一弘, 黒田 聖治, 香川 豊, 土谷 浩一, 大村 孝仁, 澤田 浩太, 井 誠一郎, 川喜多 磨美子, 門平 卓也, 内藤 公喜, 御手洗 容子 社会インフラ材料研究の新たな展開 安全・安心な持続性社会の構築に向けて [ISBN]978-4-990056353 調査分析室レポートNIMS-RAO-FY2012-1 1冊分 "" 9999-9 9999-9 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2014 2 TODA, Yoshiaki, AUCHI Mitsunari, SHIBUYA, Masachika, SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki, KIMURA, Kazuhiro 新しい材料設計指針に基づくフェライト耐熱鋼の開発 Proceedings of the 10th Liège Conference on Materials for Advanced Power Engineering 2014 239 247 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2014 3 KIMURA, Kazuhiro, TODA, Yoshiaki, AUCHI Mitsunari, SHIBUYA, Masachika, KUSHIMA, Hideaki, SAWADA, Kota Proceedings of 40th MPA Seminar 86 96 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2013 1 KIMURA, Kazuhiro Workshop Proceedings 9999 9999 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2013 2 小林 覚, 木村 一弘, 津﨑 兼彰 フェライト系耐熱鋼における微細Fe2Hfラーベス粒子の形成 耐熱金属材料第123委員会研究報告 85 89 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2012 1 KIMURA, Kazuhiro, KANEMARU, Osamu, SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki Proceedings of 38th MPA Seminar 9999 9999 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2012 2 KIMURA, Kazuhiro, SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki, TODA, Yoshiaki Proceedings of CF-6 9999 9999 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2012 3 SAWADA, Kota, TABUCHI, Masaaki, KIMURA, Kazuhiro Proc. of Workshop for Young Materials Scientists 35 43 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2011 1 KIMURA, Kazuhiro, SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki, TODA, Yoshiaki Proc. ETD Conference 1 12 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2011 2 KIMURA, Kazuhiro, SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki, TODA, Yoshiaki Proc. 8th International Charles Parsons Turbine Conference 9999 9999 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2011 3 木村 一弘 40年を超える世界最長のクリープ試験データ - 高温機器の性能向上と安全性の確保 - CROSS T&T 38 "" 32 35 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2011 4 KIMURA, Kazuhiro, SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki, TODA, Yoshiaki Proc. MPA-Seminar 2011 9999 9999 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2011 5 KIMURA, Kazuhiro, SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki Proc. The 4th Symposium on Heat Resistant Steels and Alloys 9999 9999 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2010 1 KIMURA, Kazuhiro, SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Advances in Materials 9999 9999 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2010 2 KIMURA, Kazuhiro, SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki Proceedings 9th Liège Conference on Materials for Advanced Power Engineering 162 171 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2009 1 SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki, KIMURA, Kazuhiro, TABUCHI, Masaaki Effect of Z-phase formation on creep strength and fracture of 9-12%Cr steels Proc. of USC 2009 20 32 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2009 2 KIMURA, Kazuhiro, SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki Proceedings of USC 2009 9999 9999 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2009 3 戸田 佳明, 渋谷 直哉, 澤田 浩太, 九島 秀昭, 木村 一弘 金属間化合物を強化相としたフェライト系耐熱鋼の組織と特性 日本学術振興会耐熱金属材料第123委員会報告書 379 388 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2008 1 KIMURA, Kazuhiro, SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki Influence of Stress on Creep Deformation Properties of 9-12% Cr Ferritic Creep Resistant Steels Proc. 7th Int. NIMS-MPA-IfW Workshop 9999 9999 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2007 1 SAWADA, Kota, Kenta Suzuki, KUSHIMA, Hideaki, TABUCHI, Masaaki, KIMURA, Kazuhiro Effect of Cr content and tempering temperature on precipitation behavior of Z phase in 9-12%Cr steels Proc. of 33th MPA-Seminar 2007 19.1 19.16 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2007 2 KUSHIMA, Hideaki, WATANABE, Takashi, MURATA, Masaharu, KAMIHIRA, Kazushige, TANAKA, Hideo, KIMURA, Kazuhiro Metallographic Atlas of 1Cr-1Mo-0.25V Turbine Rotor Steel and Changes in Microstructure during Long-term Service at the Elevated Proceedings of Parsons 2007 557 565 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2007 3 木村 一弘 高温,クリープ破壊と余寿命予測技術 高圧ガス 44 6 383 388 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2007 4 KIMURA, Kazuhiro, SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki, TODA, Yoshiaki Influence of Delta Ferrite Phase on Long-term Creep Strength of High Chromium Ferritic Creep Resistant Steels Proceedings of Parsons 2007 465 476 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2007 5 村田 正治, 田中 秀雄, 上平 一茂, 山崎 政義, 木村 一弘 HK40遠心鋳鋼管の長時間クリープ中の微細組織変化 日本学術振興会耐熱金属材料第123委員会研究報告 1 11 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2007 6 木村 一弘 独立行政法人物質・材料研究機構における構造材料データシート研究 保全学 6 1 55 57 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2007 7 木村 一弘 長時間クリープ寿命予測法の最近の進展 耐熱金属材料第123委員会研究報告(設立50周年記念特別号) 417 428 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2007 8 SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki, KIMURA, Kazuhiro, TABUCHI, Masaaki TTP diagrams of Z phase in high Cr heat resistant steels Proceedings of 6th NIMS-MPA-IfW workshop on Development and qualification of new materials for highly efficient USC power plant 98 106 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2007 9 KIMURA, Kazuhiro, SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki, TODA, Yoshiaki Fully Utilize Capacities of New Materials for Advanced Efficiency and Reliability of Components Proceedings of 6th NIMS-MPA-IfW Workshop 114 125 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2007 10 KIMURA, Kazuhiro, SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki, TODA, Yoshiaki Influence of Composition Partitioning on Creep Strength and Type IV Failure of ASME Grade 122 Type Steels Proceedings of International Conference of The International Institute of Welding none none 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2006 1 田中 秀雄, 村田 正治, 上平 一茂, 山崎 政義, 木村 一弘, 阿部 冨士雄 SUS347鋼の長時間クリープ中の析出挙動 耐熱金属材料123委員会研究報告 31 42 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2006 2 SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki, KIMURA, Kazuhiro, TABUCHI, Masaaki Proc. the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Structural Steels 532 537 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2006 3 SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki, KIMURA, Kazuhiro Proc. of 8th Liege conference on Materials for Advanced Power Engnieering 1227 1240 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2005 1 KIMURA, Kazuhiro Proc. Symposium on USC Steels for Fossil Power Plants 2005 145 156 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2005 2 TODA, Yoshiaki, IIJIMA Mitsuyoshi, KUSHIMA, Hideaki, KIMURA, Kazuhiro, ABE, Fujio フェライト母相にした先進耐熱鋼のクリープ強度の向上 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Super-High Strength Steels 1 10 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2005 3 SAWADA, Kota, OHMURA, Takahito, OHBA, Toshio, TSUZAKI, Kaneaki, ABE, Fujio, KIMURA, Kazuhiro, 野中勇 Proc. of International conference on Creep and Fracture in High Temperature Components - Design and Life Assessment Issues 268 279 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2005 4 SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki, KIMURA, Kazuhiro Proc. of Workshop on Performance and requirements of structural materials for modern high efficient power plants 96 104 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2005 5 YOSHINO, Masataka, Y. Mishima, SAWADA, Kota, TODA, Yoshiaki, KUSHIMA, Hideaki, KIMURA, Kazuhiro Proc. of workshop on Performance and requirements of structural materials for modern high efficient power plants 127 138 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2005 6 KIMURA, Kazuhiro, SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki Proc. of Workshop on Performance and requirements of structural materials for modern high efficient power plants 81 95 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2005 7 MIYAZAKI, Hideko, KIMURA, Kazuhiro CREEP & FRACTURE IN HIGH TEMPERATURE COMPONENTS -DESIGN & LIFE ASSESSMENT ISSUES- 314 325 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2004 1 田中 秀雄, 村田 正治, 上平 一茂, 木村 一弘, 阿部 冨士雄, 八木 晃一 SUS321鋼の長時間クリープ中の析出挙動 耐熱金属材料123委員会研究報告 145 155 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2004 2 駒井伸好, 松本弘俊, 増山不二光, KIMURA, Kazuhiro Proc. NIMS-RIMAP Risk Based Engineering Workshop 69 77 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2004 3 木村一弘 弾性限を考慮した高Crフェライト鋼の長時間クリープ強度予測 研究討論会資料 7 12 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2004 4 TODA, Yoshiaki, KUSHIMA, Hideaki, ABE, Fujio, KIMURA, Kazuhiro フェライト母相を用いた高Cr耐熱鋼のクリープ強度と靱性の向上 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants 1 10 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2004 5 TANAKA, Hideo, MURATA, Masaharu, KAMIHIRA, Kazushige, KIMURA, Kazuhiro, ABE, Fujio, YAGI, Koichi NIMS-RIMAP Risk Based Engineering Workshopプロシーディングス 79 89 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2004 6 TODA, Yoshiaki, KUSHIMA, Hideaki, KIMURA, Kazuhiro, ABE, Fujio フェライト母相にした析出強化型フェライト耐熱鋼の開発 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Structural Steels 817 820 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2004 7 KIMURA, Kazuhiro, SAWADA, Kota, KUBO, Kiyoshi, KUSHIMA, Hideaki Proc. Int. Conf on High Temperature Plant Integrity & Life Extension 1 12 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2004 8 KIMURA, Kazuhiro, SAWADA, Kota, KUSHIMA, Hideaki Proc. NIMS-MPA Workshop 1 14 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900 Misc 2004 9 KIMURA, Kazuhiro Proc. Inter. Symp. NIMS Creep Data Sheet 103 114 2024-09-14 22:37:02 +0900