publication_type publication_year number author title journal_title volume_number issue_number start_page end_page doi reported_at
Paper 2024 1 伊藤 海太 AE 波形連続計測によるプロセス条件最適化の加速 非破壊検査 73 6 246 250 2025-02-19 08:21:37 +0900
Paper 2024 2 Kaige Wu, Kaita Ito, Manabu Enoki A Comparative Investigation of Corrosion Behavior and the Concurrent Acoustic Emission of AZ31 Mg Alloy under NaCl and Na<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> Solution Droplets MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 65 5 587 596 2025-02-19 08:21:37 +0900
Paper 2024 3 Kaige Wu, Nobu Yatagai, Kaita Ito, Takayuki Shiraiwa, Manabu Enoki Direct evidence of hydrogen bubble evolution as an acoustic emission source in metal corrosion Corrosion Science 240 112429 112429-11 2025-02-19 08:21:37 +0900
Paper 2022 1 Y. Mototake, K. Ito, M. Demura Quantitative prediction of fracture toughness (KIc) of polymer by fractography using deep neural networks Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods 2 1 310 321 2025-02-19 08:21:37 +0900
Paper 2022 2 渡邊 誠, 野本 祐春, 北野 萌一, 草野 正大, 伊藤 海太 レーザ造形プロセスのマテリアルズインテグレーション技術開発 JOURNAL OF THE GAS TURBINE SOCIETY OF JAPAN 50 2 16 23 2025-02-19 08:21:37 +0900
Paper 2021 1 伊藤 海太 アコースティック・エミッション法による溶射と積層造形のプロセスモニタリング 日本溶射学会誌 溶射 206 211 2025-02-19 08:21:37 +0900
Paper 2021 2 伊藤 海太, 草野 正大, 出村 雅彦, 渡邊 誠 選択的レーザ溶融法による金属材料造形中に発生する微小欠陥のAEモニタリング Journal of The Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection 267 271 2025-02-19 08:21:37 +0900
Paper 2021 3 渡邊 誠, 野本 祐春, 北野 萌一, 草野 正大, 伊藤 海太 選択的レーザ溶融(SLM)プロセスを対象としたマテリアルズインテグレーション技術の開発 Journal of Smart Processing 99 107 2025-02-19 08:21:37 +0900
Paper 2021 4 Kaita Ito, Masahiro Kusano, Masahiko Demura, Makoto Watanabe Detection and location of microdefects during selective laser melting by wireless acoustic emission measurement Additive Manufacturing 40 101915 2025-02-19 08:21:37 +0900
Paper 2020 1 Satoshi Minamoto, Takuya Kadohira, Kaita Ito, Makoto Watanabe Development of the Materials Integration System for Materials Design and Manufacturing MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 61 11 2067 2071 2025-02-19 08:21:37 +0900
Paper 2019 1 Kaige Wu, Fabien Briffod, Kaita Ito, Ippei Shinozaki, Pornthep Chivavibul, Manabu Enoki In-Situ Observation and Acoustic Emission Monitoring of the Initiation-to-Propagation Transition of Stress Corrosion Cracking in SUS420J2 Stainless Steel MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 60 10 2151 2159 2025-02-19 08:21:37 +0900
Paper 2019 2 源 聡, 門平 卓也, 伊藤 海太, 渡邊 誠 SIP-MIプロジェクトにおける統合システムの開発 まてりあ 58 9 511 514 2025-02-19 08:21:37 +0900
Paper 2019 3 Kaige Wu, Kaita Ito, Ippei Shinozaki, Pornthep Chivavibul, Manabu Enoki A Comparative Study of Localized Corrosion and Stress Corrosion Cracking of 13Cr Martensitic Stainless Steel Using Acoustic Emission and X-ray Computed Tomography Materials 12 16 2569 2025-02-19 08:21:37 +0900
Paper 2010 1 志波 光晴, 伊藤 海太, 升田 博之, 山脇 寿, 足立 吉隆, 小島 真由美, 榎 学 塩化マグネシウム液滴腐食試験時に発生したSUS304腐食ピットのAE特性 日本金属学会誌 74 9 559 564 2025-02-19 08:21:37 +0900
Paper 2010 2 Kaita Ito, Hisashi Yamawaki, Hiroyuki Masuda, Mitsuharu Shiwa, Manabu Enoki 連続計測AE波形の解析によるSUS304薄板試験片の塩化物液滴SCCモニタリング MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 51 8 1409 1413 2025-02-19 08:21:37 +0900
Paper 2010 3 Kaita Ito, Satoshi Ohmata, Kazutaka Kobayashi, Makoto Watanabe, Seiji Kuroda, Manabu Enoki 非接触AE法によるプラズマ溶射中のセラミックコーティングのき裂モニタリング MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 51 7 1272 1276 2025-02-19 08:21:37 +0900
Paper 2010 4 Seiji KURODA, Hideyuki MURAKAMI, Makoto WATANABE, Kaita ITOH, Kentaro SHINODA, Xiancheng ZHANG Multi-scale Phenomena and Structures Observed in Fabrication of Thermal Barrier Coatings by Using Plasma Spraying Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering 4 2 88 93 2025-02-19 08:21:37 +0900
Paper 2009 1 Koichi Taniguchi, Manabu Enoki, Makoto Watanabe, Seiji Kuroda, Kaita Ito In situ monitoring of cracking behaviors of plasma-sprayed coatings by the laser acoustic emission technique Journal of Materials Research 24 10 3182 3189 2025-02-19 08:21:37 +0900
Paper 2009 2 伊藤 海太, 山脇 寿, 升田 博之, 志波 光晴, 榎 学 連続計測AE波形の解析によるSUS304薄板試験片の塩化物液滴SCCモニタリング HIHAKAI KENSA 58 1 25 29 2025-02-19 08:21:37 +0900
Paper 2008 1 KAITA ITO, MANABU ENOKI, MAKOTO WATANABE, SEIJI KURODA, ITO, Kaita, Manabu Enoki, WATANABE, Makoto, KURODA, Seiji In situ monitoring of plasma spraying process by laser acoustic emission method Modern Physics Letters B 22 11 977 982 2025-02-19 08:21:37 +0900